Kswimbledon's Log

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Post by RobRegish »

kswimbledon wrote:Thanks Rob, will do. Another question, regarding The Formula. I'm guessing bc this is on the bp board, this counts as "keeping it in the bp fam", so please forgive me if I misunderstood.

I have around 11 lbs of NOW Carbo Gain ( Maltodextrin), and was planning on using that in place of karbolyn. However, after reading around, it seems like the karbolyn might be very much needed? Would I be ok using malto?
Oh no no no... this is ONLY via PM. Don't worry, I know your intent was good. PM me this Q please.

You'll have the answer tonight!
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Post by kswimbledon »

Ok, so first day of famine is over. I had:
a couple oranges
spicy low sodium v8
a couple apples
stir fried brown rice
spinach salad with croutons and ranch
chopped fruit

which came out to roughly
1395 calories

On a side note, my roommate actually broke my scale last night. I'll have to weigh myself at the gym when I do go, so this kinda stinks.
Also, after rereading much closer and also looking at some other logs, I found that I left out a major superset after the squats today, which is probably why I did not feel too gassed after the workout. I'm hoping the yoga made up for it a little, but Idk. Rob, do you have any suggestions on how to make up for it?

Oh well. Onto the next day. I studied till around 2:30 last night for a test I had at 830 in the morning today. But school got cancelled due to snow, and I've been laying in bed pretty much all morning. My plan is to follow the same diet, etc. If the gym is open, I plan to play a little ball to get cardio in, and also to do yoga again.
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Post by kswimbledon »

Alright, just got back from the gym, played 3 games of bball in the span of 2 hours... it was packed. Anyways, I weighed myself there, and with shoes and a phone in my pocket and a sweaty shirt on, I weighed 191. That's a 6 lb difference from yesterday, but about a 1 lb drop from my baseline of 192. However, weighing myself at 3:00 in the afternoon may not be the most accurate thing... but its all I got.

Another question, in some of these logs, I'm seeing that you're recommending some to not do the last famine workout, saying that they are already "there". I understand this, but do not understand how to tell if I reach that point. I would love to do the last workout, but I want to be safe with my body and also be able to get traction in the feast phase instead of hurting myself too much in the famine. How do you measure if somebody needs to do that last workout? If its by how I feel, I'm doing fine, though its only day 2. I guess I'm craving tacos, and get hungry, as well as having some soreness in my back and hamstrings. But I'm doing well so far.

Then again, I know it hits most ppl on day 3, so we'll see how tomorrow looks.
Have currently only had about half of my spicy V8 today. Plan to eat a large salad and some pasta for dinner if they have some at the cafeteria. I may do some yoga later too, havent decided yet.
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Post by bigpelo »

Your rest heart rate should be elevated by 8 beat per minutes and you should have lost 1 pound / day or so. Post your numbers here with your mod and Rob will make the call, isn't it Rob?
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Post by RobRegish »

Signs you DON'T need to perform workout #3. Any 2 of the 3 will do:

1.) Your weight is down 1lb/day or thereabouts
2.) Your RHR is elevated close to 8 BPM above baseling
3.) You curse my name regularly :)

If so, you're there... :)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Ok, thanks Bp and Rob. Also, thanks for the pms Rob, I'm sorry about being a pain about em. Anyways, day 2 ended. Only played some bball as my exercise today.
1555 cals

Also had a spoon of natty pb tonight, to quell hunger b4 sleep. Am feeling decent, tired though.
As for my heartrate, I had an app on my phone that I thought accurately gave me something to go off of, though it seemed inaccurate. Throughout last week, it indicated that I had a heartrate of 78. However, its not really working, and it says I have a HR of 200ish whenever I measure (yeah, that's not right...). Weight wise, Idk how valid my weigh ins will be, as I will be weighing at the gym in the afternoon, due to my scale being broken.

Oh well. gotta turn lemons into lemonade. Just gonna keep working hard and listen to my body.
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Post by kswimbledon »

Ok, this morning my scale magically started to work again. Weighed myself after having drank abt 36 oz of water (didnt know it was working, just randomly tried it) and taking two dumps. Also having been awake for about 2 hours. Result: 192.4
Now, when I go to the gym later, I'll check my weight there. I'm guessing I weigh less in the afternoon, not that I've gained a lb since yesterday. But we'll see. Also, while my baseline was around 192-193ish, I started this wk at essentially 198. So I take this to be a good sign.

On a side note, I took a dose of EC this morning, and a sip of Ultima to study for my test. I plan to either drink half or 3/4 of the ultima during my exam, which may break the rules for famine as far as supps go. I understand this, but grades come first, so I had to do it.
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Post by kswimbledon »

Ok, took 2 doses of ec (spread 4 hours apart: 730 and 1130), as well as drank half a scoop of ultima. It may set me back for the famine, Idk by how much. But again, grades first.

