Just another first run thread - by BigPelo

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Post by RobRegish »

I've used them all and stick with MassPro and I'll tell you why:

Whey concentrate (almost all the research is on concentrate, not isolate)
Whey isolate
Partially hydrolyzed for the di-tri-peptides
Added Taurine and Glutamine (important if dieting)
Colostrum - no I don't believe it makes you 400% stronger BUT, I NEVER get colds and the like and if I do, 1-2 days and done.

I believe it builds immunity, big time. People gave up on colostrum. I thought MASS was crazy to include it but turns out they were right. It imparts a unique quality to the stuff. I can't quite quantify it other than to say it has a "soothing" feeling after using it for 3 weeks at 2-3 scoops/day.

Be interested in your feedback..
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Post by bigpelo »

Yesterday was workout 5 and I am getting closer to my previous PR, still not there. Weight in at 244.5 lbs. I believe my endomorph physique is putting back the fat on quickly from to much carbs. Next run with kre-anabolyn should help with that I hope. Still, mood and energy level are at highest since I ever remember, which I like.

Changing subject, I put away my Iso-100 (not in the trash :) ) and I try MASS PRO this morning with my breakfast. I had pure vanilla flavour. It mixes well and taste very good. Digestion is easy. I hope it is as potent as it looks.

Tonight will be HIIT cardio again for 18 minutes with some abs workout.
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Post by RobRegish »

Nice job man. GLP #1 will set you new PR's, no doubt.

LOVE that MassPro Vanilla. God they did that one right!!
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Post by bigpelo »

long time no post...

i am on day 27 of feast. did workout #9 yesterday. I am back to where i was before beginning the blueprint. I weight at 247 lbs after working out, so +4 lbs. Keep in mind that I am not doing the traditional bp workout plan but fellowing the "muscle gaining secret". I will post numbers of weight per exercises after I am done with feast.

I had a cold last weekend. Temperature around here is crap...

I will tweak this program for the next run as I am putting more fat then I wanted... Being an endomorph, I should have ate cleaner in the beginning of feast but travelling for job as make this harder then I though.

I will keep you informed!
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, please do!!

Been wondering how you've been doing...
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Post by bigpelo »

I did some cardio and abs yesterday. Tonight will be squat, standing calf raise, shrug and incline dumbell hammer curl. Should at least be as good as my previous PR...

My feast will end with another week 300 miles away from home. This job is keeping me busy but I love it! I will try to eat cleaner this time though.

I was thinking for my cruise phase to cycle carbs in a attempt to lose some fat. You thing it's a good idea?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes carb cycling is a worthwhile exercise. I'll be curious to see how you respond. Most find it favorable, at least once they get it dialed in. If you require any assistance, please give me a shout!

That's what I'm here for :)
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Post by bigpelo »

yesterday was workout #12 (muscle gaining secret program, phase 1, day 4). I did all my previous PR but it seems way easier! only 4 workout left before entering cruise. I will break all those numbers, post them here and than plan a second run for 2011. The bad new is that I am leaving Sunday so diet will be so-so again for the end of this feast. Next workout will be Monday. I will be too busy form today until Sunday night. So 4 days rest before breaking PR!

I have a lot of improvement opportunities for my second run as this one is not as good as I thought it would be. Mainly my fault I thing:

- I eat way too less during famine, which make me regress to a point where it's hard to come back from
- I didn't feast clean the first week, as an endomorph, it make me pact a lots of fat
- I didn't use a quality protein the 2 first week of feast, recovery was too slow
- I had a cold during feast from a freezing friday drinking night, shouldn't get drunk
- I used a training program that have work wonder for me previously, it's maybe not suit well for this diet (?)
- I didn't use carbs sparing supplements, as a carbs sensible guy eating lot's of carbs during feast have probably help fat accumulation (my father and the father of mine have diabetes)
- I didn't get 8 hours of sleep every night during feast, 8 to 9 hours being my sweet spot, I should have put more effort it achieving this

After this run, I will try the "big beyond belief" program with progenex "recovery" and "more muscle". This program is cycling volume and intensity in a way similar to feast and cruise (probably why people still gain during cruise) and than another blueprint run with all the MASS supplements, improvements form this run and maybe another program. The problem with the actual blueprint program is 1RM that I don't like to do. Should find something similar without pushing in the 1RM max zone...
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Post by RobRegish »

Great run and looking forward to those new PR's!!

See this?

- I eat way too less during famine, which make me regress to a point where it's hard to come back from
- I didn't feast clean the first week, as an endomorph, it make me pact a lots of fat
- I didn't use a quality protein the 2 first week of feast, recovery was too slow
- I had a cold during feast from a freezing friday drinking night, shouldn't get drunk

A. :)

- I used a training program that have work wonder for me previously, it's maybe not suit well for this diet (?)

A. Did you use it recently? That may be the more likely culprit..

- I didn't use carbs sparing supplements, as a carbs sensible guy eating lot's of carbs during feast have probably help fat accumulation (my father and the father of mine have diabetes)

- I didn't get 8 hours of sleep every night during feast, 8 to 9 hours being my sweet spot, I should have put more effort it achieving this

THIS is what it's all about. Learning, refining and GROWING. So happy to see it!

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Post by bigpelo »

What about a no 1RM program for the next run? Any suggestion?

And yes, the current program was used right before this run :(
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Post by RobRegish »

Sure. I have LOTS of ideas :)

Feast phase training with EDT blocks, 5 x 5 templates, total tonnage training, DogCrapp and other programs can be inserted for your benefit!

As I suspected, your training methodology of choice was used recently and thus, the body quickly recognized it and shut down the desired adaptation response. No problem. It's part of the LEARN, SHARE, GROW mantra. In this case, it was part of the learning process. Now you know...

1RM/absolute strength PR's aren't for everyone. However, I find they're motivating, easy to follow/quantify and overall dovetail nicely with the volume oriented approach EDT blocks deliver.

However, this is YOUR Blueprint. YOUR goals are what's important, not mine. If I can assist in any way..... that's what this place is for!
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Post by bigpelo »

Last week I was away from home. I decided to end this feast that wasn't delivering and begin cruise. I have done 2 cruise workout and weight is up again, weight 247 yesterday afternoon after workout #2. I will cut curbs during this cruise in an effort to burn some fat. I will take 3 burn it up caps before working out and an additional 2 other days.

I will end cruise December 19th. Not sure of what I am going to do after. Maybe pay Rob for a personalize 2nd run program...
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Post by RobRegish »

Either way, let me know.

The thing to learn from here (and this is for EVERYONE'S benefit) is that when you repeat the same program, loading pattern or what have you too frequently.... it doesn't work.

I found the same many years ago and carefully arranged The Blueprint to avoid this. You can look at The Blueprint Periodic for example, to see the thought that went into avoiding these pitfalls:

https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/ ... dSheet.pdf

Don't feel bad man. You're stil gaining and we're all here to help each other! I'll be here as will the rest of the BP army to help when you're ready!
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Post by bigpelo »

Yesterday was cruise workout #3. It's been 4 days taking 3 caps of burn it up! per day. If I can't really feel this product kicking in, I do feel stronger and mood is good. Dumbells feel lighter from workout #1 already and HIIT cardio is a breeze.

Yesterday I weight at 248 after working out, my heaviest ever despite the carbs cycling diet! (3 to 400 cals less from cabs for 3 days than normal diet for 2 days). I should have begun cruise earlier...
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