Big.Jaz is back at it - Blueprint+Smolov!

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Post by bigla2004 »

Nice work.. smoked that GM
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

Day 2: DE Upper

Felt a bit better going into the gym today - legs are dead. DEAD. unbelievable. Neck is a little sore - back feels surprisingly good. Possibly going snowboarding again on friday :)

Workout was as follows:

Lockout Press (4in off chest):
135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 275x3
295x1, 315x1

Skull Crushers:

Tricep Pushdowns:

One Arm Press:

Man Makers:
45lb DB's x 30

Video(s) For the day:
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Post by RobRegish »

Snowboarding on top of this?

Oh to be young again.. :)
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

RobRegish wrote:Snowboarding on top of this?

Oh to be young again.. :)
its a beautiful thing ;)
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

Day 3: DE Lower

Man I forgot how much i hate the first 3 DE lower days in westside, this ish is HARD. Alls well though - I just incorporated Core ABC into my arsenal of supps and it was surprisingly effective in terms of sustaining my endurance.

Workout was as follows:

Box Squats:
225 + 2avg bands: 10x2

45 Degree Hypers:

One Legged Squats:

Bent Row:

Power Shrugs:

Highpulls/Static Hold:
675x8s, 7s (video incoming)

500 Jump Rope 50 at a time on each leg to work calves

Video(s) For the day:

Highpull/static Hold 675x7s
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Post by RobRegish »


Looked incredible Big.Jaz. EVERYTHING you touch turns to gold. Everything.... :)

Soooooo happy for you!!
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Post by jjones11 »

Hey Jaz, great log!! It's looking real good. Quick question for you. How did you find out the lift records in your state? I googled mine, and there's no way these can be right. The record holder in my class, has a combined total of 547.5....
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

jjones11 wrote:Hey Jaz, great log!! It's looking real good. Quick question for you. How did you find out the lift records in your state? I googled mine, and there's no way these can be right. The record holder in my class, has a combined total of 547.5....
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
Who else knows the weight of the earth
or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
Isiah 40:12

DE Upper

Pretty solid workout today. Somewhat regret the decision to annihilate my traps yesterday, still managed to pull through and have pretty good bar speed in all my work sets.

Workout was as follows:

Bench Press:

Overhead DB Tri Ext:


DB Side Raises:

Bent Over DB side raises:

Video(s) For the day:

No video today
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Post by RobRegish »

Very solid man, as always... :)

Love your updates. Love 'em...
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

How about a couple progress pics: these are today 1/8

notice the imbalance between my right and left, long way to go, but arms are showing big progress already.. ... 1294515159 ... 1294515119 ... 1294515121
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Post by JlCh »

Beastmode forearms. Surprised me a bit considering I see a lot of impressive lower body lifts.
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Post by Big.jazayrli »

JlCh wrote:Beastmode forearms. Surprised me a bit considering I see a lot of impressive lower body lifts.
thanks man i appreciate that, I've been busting my ass to build forearm size for a long time
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Post by RobRegish »

Jeez man, you're built like a bodybuilder! This is nuts!!

Listen, if I were you I'd launch your own hostile takeover/hatch your plans for world domination NOW.

You're young but just imagine the possibilities. Team up with my boy Kim Jong Il over there in N. Korea. Tap that crazy KJII guy who reps for Thermolife now. I think he has a direct line.

And for God's sake, please don't forget me when you take over OK? :)

You have such a bright future man. I got a little defensive today in a PM I got here re: recommending MassPro. Probably shouldn't have but I get dinged alot for being in bed with MASS, Thermolife, The Illuminati etc.

Here's a snippet of what I said. I specifically mentioned you:

"The only thing I have an interest in is you getting the BEST possible results from The BP. That's it. Now it IS true I'm not going to be sending guys on MASS's board to, Thermolife's site etc. You'd never, for example find me recommending KA over ebol ecdy on the Thermolife forum. Why? There's no need, certainly no benefit to me and in fact, much too much good will to lose. That took YEARS to build and I never DREAMED Thermo would endorse The BP.

Hell they link to my main page ( What do you see there on the right? Masspro and other MASS products! (AskMass owns, pays for and hosts both that web domain as well as these forums). I try to respect who's board I'm on and try to be mindful of that at all times.

If you're using ebol ecdy here I'll help you get the absolute MOST out of ebol ecdy. Will AskMass go for ebol ecdy banners and such here? No. (he owns, pays for and runs this board).

Would Ron Kramer have an issue with me linking people on the Thermolife forum to AskMass's Kre-Anabolyn main page here? Likely so, I'd imagine. I'm not going to find out the hard way though, you know what I'm saying??

I hope that helps you understand why I recommend what I recommend. I must say, I never thought I'd see the day where Thermolife, MASS, Biotiva, Molecular Nutrition etc. rally around their guys running BP on or elsewhere.

If you think about it, it's just good business for them right? Bottles and bottles of ebol ecdy, KA, XFA fly off the shelves and Rob gets $35 ONCE to stand by your side for a lifetime and offer his advice (for whatever that's worth).

Put it this way, if you ate one page of The BP/day you'd be done with it in 68 days. Lots of guys would gladly pay $1/day for 68 days for the kind of gains BP delivers. Then, I'd just sell you a new BP on day 69 and repeat that cycle over and over and over. I'd be a rich man no?

I never thought about these things when I wrote The BP. Never thought about it ever making any money, being pirated or how to "rope people in" for repeat buys month after month. I wrote it b/c it was the book I would have wanted 25 years ago. You know, before I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on useless supplements, figuring out what worked, what didn't etc?

I almost wrecked my back for good at age 19. You think I want a guy like Hani (Big.Jaz) to fall victim to that? Good lord, he's going to the WORLD'S soon!

It's over for me man. I turned 41 this week. There are no scholarships in my future, nor million dollar contracts. There may be for you and others.

If I could be a part of that (even in a small way), I'd consider it both an honor and a privilege.
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