Hanks 3RD run going for the cut

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Post by RobRegish »

Great feedback!

Now do take care to consume as you do "The Formula". I know you don't have that but I'll PM you further instructions.

Once you have that, goodbye to ANY soreness :)
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Post by Hank! »

Wow I was a little surprised to today with regard to my weight after literary overeating almost every meal this weekend..

WT 266
BP 112/66
RHR 68
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Post by RobRegish »

Only a 2lb gain from the start and recall we're on a re-comp. Provided your strength is going up (and it sure looks like it is), right on schedule :)

Let me know if that squares up with your thoughts on the matter. I want to make sure we're on the same page..

Way to go Hank!
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Post by Hank! »

For sure Rob very very surprised I thought for sure I was gonna be at 270+ after that last slab of Rib Roast :).

The real experiment now is with upping dosage on my Ecdy and increasing workload how total inches will change. I am taking measurements tonight and will review again in 2 weeks.

I dont care if weight 270 as long as i look like I weigh 250..get the idea?

Santa brought me new straps, so i can do some trap abuse this week.

Also Rob any issue with doing my static hold flat as opposed to decline?

Whats the best flavor youve found for the Eagle? ( straight eagle is nasty)
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank! wrote:For sure Rob very very surprised I thought for sure I was gonna be at 270+ after that last slab of Rib Roast :).

A. So happy to hear it. That means the 3.0 template is working :)

The real experiment now is with upping dosage on my Ecdy and increasing workload how total inches will change. I am taking measurements tonight and will review again in 2 weeks.

I dont care if weight 270 as long as i look like I weigh 250..get the idea?

A. Sure do. That's what re-comp is all about! In 3.0, I'll be debuting a new tool for you to know EXACTLY how much fat you're dropping and muscle you're gaining every week!

Santa brought me new straps, so i can do some trap abuse this week.

A. Don't limit that to the gym now, if you get my drift :) Put that chick magnet thing of yours to work!

Also Rob any issue with doing my static hold flat as opposed to decline?

A. No, but you won't be able to achieve the same amount of overload. I elected to use the decline for this very reason: You can handle more weight on that movement due to the angle and thus, more overload. Since more overload = more muscle, that was my logic :)

Whats the best flavor youve found for the Eagle? ( straight eagle is nasty)
A. Given the diabolical mix I've outline (combination of "The Formula" and "The Eagle", I'd suggest flavoring with one of those V8 fruit/vegetable "Twist" drinks. If memory serves, these don't contain any high fructose corn syrup, other junk etc and should help with the flavoring.

Solutions to everything here. I just keep upping the Burn It Up dose every time The BP Army adds a new member.. :)
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Post by Hank! »

Great Rob thanks

I am going to start keeping a more detailed log here for the next 2 weeks, including what I eat and when. Goal here is to drop fat fast.

I will leave out water , but i drink at least 1 gallon of distilled daily
Woke at 6:30

6:45 16oz coffee with 3 Truvia and 1tsp Cinnamon
7:30 3 x Ebol
8:00 2 gms Fish oil/800IU Vit D/1300 mg NAC/1gm Vit C
8:15 2 handfuls Spinach sauteed in olive oil with 2 gloves garlic and half an onion 4 Omega 3 Eggs over easy / Cayenne Pepper and Siriacha Hot sauce
9:30 16oz coffee with 2 Truvia 1 tsp cinnamon
11:15 20 Salted almonds
12:00 10oz Grilled Chicken Breast, 1 handfull Romain lettuce, 2 slices tomato. 2TSB Oil and vinegar
12:05 3x Ebol
1:15 4oz turkey breast 1 slice bacon 2 slice tomato
1: 38 P-BOL
2:00 starting sipping the formula
3:20 finishes formula after grueling workout
3:45 Isology Whey in Water
3:45 3X Ebol
4:30 20 almonds
6:45 8 oz rib roast 2 cups kale with Soy/ Seasame oil
9:30 8oz Milk (whole) and 1 Scoop Isology
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Post by Hank! »

monster workout

2 minutes rest between super-sets

Delcine Static hold
405x20 secs / 430 x 10secs

Flat DB Bench superset with DB Rows

Static Hold shoulder press

Skull Crushers//Olypic Bar Curls 1 minute rest between sets

Roughly 50 minutes
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice Hank!

Now do keep me posted insofar as The Formula vs. The Eagle and feel free to share those here.

Will help me a lot :) Thanks man, doing it Justice like I know you would!!
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Post by Hank! »

Got the flavoring down today, tasted grapey good

1 Scoop recovery, 75 gms Karbolyn, 5gms CMO,
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Post by RobRegish »


Let me know what you feel like tomorrow!
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Post by Hank! »

Holy crap Rob, it was my ratios i had them wrong.

I have no soreness at all, and I decreased my rest periods while slightly increasing wt. I should be sore as hell

Today is cardio, I will keep my detailed food log here again

7a Wake up 16oz Ice water
7:15 Coffee with Stevia and 1 tsb cinnimon
7:20 juice from half a grapefruit
7:30 3 x ebol
7:35 3Eggs 2 handfuls spinach 3 gloves garlic half an onion
8:00 2gm fish oil, 800 iu vit d, 650 mg NAC, 1gm Vit C
9:30 Coffee with half and half and sugar
11:45 20 oz grilled chicken breast, steamed vegatables
1:0 Scoop Isology
1:00 3 x ebol
2:30 1 Yellow Starburst
5:00 Pump-Bol
6:00 workout
6:50 3X Ebol
7:00 Recovery x 1 scoop Shake with Isology Karbolyn and Blueberries
8:0 Isology in water
9: big spoon natty pb, 6 mixed nuts
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Post by RobRegish »

Hank! wrote:Holy crap Rob, it was my ratios i had them wrong.

I have no soreness at all, and I decreased my rest periods while slightly increasing wt. I should be sore as hell

Today is cardio, I will keep my detailed food log here again

7a Wake up 16oz Ice water
7:15 Coffee with Stevia and 1 tsb cinnimon
7:20 juice from half a grapefruit
7:30 3 x ebol ecdy
7:35 3Eggs 2 handfuls spinach 3 gloves garlic half an onion
I'm assuming the ratio corrections did you right then :) If so, very pleased I could help!

Great going man and I'm going to pass your feedback on to you know who... :)
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Post by Hank! »

Nice GPP workout today

Did about 10 100 yard sprints, air squats, squat jumps, broad jumps and medicine ball slams which are surprisingly tiring

Duration 38 minutes, cals burned about 561

Rob I drank a a recovery POST workout with added protein and blueberries as a meal . Interested to see if if offsets any calve soreness
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Post by Hank! »

Zero sorness its pretty amazing really

Weight was 264lbs today, BP 3.0 Beta is very very promising

Woke 6a
6a 16oz Ice water
6a 3x ebol
6:15 12 walnuts, 6 brazil nuts
6:30 2 eggs with spinach and garlic
6:30 coffee with half and half
11:00 coffe with cream and sugar
12:45 3 X Ebol
1:00 Serving of Gyro meat, small salad
4:00 Wheyolgy in Coconut Water
6:30 3x Ebol
7:00 11 oz grilled chicken breast, i head of broccoli, 1 Roma Tomato
9:00 isoolgy in 10oz milk
9:30 8 oz Egg nog
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