Beefcake's Blueprint Run

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Post by beefcake66 »

I did the 3rd workout and it was short and brutal.

Specific numbers are at home but.. from what I remember

Deadlifts / Partial Squats / One-Arm DB Rows
115x12 / 120x12 / 20x12
115x12 / 120x12 / 20x12
115x12 / 120x12 / 20x12
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Post by beefcake66 »

I ate from after that workout (Mid Thursday) till yesterday (Monday). I was away with no access to a gym so I got a lot of straight up eating in, but not as much resting as I would've liked. Lots of driving though...

Yesterday I did my first workout of the Feast phase, and I started out feeling kinda weak but I ended up doing better than I expected.

GST - Lift


Warm Ups:

Working Sets:

Romanian Deadlifts

Good Mornings

Glute Ham Raise
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice beefcake. Great job making it through!!

For me, it hits hard on workouts #2 or 3 of Feast. Will be interested to see if you note the same!
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Post by beefcake66 »


2098 Calories
165g protein (working on that)

GST - Press

BB Shoulder Press

Warmups (standing):

Working Sets (seated):

Bench Dips
BW x 15
BW x 13

Incline BB Press
65 x 15
65 x 15

Pushups(on stairs)
BW x 10
BW x 10
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks interesting.

Keep up posted!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Yesterday I was still quite sore and dealing with a massive headache, I could feel my temples throbbing (and my gf said she could see the veins popping out the side of my head)... so I decided to take a rest day!

Feeling a lot better today! Just gotta get through the day here at work and then we're doing the squat workout tonight.

I've been eating over 2000 cals a day and my weight is pretty much staying steady. My maintenance cals may be higher than I originally thought! Which is AWESOME cause I love food.

I'm going to continue with my 2000-2400 cals a day plan (which honestly is more of a bottom limit, pretty sure I've been hitting 3000+ all week). I need to start running(cardio+fatloss) and incorporating more of my leg rehab work (knee-hab as I affectionately call it) into my daily routines so that should help offset any fat gains that I'm pretty sure I'm getting lol
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome! Glad to hear you're feeling better!!
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Post by beefcake66 »

Missed Posting this... it's barely considered a workout in my books, I wasn't feeling well though. And my gosh.. I actually felt it for a few days. Right in the weak part of my quads. Which means I'll probably be sticking with super low weights like this for a while... or at least I'll continue doing my box squats the same was I did them this day.

3rd workout:

BB Box Squat

BB Reverse Lunges

Alright so I just did my 4th workout...
I wasn't feeling well (girly stuff. lucky boys....) so I had to take some extra rest days, so I just now got my Pull workout in. I feel as if I'm taking too much rest days, I'm not being active enough, and I'm eating too much BAD STUFF. I really need to crack down on myself. I weighed myself before working out and it said 67.8kg (149.16lbs)... I promised myself I would NOT get over 150lbs again, so it's time to start watching what I eat/dieting moderately. I think I'm going to eat ~2200-2400 on workout days and 1800-2000 on rest days. The extra cals will only be a protein shake (a very big protein shake). I'm fully prepared to start a cut diet instead of a recomp diet if I don't start getting some nice results. I also have to start keeping better track of my supplements. I've let myself off a little too easy (side effect of being so anal with myself for most of this year already). Needed a break... but if I keep going as I have been I'm gonna become a fat blob again.

Anyways, enough bitching and ranting. Here's my latest workout:


Self-Assisted x 5
Negative x 3
Negative x 3

Reverse Grip Bentover BB Row
45x10 (warmup/feeler)

Pronated Grip Inverted Row (Knees ~90 degrees)
BW x 10
BW x 10
BW x 10

High Pulls

High Pulls were harder than I anticipated... partly because I'm still getting used to doing them properly and "Exploding" is something my knee really needs to get used to again. This should be a huge help. I will eventually switch it to Hang Cleans...
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Post by beefcake66 »



Whatever strikes my fancy from my stash or pre-workouts and samples.... or nothing. Nothing is really nice sometimes.

