First time Blueprint Log... restarted

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First time Blueprint Log... restarted

Post by lmaonade123 »

Copy + Paste from last thread. I had to start over because I got sick day about day 3 of famine.

Some of you may recognize me from my recently finished ebol ecdy log on and the thermolife forums (but probably not). You can call me Andrew, or lmaonade, either works.

I decided to try the blueprint after seeing some great results on it. I'm hoping to make this log as dedicated as the ebol ecdy one... and more consistent.

The reason you won't see any machines in this log is because I workout with freeweights in my basement that I've gotten free from my dad's friend and brother. Saved a lot of money on a membership, nice equipment too.

This is the 2nd to last day of my rest week.

Current age is 16 (will be 17 sometime in this log).

Current weight is 142lbs. Maintainence calories is roughly 1800.

Not sure how accurate it is, but my resting heart rate is 84bpm.

Current height (and probably permanent) is 5'10.

Anyways, my current maxes are:

Squats: 295lbs
Deadlifts: 290lbs
Bench: 190lbs
Total: 775lbs

Not really sure what a reasonable goal for the total is, but I'm hoping to increase each max by a pretty decent amount.

Supplements during this log:

White Flood
Green Mag
ON Whey Gold Standard
2g Vitamin C/day
(Fish Oil & Generic Multivitamin also)
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Day 1

Post by lmaonade123 »

(December 30th)

Weight: 142lbs. This will either be about 140-141 or 137-138 tomorrow depending on how tonight goes haha.


Superset... 2 mins rest.
Squat 3x5 - 225lbs
1 arm DB rows 3x5 - 50lbs


Standing Curls:
70lbs + curl bar (weight = ??)
70lbs + curl bar
70lbs + curl bar


Incline DB Curls:


Preacher Curls: (I didn't have anything to do it on, so I substituted using my legs as much as I could to get the effect)
25lbs + curl bar
25lbs + curl bar
25lbs + curl bar


Happy New Years everyone.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice :)

Now due observe best practices (key learnings from your last experiment). There may very well have been a reason for this illnes. Yep, time to analyze :)

One last thing: Observe the HEALTH FIRST rule. You can't make gains/get traction during feast.

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - DISCONTINUE. Right here for you if you need me. I know all the signs...
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Post by lmaonade123 »

Yeah, I'm pretty sure I'm done being sick. Normally I don't get sick for more than once a month-month and a half.

Yesterday was kind of a bad day for famine, I started eating... and couldn't stop. Not sure how far I went over, but I'm planning on about 1000 calories today and doing cardio. Would that help?
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Days 2, 3, and 4

Post by lmaonade123 »

Day 2: Rest day.

Weight: 142lbs (+0)

Day 3:

Weight: 141lbs (-1)


Incline Bench Press: 85lbs x 10
Dumbbell Seated Press: 25lbs (each hand) x 10

Rest 1 min

Close Grip Bench Press: 115lbs x 10
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs x 6


Wide Grip Bench Press: 115lbs x 10
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs x 6


Incline Bench Press: 85lbs x 10
Dumbbell Seated Press: 20lbs x 7


Incline Bench Press: 80lbs x 10


Skullcrushers: 45lbs x 10


Incline Bench Press: 80lbs x 10


Skullcrushers: 45lbs x 7

Cardio: 1 mile

Today's workout was pretty intense, same as last time I tried it.

Day 4: Rest day

Weight: 141lbs (-1)
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, now when approaching workout #3 heed my advice:

If you at all feel sick, off or just not right - DISCONTINUE. You can't get tractions during Feast if you're sick..

Hope that helps... Otherwise, great work!
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Day 5

Post by lmaonade123 »

Weight: 140lbs (-2)

Last day of famine... more than ready to start feast.


1 word to describe this workout would be WOW. This is without a doubt the hardest workout I've ever done.

Squat & 1 arm DB Row:

Squats - 155lbs
DB Rows - 25lbs

30 Seconds Rest

Squats - 155lbs
DB Rows - 25lbs


Squats - 145lbs
DB Rows - 25lbs


Squats - 145lbs
DB Rows - 25lbs


Squats - 135lbs
DB Rows - 25lbs


Barbell Curls:
30lbs (plus bar) x 12
30lbs x 12
30lbs x 12
25lbs x 12
25lbs x 12

Incline DB Curls:
15lbs x 12
15lbs x 12
15lbs x 12
15lbs x 12
15lbs x 12

Preacher Curls (again, used legs as substitute):
5lbs (plus bar) x 12
5lbs x 12
5lbs x 12
5lbs x 12
5lbs x 12
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Post by RobRegish »

Congratulations man!! The hard part is OVER.

And now, it's time to reap the BIG rewards!! Fantastic work. Can't say it enough...
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Day 6

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest day.

Weight: 145 (+3)

Whoa... I gained 5 pounds in 1 day. That's really odd. Unless I was HO the day before that's never happened to me.

Any ideas on foods to bring to school? I need to find some foods that would be good to bring for lunch/a classroom snack since I spend 7 hours there a day. Stuff you don't need to heat up

Since school started I've just been munching on cheese its and peanuts and eating a ton when I get home because the school food is pretty much non edible.
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Post by warriorcookie »

The hardest part I have with eating is I loose track of time and get behind my "schedule." You have the advantage of a routine with you classes to create reminders to eat.

