Kswimbledon's Log

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Post by RobRegish »

Yes. Your situation is a bit different so you have my blessings.

Let the Feast begin!!!
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Post by kswimbledon »

Thanks Rob. And I really appreciate you getting back to me before dinner time as well.

So I went to dinner, and the protein they had at the mess hall wasnt the best. Fried catfish and hot wings. I wasnt feeling it, so I just got a couple plates of wheat pasta with veggies, and a plate of hush puppies. Maybe a little high in calories, but not in protein. Essentially, I think I basically kept the famine going, which may be good.

I experienced the heightened sense of smell, which was actually amazingly cool. The pasta was the best I've tasted in a while. I could smell everything, and my nose has like opened up and the air I breath seems to feel cleaner. I also have been getting brain buzzes, almost like highs. Really weird yet cool.

During eating though, I would go from starved to feeling like if I ate one more bite I would throw up. I didnt eat that much: Probably 3.5 cups of wheat pasta and 10 hush puppies. After the first cup I felt like I may throw up from it. Is it normal for the famine to suppress the appetite like this?

I was thinking about maybe picking up a sandwich later tonight, but I'm honestly so tired that I may just fall asleep.

No count for calories today, as I didnt pay enough attention at dinner (and more because I'm too exhausted to type it into myplate), but all I had was dinner and half of my v8.

Anyways, tomorrow starts the feast. Supplement wise I will be taking:
The Formula (cheap edition)
Inner Armor Nitro Peak chocolate whey protein (for around workout time)
Strawberry Myofusion
Ultima (pre workout)

and I will sometimes use a dose of EC if I feel the need to suppress hunger (I dont plan to use this often, definitely not within the first week).

I have a bottle of Lean Xtreme laying around, but was planning on using it for the run after this one, as I wanted to just use the diet and blueprint as my source for fat loss. Towards summer time I'll break out the LX. Unless you think it would be better served in this run?

I will be doing BCAA dosing for the 3 day on/off deal, 20g a day in between meals.

Any and all suggestions, critiques, etc are extremely appreciated!
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Post by RobRegish »

kswimbledon wrote:Thanks Rob. And I really appreciate you getting back to me before dinner time as well.

So I went to dinner, and the protein they had at the mess hall wasnt the best. Fried catfish and hot wings. I wasnt feeling it, so I just got a couple plates of wheat pasta with veggies, and a plate of hush puppies. Maybe a little high in calories, but not in protein. Essentially, I think I basically kept the famine going, which may be good.

I experienced the heightened sense of smell, which was actually amazingly cool. The pasta was the best I've tasted in a while. I could smell everything, and my nose has like opened up and the air I breath seems to feel cleaner. I also have been getting brain buzzes, almost like highs. Really weird yet cool.

During eating though, I would go from starved to feeling like if I ate one more bite I would throw up. I didnt eat that much: Probably 3.5 cups of wheat pasta and 10 hush puppies. After the first cup I felt like I may throw up from it. Is it normal for the famine to suppress the appetite like this?

I was thinking about maybe picking up a sandwich later tonight, but I'm honestly so tired that I may just fall asleep.

No count for calories today, as I didnt pay enough attention at dinner (and more because I'm too exhausted to type it into myplate), but all I had was dinner and half of my v8.

Anyways, tomorrow starts the feast. Supplement wise I will be taking:
The Formula (cheap edition)
Inner Armor Nitro Peak chocolate whey protein (for around workout time)
Strawberry Myofusion
ebol ecdy
Ultima (pre workout)

and I will sometimes use a dose of EC if I feel the need to suppress hunger (I dont plan to use this often, definitely not within the first week).

I have a bottle of Lean Xtreme laying around, but was planning on using it for the run after this one, as I wanted to just use the diet and blueprint as my source for fat loss. Towards summer time I'll break out the LX. Unless you think it would be better served in this run?

A. Save it for cruise. Best placed there..

I will be doing BCAA dosing for the 3 day on/off deal, 20g a day in between meals.

