Street-dreams Second Bp Run

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Post by DaCookie »

I wouldnt take anything made by vitol.There stuff is garbage, 100mg Vanadium in their multi when taken daily is not very good.I know your using the weight gainer but I wouldnt support companys doing this anyway.

You should make your own gainer, much more healthy
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Post by Street-dreams »

Well I like the gainer.. it tastes good, doesnt upset my stomach.. and I can eat an hour after ive taken it.. plus its very dense in calories.. more powder per calorie than other gainers..

I take it in premade gainer form because Its more convenient I don't have a blender for one.. I dont want to purchase a ton of separate ingredients that can go bad, I dont want to have to "make" a shake every day or whatever...

with a pre made I can use it or not use it and it will be good for many months.
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Post by Street-dreams »

almost forgot weight 177
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Post by Street-dreams »

Feast workout #1 feast day 4

Benchpress 165x8!!
Pullovers 60x8

Deadlift 235x10
seated row 145x8

Push press 115 6 6 6 6 6 6
bent over row 115 6 6 6 6 6 6

Romanian Deadlift 135 6 6 6
hack squat bar + 70 6 bar +120 6 bar +90 6 (was having trouble figuring out correct weight)

high rack pull 315 x 15 secs

Bench feels sooo much better this time around
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Post by Street-dreams »

to elaborate on my comment about bench feeling better... last time I did BP i couldn't hit inside of the range I was supposed to for bench.I think maybee the problem was I misjudged my max on the bench.
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Post by Street-dreams »

feast day 5

weight 181 this is a lil odd I weighed 177 yesterday..

soo thats a 4lb gain in one day.. not that Im

I know some of its creatine weight but I normally only carry about 5lbs of that. My weight at end of cruise was 180lbs


end of cruise 180
start of famine 175
today 181
goal weight 190

9lbs to go
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Post by Street-dreams »

just checked bodyfat.. looks like im 15.9% currently.. Ill check this near the end(only an estimate from tape measure) to see where im at at the end of this run
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Post by nigh70wl »

damn man I like the calories you're hitting. it sounds like you're enjoying your eats too, that all sounds delicious, especially the bison.

I'm curious about the gainer, are you getting that pretty cheap from somewhere? I'm checking it out on BB and although the ingredients, calories and protein amounts are insane it looks pricey for using over any period of time
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Post by Street-dreams »

I only take 1 scoop at a time and theres 15 scoops per container for 24$ not THAT bad.. plus im mainly doing it for the first week of feast after that im toning down calories some... since more of it will likely go to fat after the first week.
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Post by Street-dreams »

feast day 6 weight 183
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Post by Street-dreams »

O btw decided to take another rest day.. adding in the squats did it :P my legs still VERY sore.
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Post by Street-dreams »

Feast day 7 181 also it looks like the rest continues for one more day.
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Post by Street-dreams »

O btw Ive decided to cut my calories from 5k everyday to 5k on workout days and 3k on off days.
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Post by Street-dreams »

day 8 weight 181
some notes on the stack..
have had increased appetite sinced day 1 have been able to eat every 2 hrs
feeling of being alpha on day 5
these benfits i attribute to stoked..
i also notice increased shoulder and back acne and aggression/iritability(iincreased test)
my muscles are also lookijg really full. (glycobol/ebol/stoked) all 3 of those are supposed to have that
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