The shake that Rob outlines on page 29 would give you alot to keep you busy with during the day. I usually drink it with regular meals. You could drink it with the various snacks you make for the day.

Smoothies are great travel meals too. Try tossing fruits AND veggies in a blender. Finish it off with some greek yogurt, protein powder and some pineapple juice. Using veggies like broccoli, kale, and spinach in your smoothie is extremely healthy for you, and the fruit covers the taste of the veggies. Vitamix has great recipes on their website. When you blend/juice food, it breaks down the cell walls and makes it more "available." Also, you can digest things that would normally just "pass" (ie, grape stems have lots of fiber, the pith on an orange has more vitamin C than the entire orange itself, throw in the entire apple, core, stem and all, also kiwi with the skin. Not the peel from a banana though, gross) If it's a cold smoothie, use a thermos.

Soup in a thermos. I've heard of people putting protein powder in soup, I've always wondered that it would probably denature the protein fairly quickly. I don't know for sure though.

Nuts are great. Buy them in the bulk section of the grocery store, way cheaper. Get unsalted when you can. Pecans, almonds, peanuts, etc. Be careful to measure them before you eat them. It's surprising how many calories there are (30 pecan halves is like 320 calories!!!)

Make a chicken salad. Use lettuce, kale, spinach, some nuts, cut up a couple chicken breasts, maybe a mandrine orange, and use a vinagrette and oil dressing. Make it huge.

Make sure to get plenty of real food when you get home, protein powder only goes so far. Make sure to have red meat at least once a week. Chicken is great lean protein, but no iron. Fish is great for EFA's, but as a protein source it leaves much to be desired. Using Rob's shake will help make sure you get enough protein every day. Most people tend to get too much calories from carbs and fat. If I don't plan out the day ahead, I run out of calories before getting enough protein.

Edit: I just remembered another one! Yogurt and cottage cheese!! 50/50. I know, I was skeptical at first, but I love it now! I got it from my Body for Life days (don't laugh, I lost 30lbs.) Cottage cheese is rich in Casein Protein, it will take the better part of the day to digest. Great bedtime snack too, low in carbs, high in Casein Protein, perfect! (blocks gabba/gamma gh if you take it at night)
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Post by RobRegish »

Fantastic advice and couldn't have said it better myself!

Thanks for the assist :)

warriorcookie wrote:The hardest part I have with eating is I loose track of time and get behind my "schedule." You have the advantage of a routine with you classes to create reminders to eat.

The shake that Rob outlines on page 29 would give you alot to keep you busy with during the day. I usually drink it with regular meals. You could drink it with the various snacks you make for the day.

Smoothies are great travel meals too. Try tossing fruits AND veggies in a blender. Finish it off with some greek yogurt, protein powder and some pineapple juice. Using veggies like broccoli, kale, and spinach in your smoothie is extremely healthy for you, and the fruit covers the taste of the veggies. Vitamix has great recipes on their website. When you blend/juice food, it breaks down the cell walls and makes it more "available." Also, you can digest things that would normally just "pass" (ie, grape stems have lots of fiber, the pith on an orange has more vitamin C than the entire orange itself, throw in the entire apple, core, stem and all, also kiwi with the skin. Not the peel from a banana though, gross) If it's a cold smoothie, use a thermos.

Soup in a thermos. I've heard of people putting protein powder in soup, I've always wondered that it would probably denature the protein fairly quickly. I don't know for sure though.

Nuts are great. Buy them in the bulk section of the grocery store, way cheaper. Get unsalted when you can. Pecans, almonds, peanuts, etc. Be careful to measure them before you eat them. It's surprising how many calories there are (30 pecan halves is like 320 calories!!!)

Make a chicken salad. Use lettuce, kale, spinach, some nuts, cut up a couple chicken breasts, maybe a mandrine orange, and use a vinagrette and oil dressing. Make it huge.

Make sure to get plenty of real food when you get home, protein powder only goes so far. Make sure to have red meat at least once a week. Chicken is great lean protein, but no iron. Fish is great for EFA's, but as a protein source it leaves much to be desired. Using Rob's shake will help make sure you get enough protein every day. Most people tend to get too much calories from carbs and fat. If I don't plan out the day ahead, I run out of calories before getting enough protein.

Edit: I just remembered another one! Yogurt and cottage cheese!! 50/50. I know, I was skeptical at first, but I love it now! I got it from my Body for Life days (don't laugh, I lost 30lbs.) Cottage cheese is rich in Casein Protein, it will take the better part of the day to digest. Great bedtime snack too, low in carbs, high in Casein Protein, perfect! (blocks gabba/gamma gh if you take it at night)
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Day 7

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest Day.

Weight: 146 (+4)

Thanks a lot for the detailed post warrior... and directing me towards the shake. I've read through The Blueprint 3 times and for some reason I've missed it every time!

Got more green mag today. Paid about 50% more than I would've if I had gotten it online but I was completely out. Lesson learned.
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Day 8

Post by lmaonade123 »

Rest Day.

Weight: 146 (+4) Dang, my rapid bulk streak has slowed.

I'm up to about 2700-2800 calories a day and 120-130 grams of protein. Finally got my meal schedule down (well, sort of).

Kinda confused about the Feast schedule though.
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Post by RobRegish »

Picked up your PM and sent you the fix.

Hope it helps!!
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