Any and all suggestions, critiques, etc are extremely appreciated!
A. My privilege and pleasure to answer them man. I never forget that, BTW :)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Alright, heres the summary of the the first few days of the feast:
Saturday morning weigh in before eating anything:188.2

Days 2-3 = no weigh in, no counted calories, played some ball on saturday was the only form of cardio. I went with the 3 day 3 off BCAA protocol, and had about 10 grams of BCAA a day, 2.5 in between meals.

Q1. Anything wrong with that or is that drastically too low? I was aiming for 20, as I considered that to be the low end. But I thought it 1g of BCAA per cap, turns out it takes 2 caps to get 1g, effectively halving my dose.

Also started Ebol as well, as per Rob's instructions/ instructions on label.

I didnt eat the cleanest, didnt go overboard except to eat a ton of biscuits and gravy and eggs for my breakfasts, but I did sneak a cookie and a slice of cake. Also I didnt have access to my normal dining hall due to MLK day, and that its closed on weekends.This led to

Day 4, Tuesday:
Weight: 195.2 (7 lb increase in a couple of days had me a little scared...) This is also around a 2 lb increase on my baseline too.

Ebol upon waking, the Breakfast of greek yogurt mixed with myofusion.

several hours later, I had 2 caps ebol and 3 caps fish oil an hour prior to wo. Ultima 30 min b4 workout. then sipping on the formula, 15 min prior to wo, finished after wo.

Here's the workout:

Bench: 185 x 7 and then someone spotted me for the 8th rep
Pullover: 60x10 (too light)

Squats: 225x 4 (ass all the way to the ground) + 4 more to parallel
SLD: 8 x 95 (I'm always very careful with these and focus on form b4 getting frisky with the weight)

EDT Block 1
Incline DB press: 55 lb dbs: 6,6,6,6,6,12 (42 total)
T-Bar Rows: 80lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,6 (36 total)
Time: 15:05
Totals: 78
Notes: Will be upping weight on Incline to 65 lbs for Weds workout, and the T-Bar will be upped to 90.

EDT Block 2
Romanian Deads: 135lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,6 (36 total)
Leg Sled: 4 plates on either side: 6,6,6,6,6,15 (45 total)
Time: 17:20
Totals: 81
Notes: Will be upping Romanian Deads to 185, and Leg sled to 5 plates a piece.

One Ab static hold: 92.8 lbs for 24 seconds. Will move up to maxed out machine of 97.8 lbs.

End: Ok, thats my workout, I definitely did not hit "traction" in this stage. I did less weight than I expected I would be able to. But oh well. However, going light with squats made me realize I can improve my form my even more on my squat, and go ass all the way to the ground basically, as opposed to parallel.

Q: Is it better to go to parallel and do more weight, or go ass to ground and do less weight?

I will increase my EDT blocks as well. Another q regarding that...

Q: Should I change up my EDT blocks per workout? It seems like a good idea, seeing as how I'd not be directly working shoulders, biceps, etc otherwise. If so, how often should I change up, and what blocks would u recommend? Please give specific examples, just because I'm kind of dumb for some reason when it comes to this.

My calories for Tuesday:

16.5g of fat
274 carbs
143 protein
1885 calories
Analysis: too low protein, too high of calories, need more protein.

Question: I've read in some logs that you suggest almost a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Why is that, is that only for bulking, and does it apply to me? Is 143g of protein definitely way too little?
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Post by kswimbledon »

And here's weds stats

Weigh in: 189.8
Notes: It came back down to where I'd expect it after watching my counting my calories for a day. However, thats a bit of weight to lose in one day, andI definitely dont want to keep that up. Will keep updated to see whats going on here.

Had a test in the morning, took EC to wake up for it as well as Ultima to study. After the test, I had some energy to burn so I went for some HIIT on the elliptical for 20 minutes, as suggested in the sticky. 20 seconds sprinting, 1 min walk. It was intense, and when I ran, I kept my knees bent real low, like running in a squat. I really felt it working my quads, glutes, and hammies. I just hope it doesnt hurt me tomorrow for my workout.

