DV8's 1st BP Run

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Post by DV8 »

Famine Day 4
RHR: 65bpm
Weight: 198 lbs

-1 Navel Orange = 70 cal, 1.2g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion = 150 cal
-1 Bartlet Pear = 96 cal, 0.63g protein
-1 Cup Cantaloupe Melon = 60 cal, 1.5g protein
-3 servings V8 Fusion = 150 cal
-1 cup of Broccoli= 30 cal, 1g protein
-~36 pieces of Sweet Potato Baked Fries= 420 cal, 3g protein
-~3 quarts of water
-3/4 cup frozen Mango chunks = 90 cal, 1g protein

Day's Total = 1058 cal, 7.35g protein
Hunger is present throughout the day, but nothing that can't be ignored. Energy level is still surprisingly high with no sick or "off" feeling. I started to feel a little drowsy in the evening, but was able to stay up through it.


Off Day

1 more day of Famine. I'm ready for day 5 and that final workout. I'm actually looking forward to it...sorta.
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Post by RobRegish »

I'll leave this up to you but in my eyes, you're already there:

- RHR is now 8 beats per minute over baseline
- You've lost the requisite 1lb/day

You're there man. Up to you but GREAT work!
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Post by elephino »

Good job, dude. What are you having for breakfast tomorrow?

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Post by DV8 »

RobRegish wrote:I'll leave this up to you but in my eyes, you're already there:

- RHR is now 8 beats per minute over baseline
- You've lost the requisite 1lb/day

You're there man. Up to you but GREAT work!
Stats this morning were at 67 bpm (+9 bpm from baseline) and 197 lbs (-5 lbs from baseline). I think my body is there.

Interesting thing happened when measuring my heart rate though. I check it as soon as I wake with a wrist watch style monitor. This morning I measured as I was half asleep, and my RHR showed 57 bpm. Measured it again, and it was 58 bpm. I sat up, took a few deep breaths, measured again, and it registered in at 66, 67, and 67. Have you ever seen this happen Rob? Was my body still asleep?

I think I'll skip the day 5 workout. I would like the challenge, but I don't want to take famine too far and reduce my traction during Feast. Last thing I need is to pull a hamstring either. I'll continue the fasting today though.
elephino wrote:Good job, dude. What are you having for breakfast tomorrow?
Thanks! Breakfast...I've already placed my breakfast order with my wife. LOL. I've requested 6 eggs over-easy, 4 slices of ham, and sweet potato hash browns. She's also going to make me my own turkey Meatloaf with loaded mash potatoes for lunch, and my own rotisserie chicken with brown rice and mashed sweet potatoes for dinner. She's a keeper!!!
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Post by elephino »

Definitely a keeper!
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Post by RobRegish »

First time I'd heart of the heart rate issue. SMART move on skipping workout #3.

You're good to go. Enjoy Feast :)
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Post by DV8 »

Famine Day 5
RHR: 66bpm
Weight: 196 lbs

-2 servings V8 Fusion = 240 cal
-1 Apple = 70 cal, 0.40g protein
-2 servings V8 Fusion = 240 cal
-Chic-fil-a Salad w/ dressing (minus chicken)= 250 cal, 1g protein
-Small Serving Waffle Fries= 290 cal, 3g protein
-Medium Lemonade= 230 cal

Day's Total = 1320 cal, 4.4g protein
Energy level has been high all week. The feeling of hunger was present throughout, but nothing overwhelming.


Chose to take the day off since I had it all the goals required for famine (+8 bpm and -6 lbs for the week).
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Post by DV8 »

Feast Day 3

Weekend was spent concentrating on taking in 4000 quality calories, napping, and getting good quality sleep in. Made the mass gainer shake described in the BP with a slight change (16 oz. Pineapple Juice, 3 scoops BSN Truemass, 1 scoop Pure Karbolyn, 1 cup Greek Yogurt). Tastes like a sweet Pina Colada. Good stuff.

Calories for the weekend (using a Calorie Counter App on my phone)
Saturday: 4082 cal / 321g Protein
Sunday: 4103 cal / 313g Protein
Monday: ~4030 cal / ~315g Protein

Made sure to take it easy as I didn't know how my first workout would be after famine. Took it easy on the weight and concentrated on form, especially for DB pull overs and SLDL's since I've never done them before.

Bench Press: 135x10, 155x5, 185x10 (PR)
DB Pull Over: 40x10
Red Font = Warm up sets

Squats: 135x10, 185x10, 225x10
SLDL: 195x10
Red Font = Warm up sets

EDT 1:
Inc. DB Bench Press: 40x6,6,6,6,6,8
DB One Armed Row: 40x6,6,6,6,6,8

EDT 2:
Romanian DeadLift: 225x6,6,6,6,6,3
DB Lunges: 80x6,6,6,6,6,3

Workout was farking intense. EDT 2 was really demanding, but it felt great to get it done. I'll need to increase the weight for Squats, Pull Overs, and the rows.

Looks like I'll be on the 1 on / 2 off schedule with cardio on my off days.
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Post by DV8 »

Feast Day 4 and 5:

Weight = 200 lbs
Calories have been scaled back to 3600-3800 calories.

Day 4: I did 45 minutes on an eliptical keeping my heart rate at 150 bpm. That was followed by a 2 mile run on the treadmill.

Day 5: Probably going to do some light cardio today. Need to take it easy today in prep for tomorrow's workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

THAT my man, looks fantastic!

Red = PR's ?
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Post by DV8 »

LOL, no they are my warm up sets.

Actually the 185x10 on Bench is the most weight I've done for that amount of reps. Would that be considered a PR?
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Post by RobRegish »


Please bold those. Make Rob happy :)
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Post by DV8 »

Feast Day 6:

Weight: 201 lbs
Calories somewhere around 3600


Bench Press: 135x10, 155x5, 190x10 (PR)
DB Pull Over: 40x10
Red Font = Warm up sets

Squats (A2G): 205x5, 225x3, 255x8 (PR)
SLDL: 205x8
Red Font = Warm up sets

EDT 1:
Inc. DB Bench Press: 80(total wt.)x6,6,6,7,10,10
DB One Armed Row: 40x6,6,6,7,10,10

I had to do this workout during my lunch hour as I had my son's Christmas Recital that night and wouldn't be able to workout in the evening. Due to the time crunch, I wasn't able to complete EDT 2.

On the plus side, I did get 2 new PR's. That's the first time I've been able to do 10 reps of that amount of weight for bench press. As for squats, I've never been able to do that high of reps with that weight using absolute proper form and going 1" below parallel.
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Post by RobRegish »

Two new PR's!

Awesome man. Way to go!!
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