First time Blueprint Log... restarted

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Day 9

Post by lmaonade123 »

Feast workout 1.

Weight: 147 (+5)

Thanks for the PM Rob, they cleared things up a ton!

Felt pretty good today. I've been waking up in the middle of the night a lot lately so my sleep patterns have been a little off. Nothing too bad though, didn't really affect my workout at all. Everyone around me is getting sick... kinda paranoid that I'm gonna get sick again.


Exercise 1
Bench Press: 10x95, 10x110, 10x135 PR!
DB Pullovers: 10x45
Blue = warmup sets


Incline DB Press 35lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,8
1 arm DB Row 50lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,8

Exercise 2
Squats: 10x135, 10x155, 10x185
Deadlifts: 10x145

EDT 2 -

Standing Military Press 95lbs: 6,6,6,5,4
DB Lunges 35lbs: 6,6,6,6,6

70lbs right crunches x 35
60lbs left crunches x 25
60lbs crunches x 40

The reason I did more weight/reps with the crunches to the right is because the left side of my abs is messed up. Like, terribly. So I've been trying for the past 6-7 months to get the near invisible abs on the left side to catch up to the 3 on the right side...

The 135x10 BP was a huge improvement since before the log... I was doing 135x5 for warmups, but I probably only could've got 135x8. Hate squats for reps. Workout felt amazing though.
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Post by RobRegish »

First, congrats on the PR's!!! Glad my PM answers helped...

On the sickness that's going around, do EVERYTHING you can to build strong immunity. That includes (but isn't limited to) the following:

- A QUALITY multi-vitamin/mineral such as Multi-life or like formula

- 3 grams of Vit C/day spaced out evenly through the day

- 600 I.U. of Vit E. Make sure it's NATURAL Vitamin E as in d-alpha
tocowhaterverol, NOT the synthetic "dl" form of it! Again, look for
200 IU softgels

- 3,000 I.U. of Vitamin D. That's a starting level BTW, you may need
much more! See Mixelflick's blood work thread in this section for as to
why! ... php?t=1034

- 600mg of R-ALA (alpha lipoic acid). The R-isomer is superior to the
mixed isomers found in most versions. It boosts glutathione and re-
cycles vitamin C and E too! 200mg 3x/day.

- High quality fish oil. No less than 3g/day. Suggest 1000mg softgels or
ideally, AskMass's Ultimate Omega at 1-2 tablespoons/day.

I can't tell you why, but the liquid fish oils ALWAYS seem to outperfom the softgels. In theory, that shouldn't be the case but in practice, I find it is! AskMass's product also does a GREAT job masking the fish flavor with an orange taste to it. No, you won't want to chug it all day long but it makes taking it a snap!

Sincerely hope that helps you friend....
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Day 10

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest Day.

Weight: 147 (+5)

Thanks for the health tips, I'll be sure once I get my job (hopefully within the next week) to get the a couple of the things I don't have already.
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Day 11

Post by lmaonade123 »

Workout 2

Weight: 148 (+6) Heaviest I've ever been, sadly enough.


Exercise 1
Bench Press: 5x115, 5x135, 5x155 PR
DB Pullovers: 5x45 (50 is the highest DB I have...)
Blue = warmup sets


Incline DB Press 40lbs (each arm): 6,6,6,6,6,8
1 arm DB Row 50lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,8

Exercise 2
Squats: 5x185, 5x205, 5x225 PR
Deadlifts: 5x225 PR, blah blah

EDT 2 -

Standing Military Press 95lbs: 6,6,6,6,6
DB Lunges 40lbs: 6,6,6,6,6

60lbs right crunches x 35
60lbs left crunches x 25
60lbs crunches x 40

Decided my workout schedule...

1 WO1
2 Rest
3 WO2
4 Rest
5 Rest
6 WO3
7 Rest
8 WO4
9 Rest
10 Rest
11 WO5
12 Rest
13 Rest or Repeat
14 Repeat if 13 is rest

Taking 2 rest days off because I want to do my 1RM justice
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Post by RobRegish »

PR, PR, PR...

Sooooo nice to see. FANTASTIC work!! Soooo happy to wake up to this!
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Day 12

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest Day.

Weight: 147 (+5)

Nothing much to say here...
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Post by RobRegish »

Rest is GOOD.

NEVER under-estimate the power of Rest. Rest = not good, but GREAT!
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Days 13-14

Post by lmaonade123 »

Day 13: Rest day, no scale today.

Day 14:

Workout 3

Weight: 147 (+5)


Exercise 1
Bench Press: 3x135, 3x155, 2x175 PR
DB Pullovers: 3x50
Blue = warmup sets


Incline DB Press 40lbs (each arm): 6,6,6,6,6,8
1 arm DB Row 50lbs: 6,6,6,6,6,8

Exercise 2

Squats: 3x215, 3x235, 3x260 PR
Deadlifts: 3x255 PR

EDT 2 -

Standing Military Press 95lbs: 6,6,6,6,6
DB Lunges 40lbs: 6,6,6,6,6

60lbs right crunches x 35
60lbs left crunches x 25
60lbs crunches x 40
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Post by RobRegish »

Oh my... more highlight lifts in blue?

That can only mean one thing: MORE PR's!!!!!!! :) So happy, you're happy......
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Post by lmaonade123 »

So I got sick again. Worse this time than last. I don't know how long it'll take for me to recover but I haven't been able to eat the 2800 calories a day or workout.

Anyways, I'll start a new log after I get better. I blame the Winter.
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Post by RobRegish »

Happens to all of us man.

Next time the SECOND you feel something coming on, consider 2 grams of Vit C every 2 waking hours.

Works for me like a charm EVERY time...
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