Also as a side note to this, with my diet I've kind of decided on doing more of a warrior diet approach to things. Therefore, I ran in a fasted state, even though I started at around 12:30 in the afternoon.

Calories for today:
38g fat
167g carbs
137.4g protein
2116 calories
Analysis: Too high fat, too little protein, too many overall calories.

Tomorrows my next HIT workout and I really cant wait to bust some ass! As a side note, I got about 5 hours of sleep last night, which isnt great by any means, but is sadly normal for me. But recently, I've really been dragging when I dont get my sleep, and I think I can attribute that to the Ebol. No freaky dreams yet, but I think my body's telling me I need sleep, and I'm gonna listen.
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Post by RobRegish »

kswimbledon wrote:Alright, heres the summary of the the first few days of the feast:
Saturday morning weigh in before eating anything:188.2

Days 2-3 = no weigh in, no counted calories, played some ball on saturday was the only form of cardio. I went with the 3 day 3 off BCAA protocol, and had about 10 grams of BCAA a day, 2.5 in between meals.

Q1. Anything wrong with that or is that drastically too low? I was aiming for 20, as I considered that to be the low end. But I thought it 1g of BCAA per cap, turns out it takes 2 caps to get 1g, effectively halving my dose.

A. Yeah you want at least 20g/day here. Bulk powder is the way to go IMO. The BP MassStack is an elegent solution for 2 reasons:

1.) 2 tubs of MassProAmino get you through BCAA loading protocol #1
2.) 2 tubs of MassProAmino get you through BCAA loading protocol #2 too

Also started ebol ecdy as well, as per Rob's instructions/ instructions on label.

I didnt eat the cleanest, didnt go overboard except to eat a ton of biscuits and gravy and eggs for my breakfasts, but I did sneak a cookie and a slice of cake. Also I didnt have access to my normal dining hall due to MLK day, and that its closed on weekends.This led to

Day 4, Tuesday:
Weight: 195.2 (7 lb increase in a couple of days had me a little scared...) This is also around a 2 lb increase on my baseline too.

ebol ecdy upon waking, the Breakfast of greek yogurt mixed with myofusion.

several hours later, I had 2 caps ebol ecdy and 3 caps fish oil an hour prior to wo. Ultima 30 min b4 workout. then sipping on the formula, 15 min prior to wo, finished after wo.

Here's the workout:

Bench: 185 x 7 and then someone spotted me for the 8th rep
Pullover: 60x10 (too light)

Squats: 225x 4 (ass all the way to the ground) + 4 more to parallel
SLD: 8 x 95 (I'm always very careful with these and focus on form b4 getting frisky with the weight)

EDT Block 1
Incline DB press: 55 lb dbs: 6,6,6,6,6,12 (42 total)
T-Bar Rows: 80lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,6 (36 total)
Time: 15:05
Totals: 78
Notes: Will be upping weight on Incline to 65 lbs for Weds workout, and the T-Bar will be upped to 90.

EDT Block 2
Romanian Deads: 135lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,6 (36 total)
Leg Sled: 4 plates on either side: 6,6,6,6,6,15 (45 total)
Time: 17:20
Totals: 81
Notes: Will be upping Romanian Deads to 185, and Leg sled to 5 plates a piece.

One Ab static hold: 92.8 lbs for 24 seconds. Will move up to maxed out machine of 97.8 lbs.

End: Ok, thats my workout, I definitely did not hit "traction" in this stage. I did less weight than I expected I would be able to. But oh well. However, going light with squats made me realize I can improve my form my even more on my squat, and go ass all the way to the ground basically, as opposed to parallel.

A. It's OK man. Totally natural to be feeling your way around at this point inofar as getting into an optimal rep range. You can best accomplish this by studying the following. BONUS: You'll have warmed up in the process!:


https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=441

Q: Is it better to go to parallel and do more weight, or go ass to ground and do less weight?

A. I'd suggest going JUST below parallel. REASON: When you go ass to grass, it does impart greater stress on the patella tendon/ligaments surrounding such. It's for this reason I SO love the Ironmind Hip Belt Squat. Why? Because once you have the setup worked out it's simply a matter of touching the weight briefly to the floor and rebounding.

