bompus's 1st BP log

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bompus's 1st BP log

Post by bompus »

Well.. I've made the plunge and decided to go all out with BP!

I'm male, 26 years old, 174 lbs, 5'9", and 19.0% bodyfat ( according to Omron on Athlete mode ).

I've seen the Omron be fairly accurate gauging -changes- in Athlete mode, and it was the mode that gave me 5 consistent reads, whereas "normal" mode was +/- 2% right after each other.. I am using it to gauge progress, not exact BF %.

I paid for a customized program and will be following that. It is a body recomposition type of program, and I'm very excited to get going with it.

I have a lot of work to do... My body is used to a fast food and soda diet (like a LOT of soda), so I get to retrain it.

I have not worked out for about 2 years (nothing serious) so I am expecting some pretty decent results from this first run. My goal is to drop bodyfat and increase lean muscle mass... not worrying too much on the stength on this one... that will come later.

I don't have a lot of free time to post too much detail, but will try to update this thread as much as possible with weight, bodyfat, PH + protein levels (from Multistix), and some of my eating habits.

Every once in a while look for me to post PR's.. I will be putting up many PR's since I am counting this as my new "beginning to bodybuilding" as I can't remember most of my old PR's.

Here are the macro plans for the stages:
Famine: 1400 cals
Feast: 2800 cals (60/25/15)
Cruise: 2800 cals (40/30/30)

If anyone has any comments, let em rip!

I'll be starting famine stage in 2 days and will post more info then.

Edit - I will be starting the eating portion of the famine phase tomorrow because I am afraid to dive into it during the work week and due to my horrible diet now, I need an extra day to get my body ready. Not sure if this is recommended or not, but I will be doing all famine diet tomorrow except maybe 1 meal I will be forced to eat at my grandmother's house. The famine workouts will begin Monday however.
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Post by bompus »

Plans for stage 1:

goal: 1360 calories , plenty of water, 50g protein maximum

MEAL 1: (7am)
- multi-vitamin / omega-3 / alkaplex greens / 2 tbsp lecithin granules
- 1 cup of grapefruit juice (200 calories)
- 1 banana (100 calories)
total: 300

Meal 2: (11am)
- 1 apple (45 calories)
- 2 banana's (200 calories)
- 4oz of v8 fusion - I don't own a juicer, so this will have to work (50c)
total: 295

1pm: Workout (on workout days)

MEAL 3: (2pm)
- salad (leaves + 1 cucumber (45c) + 1 tbsp olive oil (120c) + vinegar (5c)) - (170c)
- 8oz of v8 fusion (100c)
total: 270

MEAL 4: (6pm)
- 1 apple (45 calories)
- 1 cucumber (45 calories)
- 1 banana (100 calories)
total: 190 calories

MEAL 4 (10pm)
- multi-vitamin / omega-3 / alkaplex greens / 2 tbsp lecithin granules
- 2 cups of a warmed, skim milk (180 calories )
- 1 apple (45 calories)
- 1 banana (100 calories)
total: 325 calories

TOTAL: ~1380 calories

some food alternatives (if I feel the urge to change it up):
- 1 sweet potato baked (140 calories)
- 1 cup carrots (50 calories)
- 1/4 cup of almonds (135 calories)
- 10 celery strips (10 calories)
- 1 cup of raspberries (65 calories)
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Post by RobRegish »

Textbook! :)

Keep up the great work!!
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Post by bompus »

Just figured I would update this pre workout today.. Over the weekend checked Protein+PH using Multistix and results are negative for protein and 6.0 for PH (not good)...

I'm confident that my drastically changed diet, especially the much increased intake of veggies and fruits will get my PH up to 7.0 - 7.5 .. for those of you that care, your body does everything is can to maintain a blood PH of 7.35 , so if you have a PH of 6.0 like me, that is quite a bit of work your body has to do internally.

I half-way started the famine stage diet yesterday to start to condition my body out of it's soda cravings... so far so good.. not a perfect diet day yesterday but incredibly improved over what I was eating and drinking.

I expect to see drastic changes in my body, primarily just by cutting out soda, which generally made me feel like crap all the time. I'm super pumped about getting back into my workout routine and muscle building diet.

Wish me luck.. workouts and full famine diet start TODAY!
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Post by RobRegish »

Way to go bompus!!!

On the soda habit, credit AskMass for this gem:

Consider a 50/50 mix of seltzer water and straight H20. Then, add just a touch of ginger.

You'll get there... :)
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Post by bompus »

Haven't had the craving for soda at all, so definitely a plus..

