New New New 1st time Blueprint log

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New New New 1st time Blueprint log

Post by lmaonade123 »

Copy + Paste from last thread. I had to start over (AGAIN) because I got sick day about day 3 of famine then about a week into feast.

Some of you may recognize me from my recently finished ebol ecdy ecdy log on and the thermolife forums (but probably not). You can call me Andrew, or lmaonade, either works.

I decided to try the blueprint after seeing some great results on it. I'm hoping to make this log as dedicated as the ebol ecdy ecdy one... and more consistent.

The reason you won't see any machines in this log is because I workout with freeweights in my basement that I've gotten free from my dad's friend and brother. Saved a lot of money on a membership, nice equipment too.

Current age is 16 (will be 17 sometime in this log).

Current weight is 145lbs. Maintainence calories is roughly 1800.

Not sure how accurate it is, but my resting heart rate is 84bpm.

Current height (and probably permanent) is 5'10.

Anyways, my current maxes are:

Squats: 295lbs
Deadlifts: 290lbs
Bench: 190lbs
Total: 775lbs

Not really sure what a reasonable goal for the total is, but I'm hoping to increase each max by a pretty decent amount.

Supplements during this log:

White Flood
Green Mag
ON Whey Gold Standard
1g Vitamin C/day
(Fish Oil & Generic Multivitamin also)
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man game on!!

Stay healthy this time and you're gold :)
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Day 1

Post by lmaonade123 »

Not too worried about getting sick anymore. I've never been sick 3 times really close together... I should be fine till the end of the log.

Weight: 145lbs.


Superset... 2 mins rest.
Squat 3x5 - 225lbs
1 arm DB rows 3x5 - 50lbs


Standing Curls:
70lbs + curl bar (weight = ??)
70lbs + curl bar
70lbs + curl bar


Incline DB Curls:


Preacher Curls: (I didn't have anything to do it on, so I substituted using my legs as much as I could to get the effect)
30lbs + curl bar
30lbs + curl bar
30lbs + curl bar

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Post by JlCh »

3 Famine's in what, 2 months? That sounds fun...
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Day 2

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest day

Weight: 144lbs (-1)
JlCh wrote:3 Famine's in what, 2 months? That sounds fun...
It's what I'd imagine hell is like.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow. Sounds like hell :)

Stay healthy man!!
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Day 3

Post by lmaonade123 »

Weight: 143lbs (-2)


Incline Bench Press: 85lbs x 10
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs (each hand) x 10

Rest 1 min

Close Grip Bench Press: 115lbs x 10
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs x 10


Wide Grip Bench Press: 115lbs x 7
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs x 7


Incline Bench Press: 85lbs x 8
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs x 4


Incline Bench Press: 75lbs x 10


Skullcrushers: 45lbs x 7


Incline Bench Press: 75lbs x 10


Skullcrushers: 45lbs x 10

Cardio: 2 1/2 minutes jogging... my calves went out on me for some reason so I couldn't run any longer.

I swear I get worse every time I do this lol
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Post by RobRegish »

Right on target man. Can't guarantee I'll be in front of the computer when day 5 hits but looking into you future I see just continuing on with the diet through day 5..

Your call but I don't see a need for workout 3 if this keeps trending the way it is... :)
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Post by lmaonade123 »

RobRegish wrote:Right on target man. Can't guarantee I'll be in front of the computer when day 5 hits but looking into you future I see just continuing on with the diet through day 5..

Your call but I don't see a need for workout 3 if this keeps trending the way it is... :)
Yeah, I probably won't do the day 5 workout. Somehow I managed to get the last day of famine on my birthday. That's just not fun haha.
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Post by RobRegish »


THAT'S dedication.

Nice work :)
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Days 4-5

Post by lmaonade123 »

Day 4: Weight: ?? (Was out all night)

Day 5: Weight: 143lbs (-2)
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Day 6

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest Day.

Weight: 146 (+1)

Day 6 is always my favorite day... that and day 8. But it's always great to go from 1400 calories the whole day to getting that much in a single meal.
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Day 7

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest Day.

Weight: 146 (+1)

Definitely ready to workout tomorrow
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Day 8

Post by lmaonade123 »

Feast workout 1.

Weight: 146 (+1)

Workout was insane... felt great though.

Exercise 1
Bench Press: 10x95, 10x110, 10x135
DB Pullovers: 10x45
Blue = warmup sets


Incline DB Press 35lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,8
1 arm DB Row 50lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,8

Exercise 2
Squats: 10x135, 10x155, 10x185
Deadlifts: 10x145

EDT 2 -

Standing Military Press 95lbs: 6,6,6,6,6
DB Lunges 40lbs: 6,6,6,6,6

60lbs right crunches x 35
60lbs left crunches x 30
60lbs crunches x 30
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