BINGO: You've just ensured you hit your desired depth EVERY rep of EVERY set.

I will increase my EDT blocks as well. Another q regarding that...

Q: Should I change up my EDT blocks per workout? It seems like a good idea, seeing as how I'd not be directly working shoulders, biceps, etc otherwise. If so, how often should I change up, and what blocks would u recommend? Please give specific examples, just because I'm kind of dumb for some reason when it comes to this.

A. You have two options here. Let's say you get your required 20% increase in reps. You now have the option of proceeding along the following 2 paths:

1.) Up the weight 5%, sticking with the same exercises and rest periods


2.) Switching up the exercise template. If that's your ticket, here's how to incorporate both shoulders, bi's and tri's

EDT Block #1

Seated BB shoulder press immediately into
Upright rows OR reverse butterfly machine. For this, sit facing INTO the machine and push BACK with the elbows.

This will provide at least 1 (perhaps 2) compound lifts for the shoulders and at least 1 or possibly 2 isolation movements. Shoulders, associated rotator cuffs etc. are prone to being overworked/injured. Recall also they'll be getting PLENTY of work via your have bridge workouts 1-5 into Feast and GLP1 loading patterns.

Thus, my thinking on the matter.

EDT Block #2

Decline skull crushers with an EZ curl or BB. Make sure to get a spotter! Here's why...

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=971

Super set those with lying cable curls.

Briefly, attach a handle to a low pulley as if performing seated cable rows. Now lean flat on your back and curl the weight up to a point of maximal contraction, then slowly lower.

You won't believe how effective this is (reversing the strength cuve via the cable). Your pump will likely last for hours. Go EASY the first time with this.. :)

Hope that helps!

My calories for Tuesday:

16.5g of fat
274 carbs
143 protein
1885 calories
Analysis: too low protein, too high of calories, need more protein.

Question: I've read in some logs that you suggest almost a 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein. Why is that, is that only for bulking, and does it apply to me? Is 143g of protein definitely way too little?
A. It applies to any carb based diet whether your cutting, bulking or re-comping. Let's take a look at why...

Your body/brain wants to burn glucose. Why is this? Because it's the most efficient, cleanest fuel it can burn. When you feed your body primarily protein for example, it gets real good at...... burning protein for fuel. This isn't good as it's spendy, throws off a LOT of metabolic waste (i.e. urea and acidosis leading to a more acidic state etc.). Recall protein is ultimately broken down into amino ACIDS. You don't want to be acidic... you want to be alkaline!

Back on point: When sufficient carbs are present (I speculate at least 1.5 to 1 ratio), your body gets the message: We'll burn glucose for fuel and put those amino acids to work building new muscle.

Exactly what you want!

Hope that helps....
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Post by kswimbledon »

Thanks so much for all the info Rob. I know you're a busy man, and I really appreciate the time and effort you're investing in my run. I wont let you down!
Feast Day 6
Weight: 188.2 (down one lb from yesterday... stabilized, but I want to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week, not a day... more on this later)

Alright, so I wasnt feeling too sore yesterday, but today it hit me. My full body was beginning to get sore, from the workout on Tuesday. I'm guessing this is as a result of my formua being slightly off on tuesday, and more likely, that I simply am not eating many calories per day, coupled with crappy sleep.

Anyways, long story short I did some active recovery by hopping in the lake and freezing my ass off (dont ask.. school thing) and then hauled butt back to my room to take a hot shower. A little less than an hour later I was in the gym.

I took ebol pre workout by an hour. Drank 1/2 Ultima 30 min pre, then sipped the rest up until the workout began (1st time drinking all of it prior to workout and not peri). I also ate a cup of fat free greek yogurt mixed with strawberry myofusion an hour before the workout to ensure I had a good amount of calories in me before.

