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Post by islandboy90 »

that covers everything for me
was asking about the GABA because I went a little wild on black friday and got some but it only has the one B in it
i'll just hold off on that though

thanks alot for the quick replies,
and feel better rob

cant wait to start eating food again haha
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, glad to hear.

Eating again is going to feel REAL good.. :)
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Post by islandboy90 »

just got done with fridays workout
went well
couldnt have done any more reps but I had some coffee before this time seemed to help a good bit

4 squat 185
immediatly into
5 seated cable row 140
rest 30 sec
repeat twice

5 standing barbell curl 75
rest 30 sec
5 incline db curls 35 each
rest 30 sec
5 preacher curls 65

rest 1 min
3 sets of 10 weighted incline sit ups 45lbs

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Post by RobRegish »

You did it man! Congrats on making it through!!!

And now, it's time to reap the BIG rewards.

Listen, you pick out your favorite local, all you can eat buffet OK? Your goal when leaving is to be banned from the establishment for life, or at a bare minimum for 1 year due to "loss prevention" issues surrounding your cost of the meal vs. food eaten ratio.

FANTASTIC work and couldn't be happier for you! Right here for you if you need me...
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Post by islandboy90 »

haha thanks man
feelin good
ready to start working out again on tuesday

on second day of desicated liver tabs now, taking 4 every 2 hours and going to work up to the 6 every hour
although i am a little curious what the benefit is from this protocol?
what is it actually doing for me?
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Post by RobRegish »

Keeps nitrogen retention UP without stuffing you so full of calories you get sick of eating, among other things...

More to come tonight!
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Post by islandboy90 »

Hey guys was just looking over the feast stickies and am a little confused about the workouts

Is this right :

Day 1
do you do JUST workout 1
benching 8-10 rep
squatting 8-10 rep
then take 2 days off and continue with

Day 2
workout 2
Benching 4-6 rep
squatting 4-6 rep
take 2 days off


Is it workout 1-6 On day 1
take 2 days off
and do workouts 1-6 again?

I read the stickies and bp again, and tried looking at other logs I just dont have the confidence that i'm sure I know what i'm doing.

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Post by RobRegish »

Not quite.

You do your big barbell lifts justice FIRST (BP/SQ), then proceed to your EDT blocks..
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Post by islandboy90 »

not sure what i'm missing here?

if you could sum up the workouts into different days it would help alot

i'm trying to find other logs where they lay out the workout but I havent found one yet, they all just say how it went.

sorry i'm sure i'm a pain in the ass but I've never even seen terms like EDT before and I have a raging headache today from work
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Post by islandboy90 »

Workout 1
immediatly db pullovers
immediatly deadlifts
then EDT
incline press

is that right?

then 2 days off and do workout 2?
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Post by RobRegish »

PM me with this please. I'll take care of it tonight :)
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Post by RobRegish »

PM me with this please. I'll take care of it tonight :)
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Post by RobRegish »

PM me with this please.

I'll take care of it tonight :)
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Post by islandboy90 »

have been trying to pm doesnt seem to be going through
sorry if multiple ones did

anyways if you can let me know it would a life saver
thanks again
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