Intra workout I plan to be taking:

2sc Xtend = 3.5g Leucine, 2.5g Glutamine, 1.75g Isoleucine, 1.75g Valine, 1g Citrulline Malate
1tsp Taurine = 5g

Post workout (with whats left of my Intra):

2x Kre-Alkalyn = 1.5g
1x HumanaSport = 20mg Standardized 99% 20-Hydroxyecdysone
5x DoubleT Sports NitroMine (only a few left) = 5017mg prop blend of L-Leucine, L-Taurine, L-Valine, L-Lysine, L-Threonine, L-Glutamic Acid, L-Methionine, L-Arginine, L-Isoleucine, L-Phenylalanine

After all that and when my stomachs settled, 2sc of protein in 2c of skim milk. Mmm. nummy.
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Post by RobRegish »

Looks like solid work beefcake. Keep us posted on how you feel strength wise/power wise. You should be "feeling it" shortly...
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Post by beefcake66 »

Hopefully. Honestly I kind of slacked on the supps (missed a few doses) and the diet has been horrendous (and I doubt I've been hitting my protein goals... days I tried hard I only got to 165-185 for some reason). I considered restarting this run because it's kind of a bust to me, I don't feel like I've hit it 100% so far.. but I'll stick with it and see where it goes. I can always do another run early next year (I'll probably do a run the same time as Allie).

Lift workout tonight, my traps are sore from the pull workout yesterday (high pulls.. daaaaaaamn).

I calculated my ~1RM's though (already knew deadlift).
So my core lifts...
Deadlift 1RM = 225lbs
Seated Shoulder Press 1RM = 91lbs
Box Squat 1RM = 102lbs
Chinup 1RM = .... ??? can't get a single rep atm. I guess ~100lbs (require 50lbs assistance).

Weighed in at 148.06 this morning. I have to start dieting again :(
Hopefully strength will go UP while fat goes DOWN!

EDIT: Oh! And I have Maca and Yohimbine coming to me in the mail... A friend of mine said the Yohimbine made it to her alright, hopefully it makes it to me as well... It's kind of illegal-ish in Canada, so I hear.
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Post by beefcake66 »

Will edit the real numbers in when I find them at home :D

Tuesday, December 7
GST - Lift


Warm Ups:

Working Sets:

Romanian Deadlifts

Good Mornings

Glute Ham Raise

Thursday, December 9
GST - Press

BB Shoulder Press

20x8 (standing)
45x6 (seated)

Working Sets (seated):

Bench Dips
BW x 10
BW x 10

Incline BB Press
70 x 10
70 x 10

Pushups(on stairs)
BW x 10
BW x 8
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Post by beefcake66 »

Diet has been a mess; I'm literally eating everything I want and can. Tryin to get enough protein in but very likely not reaching my protein goal. Gaining weight (.. as expected with the non-stop eating). Up to 147.5lbs on average. I assume some is muscle because when I weighed this much before I looked far worse lol.

I'm considering scrapping this run and starting again beginning of January, because it will sync up with a contest I'll be joining and I'll be that much more motivated to do it RIGHT. I'm already kind of mad at myself for not sticking to things as well as I would've liked.

I'll finished out this microcycle (2 more workouts) like I have been and then attempt to do the next 2 weeks as a mini-cruise? Leaving me set up for some time off and a new famine phase to begin early January.

The contest I'll be in is 18 weeks long and I'll have to run the BP on a cut... not sure the most optimal way to go about this. Calorie cycling will take too much thought/prep... but I do have a few ideas to make life easier just gotta put it into action! Will report back later...
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Post by RobRegish »

OK Beefcake, that sounds like a plan.

The fact though, you've been overfeeding/eating freely and it isn't "showing" like it normally does illustrates the power of Famine though. The enzymes that store fat haven't "caught" up yet from homeostasis being disrupted.

A nice side benefit of the caloric whiplash we use in The BP to maximum effect!
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