And here's the workout:

Bench: (205) x 2 +2 spotted reps
Pullovers: (70 lb db) x 6

Squat (to just below parallel): (250)x5
SLDs: (115)x6

EDT block 1:
Incline DB bench: (60lb db) x 6,6,6,6,6,7 = 37
T-Bar Rows: (90)x 6,6,5,6,5,6= 34
Time: 14:58
Total Reps: 71

EDT block 2:
Decline skullcrushers EZ bar: (45) x6,6,6,6,4: 28
Lying Cable Curl: (30) x 6,6,6,6, 8 on right and 6 on left: 31
Time: 17:20
Total reps: 59

Ab static hold: 97.5 (maxed out machine): 30 seconds

Analysis of workout:
For bench, I really thought I was actually underestimating myself by going for 205. I'm used to that weight being pretty light, but I got under the bar and was just noticeabley weaker.
Q: Is this carry over from the famine, or is the lack of calories causing my weakness?

For the EDT block of incline bench and T-Bar, I'm gonna up the weight on both. I tried to do 65s at the start and couldnt for bench, and it was simply because I couldnt get it started with my left arm. Too weak of a shoulder I guess. But I switched to 60s, and got em up, and once I'm actually in the bench position, I pump out the reps, easy as pie. I could probably do this EDT with 75s for incline, to be honest. If only I could get the weights up there in the first place...

Question: What do I do about this incline db problem?
Question2: Do I switch this block next workout? I just dont want my body to get used to it and for my production to suffer. I dont want to do just straight shoulder work unless you propose that I do. I wouldnt mind it, but the point you made about it being stressed enough as is makes sense.
Question 3: If I switch this block, what should I switch it to?

EDT block 2
This was pretty good, with the only bad part being that I could only fit 5 sets, and this was all due to the awkwardness of the setup of the exercises, and how long it took me to get into position to do the sets. I went light weight to be safe on the skullcrushers, and could prob do more, but I want to be safe. May slightly up it. As for Cable curls, these were badass once I figured it out. Its hard for me to make my bis sore for some reason ( I feel a massive pump in them when I do bench, but never when I do with a bicep workout. I'm odd). I got the pump with this bicep workout.

Question: For Workout #3, do I switch this back to romanian deads and leg sled? Keep it? Or do a new EDT block?

I'm really sore right now, planning on a good day of rest tomorrow, with 20 minutes of HIIT sprinkled in and 100 minutes of yoga as well.

Finally, regarding my muscle loss and strength loss: I have noticed it is a trend for me to loss arm mass (especially in my forearms) when going for the recomp blueprint run. This is officially my first run, but I've done this thing about 3 times. Each time I have noticed the reason my strength suffers is due to lowering calories.

This has led me to the conclusion that my maintenance may be higher than 10 x body weight, so I'm gonna try to eat a little more these next couple days and see how strength does and if I continue to lose fat/ weight/ muscle?

Question: Should I slightly increase calories, or just stay put and let the fat fall off and take some strength and muscle away with it as well?
Q: Will adding more calories (only 1-300 more a day) make a difference in performance?
Q: Could it just be that I'm still in a "deficit" from an intense famine and I need to wait to get traction before worrying about increasing calories?
Q: what do u suggest I do with this situation? I just want to make sure I'm putting myself in the best possible position to maintain and possibly grow muscle, but fat loss comes first this run.

Here's my calories for today (and I decided to eat a bit more going off my crappy gym day mixed with extreme soreness)
40g fat
239g carbs
203g protein
2335 calories

This is about 400 calories higher than my target of 1900, and higher and protein and carbs than my targets of 200 and 225. my fat was way higher at 40>16(my target). However, it was all clean food.
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome work!

Please see my answers below!!

kswimbledon wrote:Thanks so much for all the info Rob. I know you're a busy man, and I really appreciate the time and effort you're investing in my run. I wont let you down!

Feast Day 6
Weight: 188.2 (down one lb from yesterday... stabilized, but I want to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week, not a day... more on this later)

Alright, so I wasnt feeling too sore yesterday, but today it hit me. My full body was beginning to get sore, from the workout on Tuesday. I'm guessing this is as a result of my formua being slightly off on tuesday, and more likely, that I simply am not eating many calories per day, coupled with crappy sleep.

