DRJGN's 1st Run- testing BP on an out of shape guy!

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Post by RobRegish »

Saw it.

Thank you SO much! So happy for you and I very much look forward to helping you build upon these gains going forward!
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Post by drjgn »

My pleasure Rob. This has been worth every penny plus more!
Your involvement makes ALL the difference.
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Post by drjgn »

Question for you Rob-

Close to starting GLP2 now, and wondering:

- Do I do EDT's the same in GLP 2? (2 upper EDT, 1 Lower EDT)
- calories at 100% for "on" days/ 70% for "off" days so I can recomp?
- what if I do cardio on "off" day- still 70% calories?

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Post by RobRegish »

HI Doug,

I'll PM you the details :)
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Post by drjgn »

Just finished workout #1 of GLP 2- Upper:

Workout One- Upper Set Completion/ Totals

BP 205 x 6
BP 205 x 6
BP 205 x 6
BP 205 x 6

Dips ................8
Pull-ups-asst 16 x 6
Dips ................6
Pull-ups-asst 16 x 6
Dips ................6
Pull-ups-asst 17 x 6
Dips ................3
Pull-ups-asst 18 x 4

Mil Press BB 115 x 6
Incl Curl DB 30 x 6
Mil Press BB 105 x 6
Incl Curl DB 30 x 6
Mil Press BB 105 x 6
Incl Curl DB 30 x 6
Mil Press BB 105 x 6
Incl Curl DB 30 x 6
I forgot how hard dips are, and how stretched my chest feels afterward! My extra fat isn't helping my dips and pull-ups, but that will change.
I wasn't feeling that strong today, but it's a start.

Just started KA today
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Post by RobRegish »

Great workout!

Speaking of Kre-Anabolyn, I've got the BP Mass Stack on the way AND I just got my 2 BP Tee Shirts.

They look FANTASTIC! OK I'm biased but I hope you guys feel the same. Damn, this Jeff the T-shirt guys does some FINE work!
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Post by drjgn »

feeling some shoulder strain in my left shoulder. really hoping it goes away. think its from the military press in the smith cage. :cry:
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Post by RobRegish »

Eliminate it and try DB's.

Also, get on Cissus of some sort, ideally a 5-10% extract. The lower % extracts are SUPERB for healing these types of injuries. To that, invest in a sled you can drag.

6-10 trips with a lighter weight dragging forward and backward (alternate). For the forward, mimic a front DB raise, flye or steep incline movement. For the backward drag, mimic an upright row/lower cable row and bent over lateral raise type movemen(s).

That will help considerably!
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Post by drjgn »

RobRegish wrote:Eliminate it and try DB's.

Also, get on Cissus of some sort, ideally a 5-10% extract. The lower % extracts are SUPERB for healing these types of injuries. To that, invest in a sled you can drag.

6-10 trips with a lighter weight dragging forward and backward (alternate). For the forward, mimic a front DB raise, flye or steep incline movement. For the backward drag, mimic an upright row/lower cable row and bent over lateral raise type movemen(s).

That will help considerably!
Never tried Cissus before. looking at bb store-Something like PrimaForce or USPlabs? The dosages seem to be all over the place, should it be something like 1000mg? one of them even mentioned a loading phase for 3 weeks- necessary?

I know you've written b4 on sleds, so I'll look around our forum to find that info.

Thanks Rob!

Crazy sore today but in a good way :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Cissus is best dosed IMO at about 800mg/day of the 5% extract for such injuries. Look for it in that % in products when shopping. Take one of these earlier in the day and another before bed.

Also, look hard at the Ultimate Omega fish oil here (bottom of the page). It's another powerful anti-inflammatory research proven to do just that and a whole lot more:


As with all MASS supps.... top shelf and worth every penny IMO. The orange flavor tastes damn good too and does a great job masking the fish oil itself. A tablespoon/day beats tons of any capsule product I've used. Just my $0.02...
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Post by drjgn »

I can't believe how much better my shoulder feels, and I haven't had a chance to get some cissus or fish oil yet. CRAZY recovery!

Just finished workout # 1 of GLP2- Lower

Workout One- Lower Set Completion/ Totals
Leg Press 310 x 6
Leg Press 310 x 6
Leg Press 310 x 6
Leg Press 310 x 6

SLDL 105 x 8
Leg Ext. 110 x 8
SLDL 105 x 8
Leg Ext 110 x 8
SLDL 105 x 8
Leg ext 110 x 8
SLDL 105 x 8
Legext 110 x 8

DB Side Bends 35 x 30
DB Side Bends 35 x 30

I went light on SLDL just to make sure that sports hernia didn't flare up. It went real well, so hopefully I'll be able to add some weight next time. I haven't done deads in a LONG time, and really liked it.
Originally my EDT was going to be SLDL and hyperextensions, but I felt like supersetting those could compromise my low back on the SLDL's, so I changed to leg extensions.
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Post by RobRegish »


Keep up the GREAT work!!
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Post by drjgn »

45 minutes on elliptical cybex thing
ave HR 150
700 cal burned
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Post by RobRegish »

Way to go man. All signs are pointing to Gainsville :)
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