Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by RobRegish »

Your days of stealing what others here have invested in will be over shortly. That's right, what goes around is about to come around and if you doubt that, you don't know me very well.

Since you've registered here we now have your IP address. From this, we can derived your name and physical location. Currently, we're cross referencing a list of people registered here vs. PayPal buyers. Very shortly, I'll have a program that autofilters legit BP Belivers who invested their hard earned money vs. you, who stole it.

In addition, 3.0 will feature some outstanding contributions from BP Believers who have selflessly lent their time, expertise and experience to develop tools that will GREATLY enhance your ability to implement, refine and track your Blueprint progress. I'll be damned if you steal their work.

FAIR WARNING: Those lists above I speak of are currently being sweeped now to identify potential pirates. If you've on that list, expect a phone call from my attorney to get your side of it. We won't be monkeying around either. Any dodging of questions or unreturned calls tells me a lot. Provided we have enough to prosecute, expect a registered letter to arrive at your door some day soon.

Oh, did I mention Google is assisting in this effort now? Yep, they finally decided to crack down on you pirates too. They're finally going to put some teeth into my U.S. Patent. Don't believe that? See this:

https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... clnk&gl=us

NOTE: This includes you pirates who think you can hide in countries where you were previously "protected" from US Copyrights. Like oh, say Singapore as a random example. Your free ride is about to end.

In addition, 3.0 is going to contain several unique identifiers that tell me exactly who got which Blueprint. ONE of these is going to be something different found in it's text. It may be a letter, a number, a word or phrase or combination of such that differs from all the others. That'll be attached to your PayPal receipt when I send it to you. If you're currently holding 2.0, I'll have your Payal information on that too.

Think you can figure that one out? 3.0 is going to be in excess of 120 pages, and you'll need a copy of every other 3.0 sold assuming you do find it to compare. Good luck with that.

My attorney has already looked at my proposed intellectal property protection plan and assured me that it'll give me all the info I'll need to prosecute you. Think you can simply pass it along and let someone else post it? Wrong. I'll still have your unique identifier, amongst other things with your fingerprint on it proving you supplied it.

Finally, for all you lurkers here who never post and think we don't watch you, think again. There's always a way, and since you MAY have pirated The Blueprint too, you also know just how far I'll go to scratch around to find things. If you haven't figured it out yet, let me spell it out for you:

This includes you

So do your best pirates, because you're just adding fuel to my 3.0 fire to dig deeper, find better solutions and help my BP Believers even more. Thanks again for validating what we all knew long ago; The Blueprint is THAT GOOD, and they don't steal something nobody wants.

So place your 3.0 order with unique identifier and/or keep trying to rip everyone here off. Because this time, I'm going to make sure you're tracked down, prosecuted and punished for your crimes.

Don't believe that?

Just try me...
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Post by xlb57 »

Hell yes, Rob.
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Post by RobRegish »

They stole 25 years of my life but I'l be damned if they steal Thebuffer's, Dropthebeat's, Brain's or YOUR contributions made to 3.0...

I need your help too. You need to be FIERCELY protective of the information YOU invested in. You also have a responsibility to share it with good hearted people who deserve it....

How to weed them out? Time will reveal their true character. Give it some time before making your decision.

Whatever you do, keep in mind that the good/bad it does affects not just me, but everyone here.

Something to consider...
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Post by askmass »

Route out the crooks!
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Post by RobRegish »

askmass wrote:Route out the crooks!
Underway and all in good time. For now, my energies are focused on my BP Believers.

3 new BP Believers joined the Army today! Welcome aboard guys. Welcome to our family and welcome home...
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