A. OK here's what jumped out at me; you're still sore. Whatever workout frequency you're using (let's say 1on/1off) move now to a 1on/2off. You'll need the extra recovery days for as you grow stronger (and you will) you lift heavier weights for more reps. The stresses then, increase on you body. You absolutely MUST give it the time it needs to super-compensate and grow larger/stronger!! Trust me on this....

Anyways, long story short I did some active recovery by hopping in the lake and freezing my ass off (dont ask.. school thing) and then hauled butt back to my room to take a hot shower. A little less than an hour later I was in the gym.

A. Do this on your OFF days, not prior to the workout. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised :)

I took ebol ecdy pre workout by an hour. Drank 1/2 Ultima 30 min pre, then sipped the rest up until the workout began (1st time drinking all of it prior to workout and not peri). I also ate a cup of fat free greek yogurt mixed with strawberry myofusion an hour before the workout to ensure I had a good amount of calories in me before.

A. I'm PMing you "The Formula" for your new intra workout drink.

Goodbye DOMS... :)

And here's the workout:

Bench: (205) x 2 +2 spotted reps
Pullovers: (70 lb db) x 6

Squat (to just below parallel): (250)x5
SLDs: (115)x6

EDT block 1:
Incline DB bench: (60lb db) x 6,6,6,6,6,7 = 37
T-Bar Rows: (90)x 6,6,5,6,5,6= 34
Time: 14:58
Total Reps: 71

EDT block 2:
Decline skullcrushers EZ bar: (45) x6,6,6,6,4: 28
Lying Cable Curl: (30) x 6,6,6,6, 8 on right and 6 on left: 31
Time: 17:20
Total reps: 59

Ab static hold: 97.5 (maxed out machine): 30 seconds

Analysis of workout:
For bench, I really thought I was actually underestimating myself by going for 205. I'm used to that weight being pretty light, but I got under the bar and was just noticeabley weaker.

Q: Is this carry over from the famine, or is the lack of calories causing my weakness?

A. Likely the former. No worries, "traction" usually hits within a week or so from this point forward. Expect it soon. If it is your calories, that's an easy enough fix b/c "The Formula" will give you those calories exactly when and where you need them :)

For the EDT block of incline bench and T-Bar, I'm gonna up the weight on both. I tried to do 65s at the start and couldnt for bench, and it was simply because I couldnt get it started with my left arm. Too weak of a shoulder I guess. But I switched to 60s, and got em up, and once I'm actually in the bench position, I pump out the reps, easy as pie. I could probably do this EDT with 75s for incline, to be honest. If only I could get the weights up there in the first place...

A. Excellent. I want you to know this is entirely natural and nothing to be concerned with. You're "searching" right now for your baseline strength levels for EDT based upon your conditioning, etc. We'll get it and then build upon it EVERY EDT block workout thereafter by getting more reps with the SAME weights during the SAME period of time.

Stick with this as it'll keep hypertrophy in line with your power (Alpha or 1RM strength) which will be driven by your big BB lifts, loading patterns etc.

Question: What do I do about this incline db problem?

A. Simple: Either have someone hand them to you or switch to BB's.

Now, if that still doesn't do it, no problem. Consider these excellent alternatives:

- Weighted dips

- LOW incline by placing 2 45lb plates under one end of a free weight

Question2: Do I switch this block next workout? I just dont want my body to get used to it and for my production to suffer. I dont want to do just straight shoulder work unless you propose that I do. I wouldnt mind it, but the point you made about it being stressed enough as is makes sense.

A. Absolutely. Feel free to switch the EDT block exercise template the second your brain, body or both become "bored" with it.

Question 3: If I switch this block, what should I switch it to?

A. We'll discuss on the phone

EDT block 2

This was pretty good, with the only bad part being that I could only fit 5 sets, and this was all due to the awkwardness of the setup of the exercises, and how long it took me to get into position to do the sets. I went light weight to be safe on the skullcrushers, and could prob do more, but I want to be safe. May slightly up it. As for Cable curls, these were badass once I figured it out. Its hard for me to make my bis sore for some reason ( I feel a massive pump in them when I do bench, but never when I do with a bicep workout. I'm odd). I got the pump with this bicep workout.