After the test, I came back to my room, and hung out, essentially waiting for the ec to cause me to crash, and also hoping for the ultima to wear off (wanted to do this workout with the least amount of help possible).

So I started to feel the crash come on, went to the gym, and went to work. I might've gone a little low on the weights, but the bar felt extremely heavy when I was warming up for bench, so I decided that I would play it safe, do good form, and hit my reps. Also, this workout was fasted, which is saying a bit considering I started around 3.

Wide bench: 135x10
Shoulder db press: 30s by 10

Incline bench:105x10
Shoulder db press: 25s x 8

Decline Bench: 115 x 10
Shoulder db press: 20s x 8

Decline close grip bench: 100 x 10
Skull crushers: 55x10
Cable pressdowns: 37.5 x 9

One min of rest btwn all, abt 4 min to set up the triceps part of it. overall took around 20 minutes to complete. Was kinda tired, but not too bad afterwards. Went and played 2 games of bball, and was exhausted after. Came back, had a v8, now abt to have dinner, and am really feeling the famine. I'm cursing your name now Rob.
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Post by RobRegish »

" decided that I would play it safe, do good form, and hit my reps".

SMART move!! :)
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Post by kswimbledon »

Here's the cals for yesterday...
19.43 f
214 c
27 p
1188 cals.

Was feeling like I was gonna fall asleep around 7, then started talking to my gf a little on skype and found a second wind, ended up staying awake until 3ish in the morning. Just got up now, so I figure I'm working my stressors pretty hard.
Today's weight is
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Post by RobRegish »

GREAT job!!
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Post by kswimbledon »

Thanks Rob. I am really feeling it today. Did not do yoga, or anything physical. Just woke up, did my class, came back, laid in bed but didnt sleep, then started doing homework.

I've noticed that my breath is kind of stinking, with a slight metallic taste. I also notice that well... I'm dizzy as hell today. Dinner was really bad, I went warrior diet and had my usual spinach salad, brown rice, and bowl of fruit. But during it, I noticed the roof of my mouth started to hurt, and parts of my mouth (back of my gums especially) feel extremely raw.

During dinner, I was literally tripping, the room was kind of moving and still is as I type this. I've been seeing flashing lights. I also have had this weird thing with my mouth closing and opening, like I really feel like some kind of chewing action is involuntarily happening when I'm not eating food. I like notice my overbite, and my upper teeth touching the bottoms. This is extremely weird.

Also, due to my cals being lower than normal for the famine, I got some mashed potatoes in addition to my regular warrior dinner. THe minute I tasted them, its like my mouth could taste them better than normal, like dissect what it was made out of. I could essentially almost turn it into flakes in my mouth, and I promptly stopped eating.

But what really was the tipping point was that my friend that I went to dinner with asked me if my arms had gotten smaller... yea, that pissed me off.

So, I'm extremely dizzy right now, and for most of the day. I would gladly do the famine workout #3 tomorrow, but... I dont want to put myself too far out of commission with this. Dont want to get smaller.

Weight wise, I started out this week with a weigh in on Monday of 197.8

This morning I weighed 187.8. So... thats 10 lbs in 4 days. However, my baseline was around 193ish. Therefore, I'm just slightly over the 1 lb per day weight loss thing. However, I dont know how much I will weigh tomorrow, no doubt it'll be even more weight loss.

Saying all this, here's my questions.

1. Do I do famine #3 workout?
2. Please tell me what all these symptoms that I'm feeling mean about my body. I understand that some of it is muscle breaking down, but I just want to know if ALL of it is normal, and why.
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Post by RobRegish »

Saying all this, here's my questions.

1. Do I do famine #3 workout?

A. No, you get a pass given the info you shared :)

2. Please tell me what all these symptoms that I'm feeling mean about my body. I understand that some of it is muscle breaking down, but I just want to know if ALL of it is normal, and why.

A. You've delivered EXACTLY what Famine was designed to do: Send an "alarm" signal to your brain and depleted muscle tissue of said substrates - setting yourself up for a HUGE super-compensation/like effect.

Otherwise know as FEAST/CRUISE :)

Hope that helps...
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Post by kswimbledon »

Thanks Rob. I woke up this morning, and had an extremely hard time rolling out of bed. I weighed myself, and it was the exact same as yesterday: 187.8.

So I got to class, and started to wake up and feel better. Decided to play some ball afterwards to finish off a good famine. No workout, but the ball was good. I played hard, and I'm paying the price now. All I gotta do is wait for tomorrow to come, and FEAST!

The things I was feeling yesterday have gotten much more intense now, especially my weakness (my left tri is burning just from typing this), leading to this q:

1. Would it be advisable to start the Feast tonight? I dont want to over do it and create too much of a deficit (I guess that's the right word?) for the Feast.
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