Sovabrat is back from non-existence

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Sovabrat is back from non-existence

Post by sovabrat »

Hi Everybody who was around when I was in my first and second BP runs. It is amazing to see how much this community has grown since I was around.

Hi Hank you look great in the pics I have seen, keep it up. I am here to steal the show though 8)

Long story short, after I had a very unsuccessful second run, AskMass was gracious enough to offer me a free supply of essentially the BP stack. I promised I would post a log so here I am. I got really busy with work and I was traveling every week without access to proper diet or exercise and have not been in the gym since october 13th, 2010. I got flabby again and im sure I lost a ton of strength but oddly my chest and arms didn't lose much definition.

I started my famine on saturday at 174 lbs. I am not going to go through all my nutritional but if you want to see what im eating you can follow me on Livestrong with the same username I have here.

Day 3 (yesterday was so brutal, I could hardly walk). Today is getting better with the legs but my chest and arms are soooo sore. This is compounded from being out of the gym for a while.

Today (Day 4) I just started to get a bit dizzy but recovered after drinking some water and taking a break from working. I am only at 275 calories for today and I have a V8 with me that I am going to down soon.

Tomorrow is day 5 of my famine and im nervous for the workout. In the past I was already in pretty good shape during famine, being out of shape is making things more difficult.

Stay tuned for tomorrow for weight and some pictures I hope.

Great to be back.
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Post by JML2011 »

Welcome back! Looking forward to good things!
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Post by RobRegish »


So happy you're back man. Looking forward to your run and here to support you 100%!!
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Post by sovabrat »

haha it feels good to get back in the gym. I am currently so exhausted I find it hard to carry on conversation with my fiance even while sitting down. I am often finding myself spacing out.

I did have a great dinner of 1/2 cup brown rice with some veggies a la Stirfry. It is nothing compared to the feast I have planned though.

One more gym session in the morning and its all over. I cant wait to get back on the T-booster as well, I loooooved taking the tbol trib in my first run.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 5

It was surprisingly easy to wake up this morning. I hit the scale and it showed 173. At first I was shocked that I had only lost 1 lb because my previous runs were dramatic weight losses in the range of 6-9 lbs both times. The one missing component this time was pre-existing water weight from creatine. this is my theory but would love to hear ideas.

I followed famine protocol to the T so I am not concerned my diet or workouts were wrong. I do feel completely drained and the 5 sets of squats with just the bar was difficult this morning. Doing standing BB bicep curls with no weight on it was difficult as well.

The last couple runs I think I started my feast the evening of my 5th day because I was showing very heavy signs of weight loss and exhaustion. I am going to wait until later today to see if it really sinks in.

Another note for my log, I am typically a morning person to begin with so this might explain why I feel so good in the AM but after work when I get home I can barely carry on conversation. I also exhert a lot of mental energy for my job as a Tax Consultant.
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Post by sovabrat »

Day 10

Yesterday was my first workout in feast. After my second run I decided I wanted to change my workout goals to more of a recomp and not worry about my bench or squat numbers. I underestimated the workout completely.

Weight: 173 (still)
3 KA during week
2 Adaptogen N at night during week
2 protein shakes a day

Nutrients are going to be 120/100% for this week and it is going to taper down to 100/80 during the last couple weeks.

I plan to devote 4 days a week to the gym, 1 of those being HIIT and streching exercises only.

Workout on Day 9:

DB Bench to failure in one set. I mis-remembered the workout and did BB instead. I loaded up 135 and repped out 16 followed by 6 reps with 30 lbs of the overhead db stretch movement. Repeat 1 more time to get 8 reps with the BB and another 6 reps of the lying overhead stretch.

I also mixed up the order a little bit on the next exercises and noticed it during my EDT. I did 15 reps of squats going all the way down to almost touching my ass to the floor with 135 lbs. I did this twice.

Then I took 30lb DB and did alternating squat lunges one leg at a time in this fashion: 6 left, 6 right, 6 left, 6 right. Rest 2 minutes and repeat. THIS WAS KILLING ME!! I was breathing so hard, sweating like a beast.

Next I went right into weight chins and dips. I only used 5 lbs for the weight because I have not been in the gym in a while and did not want to spark any injuries. Regardless I was able to get 3 reps on each for the first 3 sets, then 2 for the last 3 sets with 2 mins rest in between each. My back and tris are experiencing DOMS pretty heavily today. I think once I get on a steady Adaptogen dosage this will go away (from my experience with tbol trib). I might even add in creatine but I wanted to avoid the weight gain and save it until im off the KA and AN.

Overall, I am very happy with the first workout. This workout is going to be repeated for 3 more weeks. Then it gets significantly amped up, I peeked at the coming weeks and it is insane.

Thanks for all your input Rob I think this is going to provide some great results.
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Post by Hank! »

A little sabbatical eh friend?

Welcome back
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Post by sovabrat »

Hank! wrote:A little sabbatical eh friend?