A. Glad to hear it :)

Question: For Workout #3, do I switch this back to romanian deads and leg sled? Keep it? Or do a new EDT block?

A. Switch back to RDL's and leg sled.

I'm really sore right now, planning on a good day of rest tomorrow, with 20 minutes of HIIT sprinkled in and 100 minutes of yoga as well.

A. Excellent :) See here for even more gems:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=886

Finally, regarding my muscle loss and strength loss: I have noticed it is a trend for me to loss arm mass (especially in my forearms) when going for the recomp blueprint run. This is officially my first run, but I've done this thing about 3 times. Each time I have noticed the reason my strength suffers is due to lowering calories.

A. OK this tells me much. We're talking either later today/tomorrow if you're up for it. No charge. I'll include my cell phone # in my PM.

This has led me to the conclusion that my maintenance may be higher than 10 x body weight, so I'm gonna try to eat a little more these next couple days and see how strength does and if I continue to lose fat/ weight/ muscle?

A. You're likely right. We'll discuss on the phone.

Question: Should I slightly increase calories, or just stay put and let the fat fall off and take some strength and muscle away with it as well?

A. I'll need to ask a few more questions during our conversation to answer this. Please bring this list of questions with you.

Q: Will adding more calories (only 1-300 more a day) make a difference in performance?

A. Yes but it's more likely 500k/day or so we're talking about. Why? Well, there are 3,500K added to the week's total when 500/day are added. One pound = roughly 3,600K. There's your difference.

It's WHERE and WHEN you add them that's key. I'll expand upon this further during our conversation.

Q: Could it just be that I'm still in a "deficit" from an intense famine and I need to wait to get traction before worrying about increasing calories?

A. Possible. We'll discuss.

Q: what do u suggest I do with this situation? I just want to make sure I'm putting myself in the best possible position to maintain and possibly grow muscle, but fat loss comes first this run.

A. I suggest we talk for a bit. Re-comps "throw" people that are tied to the scale/mirror. In a successful re-comp, the scale doesn't move much..... your body composition does though!

The mirror? That guy looking back at you is often your harshest critic. And when he has a bad day (be it training or non-training related)... his feelings about that day often carry over into his final critique of you.

Please don't take offense to those last two points. I only mention them here because I've fallen victim too. Pointing it out here such that others don't suffer the same...

Here's my calories for today (and I decided to eat a bit more going off my crappy gym day mixed with extreme soreness)
40g fat
239g carbs
203g protein
2335 calories

This is about 400 calories higher than my target of 1900, and higher and protein and carbs than my targets of 200 and 225. my fat was way higher at 40>16(my target). However, it was all clean food.
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Post by kswimbledon »

Awesome, thank you so much Rob. I really appreciate it, and I'll call tomorrow, will respond to your pm for a time.

Before starting, I just want to apologize for neglecting to mention that I had consumed the Formula before my workout yesterday, and am taking it every workout now. I'm sorry for forgetting that tidbit, it is quite crucial. I've been taking it every workout starting with the 1st Feast workout.

Feast Day 7

Weight: 188.6 (+0.4 lbs from yesterday... hmmm...)

Today was an off day, so at around 2:30 in the afternoon for a fasted run (yeah, warrior diet means I still havent eaten by then). 20 minutes of HIIT, sprint for 20 seconds and walk for a minute, all on the elliptical. Had me sweating like a mad man.
Came back to my room and did the P90x yoga, though slightly shortened due to time constrictions. Got about an 80 out of 100 minutes done, and it felt pretty good. My flexibility is already improving.

Here's my calories for today:
43g fat
185g carbs
159g protein
2052 calories

This is a 300 calorie increase over my target of 1710... we'll see if these targets are changed after tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice :)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Alright guys. I got the flu and got knocked on my ass. This really stunk because im s

I think I have come up with a plan to still continue a modified version of the blueprint, which I wanted to run past you.

