Jad's First BP Run

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Jad's First BP Run

Post by JADMALEK »

Hey, Jad here. First off, I'd like to thank you Rob for this program-it is truly BRILLIANT. Anyway, here's me: I'm eighteen years old, 6"1, and 205 lbs. I've been working out for the past year almost, starting off with a set of dumbbells and a two day cycle, and have transitioned into an actual gym as of May, more or less working out according to the following cycle: back/bi, chest/tri, shoulder/traps, and legs. This was quite good for like a month, but for months after I just stopped seeing gains in size although I have gradually gotten stronger. Then I came across this program, thanks to Justin (a BEAST), and now am very hopeful that this might be just for me.

Anyway, my goal with this is to obviously bulk up and gain size. For my first run, I plan on sticking to exactly what your 2.0 version says for all three phases and will just ask questions along the way (if that's OK). For now, i just have a few:

1. For the feast and cruise phases, would it be alright if I were to train every day (but on some days go easier than others)? I know rest days are essential but I really just feel guilty for not working out lol..
2. You say in your What Supplements Not To Take that liquid creatine is a scam, but that does also refer to creatine powder? Because I was thinking of combining Mass Pro whey protein and some time of creatine powder for the feast and cruise phases..
3. Ill probably have questions when it comes to the loading patterns later on, but just to make sure, we're supposed to test for our one rep max in the first week of the feast phase?

Anyway, that's it for now..I'm starting my famine tomorrow and hoping for the best.
Thanks so much once again!!
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Post by RobRegish »

First, welcome aboard! We're so happy to have you here and thanks Justin for the referral! We'll take good care of you..

1. For the feast and cruise phases, would it be alright if I were to train every day (but on some days go easier than others)? I know rest days are essential but I really just feel guilty for not working out lol..

A. No, and this is something you'll need to get over so to speak. Just trust me on this one. You'll NEVER look back!

2. You say in your What Supplements Not To Take that liquid creatine is a scam, but that does also refer to creatine powder? Because I was thinking of combining Mass Pro whey protein and some time of creatine powder for the feast and cruise phases..

A. No, not at all. Creatine mono, di-creatine malate and powdered Kre-Alkalyn are all fine products. It's the pre-mixed creatines that are a scam. And a BAD one at that. Upon lab analysis, most are found to convert to creatinine (waste product) due to sitting in solution for any length of time. Stay away...

3. Ill probably have questions when it comes to the loading patterns later on, but just to make sure, we're supposed to test for our one rep max in the first week of the feast phase?

A. Workout 5 and it likely will take more than a week. Start with a 1on/1 off workout frequency and insert extra rest days from there. Again, TRUST ME on this one.

You will be rewarded in short order.. :)
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Post by Justin »

SIKK BRO :) your gonna love it!! I'll probably see you at gym 2day :)! I know your going to Tank it out!!
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Feast Question

Post by JADMALEK »

hey!! i just had a question for the GLP 1 during feast phase: so we do the GLP (let's say for bench press) and then incorporate EDT PR Zones (for other muscle groups alternately) after the 6 sets of GLP?!
Thanks a lot!
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Another feast question lol

Post by JADMALEK »

And what if I already know my one rep max..could I just start the GLP right away and do more than 6 GLP workouts? Thanks again
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Post by Justin »

i think its 12 times for 1 phase of a GLP like for me if you remember it was 6 upper(bench) and 6 lowers (deadlift). :P but I also had the 5 workouts before for my 1rm.. so you'll have some time to maybey perform 2 glps?!?
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Post by RobRegish »

OK here are answers to your questions:

Q. So we do the GLP (let's say for bench press) and then incorporate EDT PR Zones (for other muscle groups alternately) after the 6 sets of GLP?!

A. Yes. Right on :) You also want to incorporate some EDT blocks here AFTER you do those big BB lifts justice.

Q. And what if I already know my one rep max..could I just start the GLP right away and do more than 6 GLP workouts?

A. Oh no no no.. :) Workouts 1-5 bridge into Feast are there for a VERY important reason.

Draco helped me figure this out. He was running 1.0 and had trouble getting traction early. Did he give or did I stop there? Hell no!

I came up with bridge workouts 1-5, incorporated into 2.0 and presto - problem fixed. See here. Some guy by the name of Mixelflick put together a step by step stickie post just for you :)

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=730

Specifically, you want to look at these:


https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=441


https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=378
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=437

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Post by JADMALEK »

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Post by RobRegish »

My privilege and pleasure.

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