Welcome back
Things got out of control for me for a while. I was getting caught up in work and going out too much, living way above my means. I have reflected a lot on my life and where I am at and decided its time to get to the top. You cannot have success in life without a sound mind, body, and soul. The mind is in check but the body and soul were not in balance. I am tackling the low hanging fruit. I completed my first workout in about 20 minutes. that is less than half the time I was previously spending in the gym. The shorter and more efficient I can make my workouts the better!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good for you man!!

Time spent away from the weight room does NOT work against you. In fact, it may very well work IN your favor... :)
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Post by sovabrat »

Yesterday was Day 12 for me. Weight is still at 173.

I was feeling extremely sore from the first workout still which is and isnt surprising for me. On one hand I have pushed myself in a a while like that, but on the other im loaded with AN and KA. Maybe I really should add some creatine in the mix to help with recovery. I dont know, its still too early to tell.

I was not so sore that I couldnt work out, but I certainly could not perform weighted pullups with any sort of form.

I did flat bench DB press to failure with 35's. I got 16 reps and went straight into T-Bar row with 45 lbs for 15 reps.

I did an EDT with incline db bicep curls and upright row. My biceps are burning from that today!

My next was squats to failure with 135 (trying to ease back into things, I am not trying to shatter records on my second workout). I got 15 easily, hindsight says I should have gone heavier but oh well.

My second EDT was single leg db lunges with 1 arm DB row. I will be upping the weight from the 30lb dbs that i used because I easily hit 6 reps on each set.

I am noticing that my overall mood is much higher from working out. I can tell, even though its really early, that my love handles are disappearing slowly and my weight is transferring to muscle.

I am going to allow myself until saturday to rest so that I can hit the weighted chins and dips again. I am also going to do some HIIT this weekend.
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Post by RobRegish »

"I am noticing that my overall mood is much higher from working out. I can tell, even though its really early, that my love handles are disappearing slowly and my weight is transferring to muscle."

Awesome! It's still early so let's give it some time. These however.... are good signs :)
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Post by sovabrat »

Totally slipped my mind to update the blog, apparently it isnt routine yet for me.

Today would be day 27 overall. Wow time is flying. I am happy to report I have kept my training on schedule although my blog is not up to date.

Today I completed the 5th HIT/EDT training session as outlined in the routine Rob custom built for me. NOTE** To anyone thinking about having a custom routine made by Rob, do it. It will be worth the money as long as you are realistic with your goals and you can hold yourself accountable to what he tells you. I was optimistic about what he prepared for me but I am really noticing the effects now.

I previously reported that I was getting really bad DOMS. Those have gone away almost completely. Not sure if that is the combination of full use of the AN and KA or strength and endurance gains, regardless I am happy.

Just to sum up my last 2 weeks of training. They have consisted of 4 sessions of the following:

Flat DB press to failure followed by lying DB overhead stretch.
2 min rest
DB split leg squats, failure on one leg immediately into failure on the other.
2min rest
EDT BLOCK weighted chins/dips with 2 min rest for 5 sets.
weight belt with 5lbs attached
Try for 6 weighted chins immediately into 6 dips without going to failure.

I did not track EXACT rep progression (oops) but the progress each session was significant enough to report.

Session 1: could barely do 3 reps of either, tapered down to about 1 rep at the end
Session 2: got 4 reps on the first chins, tapered down to 1 or 2 for both
Session 3: Got 5 reps on first, and slowly tapered down
Session 4: 5 reps for first and second with 6 reps on dips for first, to a slow taper
Today's session #5: 6 reps on first two chins, 6 reps on first two dips, followed by 5 chins and 5 dips, then 3 for both on the last 2.

Some of the days where I had more time I threw in incline db curls with upright shrugs using the same weight. I only did this twice, but in the past 3 weeks my biceps are noticably larger and rock hard with my pumps.

I feel like I was undertraining, I never really lost my breath or was sweating except the first session which killed me obviously. However, my body composition is really changing. I have tons more energy, my mood is up, I have that alpha feeling in the gym.

I am tracking my stats in excel from this week on out and will report that at the end. I didnt get before pictures but I will do that this weekend because I think transformation is going to acclerate due to my recent traction.

Interesting to note that my weight has not changed at all. It hovers around 173-172. I have done 1 cardio session which was 18 mins of HIT 4mph/8.5 mph.

Diet has been clean with about 120% on my training days and 100% calories on my off days.

Next week I am switching to 100/100.

Sova Out.
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Post by bigpelo »

Hey man! I did my 5th bridge workout yesterday too. Interesting progress.

The AN/KA are definitely kicking in for you, as for me! Good stuff. Also, are you taking the intra-workout "formula"? I do noticed an almost immediate recovery with this potion.

My EDT block was cable row with weight dips (similar to yours) and I do feel a good pump in my arms. Body composition is also improving for me, at least in the mirror.

Glad to know it works for both of us!
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Post by sovabrat »

I am not using an intra workout drink. I used to use Size-On by Gaspari because of a great deal I got. I actually still have some but I am waiting until cruise to use any additional creatine products as the KA has some in it.

Yeah I was expecting a quicker response to the KA AN, but it just took a little longer. I feel full traction now though. rock on.
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