When I finally am able to get back into working out, which I expect to be in about a week, I plan to restart the HIT workout plan. This will serve the purpose of figuring out my new (undoubtedly lower) max for squat and bench. During this time, I will be doing the 2500 calorie onday,2000 off day caloric plan, carb based diet. I do not know how much my new weight is, probably about 180. I may lower calories accordingly.

During this time, and for the rest of the foreseeable future, I plan to slowly bulk, but as long as I maintain a cut look the entire time with a 6 pack, I will be happy. Health and the six pack come first, I am no longer concerned with strength except to know I'm improving. Therefore, here are my goals, in order
1. Gain a sixpack, and extreme definition in my arms by lowering bodyfat.
2. then slowly gain muscle while maintaining that bodyfat%.
3. stay as healthy as humanely possible, no more sickness for me.

Ok, that being said, I know pretty much all of that has to do with diet, which I think I am well on my way to perfecting, though I will be having my questions there as I continue to tweak as I go.

So, after the 5 day HIT, I need to know where to go from there. My plan is to be positive about my sickness and see this as a way to start over fresh. I will only focus on pure technique on all lifts, and have no pride when it comes to the weight I lift. But what loading/lifting plan should I follow?

I'm trying to decide which to pick, a 5x5 program with 2 EDT blocks every workout, or go ahead and do the 10% solution as was planned before? I'm really leaning towards the 5x5 before pulling the 10% solution out of my back pocket.

As a side note, I will not be using ebol ecdy for this run. Probably not for a while. I plan to save it for a long time from now, the next time that I run the famine before a feast phase. Which is a long way off from here. I will continue my use of the formula, and my pre workout. Nothing else will be continued supplement wise other than the obvious essentials of fish oil and flax oil, etc.

Question: Can I successfully do the Blueprint without running the famine phase? Whether you answer yes or no, I plan to train that way anyway, as I blame the famine for my cold intensifying into the flu. I will one day run the famine again, but it will be more controlled, and only when I have plateaued with my new training method. But I ask this question simply to help you for 3.0, as it seems rare for a person to get through a blueprint run without getting sick. It seems to be a pattern moreso than a fluke occurence, and I know this concerns you. Just one man's opinion, take it for what you will. Any tips for running the blueprint without famine would be very welcome.

Question: 5x5 or 10% solution after the HIT? Keep in mind that I have a purely hypertrophic concentration, and absolutely no interest in strength.

Question: Am I correct in deciding to not run ebol ecdy until I decide to do the famine before starting it?
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Post by Street-dreams »

just a note, Ive made it through 2 famines without becoming sick and ive seen many others do so as well. Perhaps you are taking the famine a lil too far.. making it too stressful for your body?
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

if you got the flu it is probably unrelated to famine

you would have to be exposed to the flu virus in the first place to do so

if there are alot of people sick around you, carry hand sanitizer, wash your hands all the time, don't touch door handles, etc etc

famine is a very important part of the BP
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Post by kswimbledon »

Thanks Street Dreams and Bigjaz. Believe me, I love the famine. and while mine was intense, stats wise I believe it was quite common comparing to others. But a full week later, my immune system was still quite weak. Perhaps I am just jumping to conclusions. But here is my thinking on placing the blame on the famine.
I got sick from my roommate. He had a "bug" that lasted about 3 days. My friend also caught it from him, and he too had a virus that lasted 3 days. I was the only person that had the sickness grow into the flu. And I have been very careful about washing hands, etc as being clean is something I pride myself on.
Also, normally, I have a pretty good immune system thats a bit resilient, am usually the guy that stays healthy when everybody else is catching something. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I think I got a decent immune system.

So, the only change tht I had recently made was the famine. Also, it seems to be a pattern that I have noticed while reading a few other logs. Perhaps its a coincidence, but Idk.

This, coupled with my not wanting to run a famine again for a bit since I just finished one about 2 weeks ago, makes me want to just run the feast and cruise coupled with a good diet and cardio until I plateau. Once that happens, I will be ready to run the famine again.
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