Hanks 3RD run going for the cut

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Post by beefcake66 »

I've been on it for about 2 weeks and I feel nothing :(
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Post by Hank! »

AN seems to take a few weeks before you "take notice" I started on 3 per day but get some headaches from the Melatonin, so i dropped to 2 per day 5 on 2 off. Three is the sweet spot for me , 2 i dont notice much
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 9
Monday Jan 31

6a 6x cbol creatine, 2x Ebol
6:15 coffe with stevia/ cream
630 2 eggs, spinach, garlic
830 a Coffee with Cream and sugar
9a 2 TBS Natty PB
11a 2 oz spinach with 4 oz flank steak
12 2 x Ebol
12:15 P-bol
12:45 The formula
1 Workout
Incline bench DB/ Wide Grip Front lat pull
90x8x3/ 225x6x3
Flat Barbell Bench/ Seated Row
185x15/205x8/225x6 // 185x8x3
Decline Bench // Reverse grip pull down
Narrow Grip Bench (on Floor)// curls db
225x8x2// 35x20x2
2:30 one scoop isologyin milk
3:30 Madras Lentils
5p 2 x Tbls natty pb
7p Flank steak, brocolli tomato 2 x rbol
9p Bowl of Kashi
9:30 2 x an

Felt good, back is pretty much healed though i will not do sldl today

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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 9
Tuesday Feb 1
5:30 Coffee stvia, cream
6a 2x ebol, 6x cbol creatine
7a Smoothie : spinach, cottage cheese, 2 eggs , 1 scoop wheyology, water
10 Vanilla Greek yogurt 1c
10:30 handful almonds
12:45 P-bol 3x Ebol
1:30 Gym

Squats/ Standing overhead press
185x10/x185x10/225x8/225x7// 115x8x4
Leg Press// leg curls

Wide Grip Rows 185x8x3
Narrow Grip Rows 185x3

Lateral raise// Front raise

Felt good, back slightly tight

2:50 isology in milk
4p Turkey on sourdough
6:30 Formula
6:45 2 Ebol
7:00 Kettle Bell Class 800 calories burned in 45 minutes (on hrm)
8:15 Chicken BReast with grilled veg and .5 sweet potato, 1 triangle of a steak quesadilla, small small slice of pizza and 6 m$m's
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 10
Wed Feb 2

Normal supplementations throughout day
6 cbol creatine, 6 E-Bol, 5000 IU D, 1gm fish oil, 2 an

Additional supplementation

Diet (def saw app suppression with ECA)
2 Eggs
Coffee with Stevia, Cream
1 Cup Vanilla Greek Yogurt
Hamburger Steak , Collard Greens
Strawberry GNC protein in while milk (20 oz)
8oz ground beef, .75 cup Trader joes refried beans, spinach
1 Cup greek yogurt, 1 Scoop isology, 4 oz milk

No workout

Weight 263.8
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 11
Thursday Feb 3

5a Coffee stevia, creamer
630a 4Eggs, feta, spinach, onion tomato
7a 3x cbol creatine, Vit D 5000, Fish Oil
8:45 Coffee Stevia, Creamer w/ Cinnamon
10 1 cup greek yogurt, 1 sccop isology, i cup blueberries
1015 Coffe Stevia, Cinnamon
11:30 2 x ebol, 3 cbol creatine
12:30 6oz ground beef, .5 cup refried beans
2p scoop starwberry pro with 16 oz milk
4 2 spoons natty pb
5 2x ebol
8 Chicken ceaser salad, 16 mini meatballs in sauce and 1 sccop isology in milk
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 12
Friday Feb 4

5a Coffee, stevia, creamer
630 3x ebol, 6x cbol creatine, 2gm fish oil, 5000 iu d
6:45 3 eggs , 2c spinach, garlic
8a coffee, stevia, creamer
11:45 16 oz Milk, scoop Strawberry pro, spoon of natty pb
12:30 3 Ebol , 1 PBol
1:30 Workout
3p 2 cups spinach, 5oz chickn breast
4p Green Tea
7p 4 oz salmon, 1 cup Broccoli
9 Cottage cheese with Cinnamon
11p 3 x AN
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Post by beefcake66 »

are you using the aspirin too? how much?
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Post by Hank! »

i dont usually use an asprin, but if i do its one tablet adult dose
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Post by beefcake66 »

Alright just wondering because you wrote in "ECA" stack :)
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Post by Hank! »

I do take different stims, but i dont use them every day

EC is the chepest but i dont like the idea of taking all the guafisin that is in the Primetine.

I was taking Stim X noticed a good stim kick , minimal crash
EC/a works but i crash hard and i can get grumpy on it

Took an oxyelite pro on Thursday and literally was falling asleep at my desk
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Post by Hank! »

Just a quick update

Saturday cheat day for me, ate what i wanted but over all not bad

Wt was at 261.6
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 15
Monday Feb 7

6a 2xEbol, 6xcbol
6:15 Coffee with Stevia, half/half
6:30 3 fried eggs
7 3gm fish oil, 500 iu d3
8a Coffee with Stevia, half/half
845 8oz greek yogurt , 1 scoop isology
11 2c Spinach, 12oz NY Strip, Feta, Tomatos oil and vinegar
12:30 P-Bol
1:20 formula

1:30 Workout
Decline Bench Press 225x15, 265x10, 265x10
Incline Db/ Db Rows
95x6/90x6/80x12/80x10/80x10 // 100x6x5
Floor Press // Close grip Pull downs
225x18/225x12/225x14 // 185x10/225x10x2

Felt good, and pretty strong.

Weight after work out 262
3p 3x ebol
330p Strawberry protein in skim milk

Dinner was weak
I had 2 Oh Yeah Crisp Bars (420 cals)
1 teaspoon Hummus
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Post by Hank! »

Feast Day 16
Tuesday Feb 8


6a 2 Ebol, 1 Alpha t2
630 Coffee, 3 eggs
7a Juice of two Grapfruit
8a Coffee with steva and .5..5
930 1c greek yogurt . 1 scoop isology
1130 2 ebol
12 bucket of spinach, 4oz chiken, hand full pecans
130 Formula
1:50 Workout (lower)
4 4oz turkey, two tbs hummus
7p 4 chicken thighs, mixed greens
9p cottage cheese
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