Worked out yesterday and feeling the soreness today.. I can barely move but it feels good.

Can't seem to get a good resting heartrate for comparison.. I checked on Sunday and it was 59, which I was going to compare against.. but I checked Monday and it was 89, checked today and it was 76... so nothing consistent enough to get an average off of.. I checked a few times last week to get an average and I was getting 80's and 90's the whole time.. Maybe my body just doesn't rest well.

Checked with the multistix last night and pH is still at 6.0 and protein is still negative (or very small trace).

Diet is going ok.. I really hate salad (lettuce+cucumbers).. any suggestions for what to replace the salad with?

If I can move freely enough, I am planning on basketball a couple of hours tonight and then on to workout #2 tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

Spinach sauteed in garlic, onions etc is an EXCELLENT alternative. I think Hank's the spinach man around here!!
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Post by bompus »

I'll have to try that.

Shoulders, triceps, quads still very sore from Monday's workout.. to be expected for not working out in so long. The strangest thing is that I didn't purposely hit shoulders or tri's... oh well.

Didn't get to my 2nd workout yesterday because I managed to lock my keys in the car at work and had to wait for someone to come unlock it... I'll be doing 2nd workout today though and 3rd (if I feel I need it) on Saturday.

Weight this morning was 170, down 4 lbs in 4 days. I'll get some more exact numbers on Saturday morning and post them up here, along with the latest pH and protein results from the multistix.

Haven't noticed any change from the use of (2 tbsp 2x daily) Lecithin granules. No noticeable change in mood, focus, energy, etc.. I still have plenty and more on the way so I will give it a shot over a few months and see what I think with long term use.

Also not noticing anything from Alkaplex Green. I do have more in stock and will judge the results over a 2 month period. The main thing I will be monitoring is if it helps raise my pH.. Once I finally get pH to 7.0 - 7.5, I will experiment with discontinuing them... If it stays the same, then I will just use my diet to control this.

Enough rambling.. work to do!
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Post by RobRegish »

bompus wrote:I'll have to try that.

Shoulders, triceps, quads still very sore from Monday's workout.. to be expected for not working out in so long. The strangest thing is that I didn't purposely hit shoulders or tri's... oh well.

Didn't get to my 2nd workout yesterday because I managed to lock my keys in the car at work and had to wait for someone to come unlock it... I'll be doing 2nd workout today though and 3rd (if I feel I need it) on Saturday.

Weight this morning was 170, down 4 lbs in 4 days. I'll get some more exact numbers on Saturday morning and post them up here, along with the latest pH and protein results from the multistix.

COMMENT: Right on schedule. Keep that up and you'll likely get a waiver on workout #3. Also, are you cursing my name frequently? That's another sign :)

Let me know how workout #2 goes. We'll make that call together... :)

Haven't noticed any change from the use of (2 tbsp 2x daily) Lecithin granules. No noticeable change in mood, focus, energy, etc.. I still have plenty and more on the way so I will give it a shot over a few months and see what I think with long term use.

Also not noticing anything from Alkaplex Green. I do have more in stock and will judge the results over a 2 month period. The main thing I will be monitoring is if it helps raise my pH.. Once I finally get pH to 7.0 - 7.5, I will experiment with discontinuing them... If it stays the same, then I will just use my diet to control this.

Enough rambling.. work to do!
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Post by bompus »

Just got done with workout #2... actually it pretty much got done with me.. Had to drop the weights down on a couple of sets in order to complete even 8 reps (and I was using LIGHT weights)... My body was definitely hating me today. I'll do another multistix tonight, weigh in and check bf % in the AM and see where to go from there.
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Post by RobRegish »

Get's hard yes.

Keep this in mind at all times: Your ultimate reward is oftentimes measured by the magnitude of the struggle...
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Post by bompus »

5 days and down 5 lbs and according to the Omron -0.9% bodyfat. Yay!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man!

You're done man. You're there.. :)
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Beginning Feast

Post by bompus »

Getting started on the feast.. difficult transition as I am not used to eating this much, so its been an odd 2 days.. Attached is my sample "workout day" meal plan and the macros.. Workout would be at 1pm. Let me know what you think.

I'll paste the goodies below that surround the workout hour of power:

Last meal before workout: 10am

1 hour preworkout (12pm)
- 1 dose multivitamin
- 1g Alpha GPC

30m preworkout (12:30pm)
- BPI 1.M.R
- 3g GABA

15m preworkout (12:45pm)
- "the formula" (drink pre/intra/finish right at end of workout)

WORKOUT!!! (1pm)

1 hour postworkout (2pm)
- high fat, high protein solid food meal

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