Jesse's 1st BP Run!

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Post by Jacos5 »

Forgot to post lower #2 so I'll post it now:

SLDL 185: 8,8,8,8
Leg press 6 plates: 8,8,8,8

Cable crunch 60: 2x15sec
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Post by Jacos5 »

Here is GLP Upper #3:

Decline db bench 55: 8,8,8,8
Pullovers 65: 8,8,8,8

bb curls 72: 8,8,8,8
Overhead db extensions 55: 8,8,8,8

Static hold 185: 2x10sec

Have my third lower workout tomorrow, really looking forward to it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow this looks great man, appreciate the updates as I've been wondering. It appears you're right on schedule all around!!

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Post by Jacos5 »

GLP Workout #3:

SLDL 185: 8,8,8,8
Leg Press 6 plates: 8,8,8,8

Cable crunches 60: 2x15sec.

Today I had a little crampy feeling in the middle of where my leg and groin hit. Not too familiar with body part names but it isn't uncommon for people, I suppose. Anyways I sucked it up and pulled through. Either way I have 4 days to recover from it and I will be taking the proper precautions.

Hope everybody has a great thanksgiving tomorrow, I know I will.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

Well done and well deserved time off!! Great going man. This is fantastic..
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Post by Jacos5 »

GLP Upper workout #4:

Decline db bench 55: 8,8,8,8
Pullovers 65: 8,8,8,8

Bb Curls 65: 10,8,8,8
Overhead db extension 55: 10,10,10,10

Static hold
Decline bb bench 185: 2x10sec.

Decided to experiment today and not take my pre workout. Just to see what difference it really made. Well it turns out the difference was mild, but still there. Didn't feel any strength loss but a slight energy loss. Most notably in the first EDT. Had a harder time than usual lifting the 55s and had to stop twice during the pullovers on the last two sets. Either way everything got done. Still trying to recover for this weeks leg day.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very nice! Yes, those pre-workouts do make a difference when you drop them.

On your leg day/recovery commentary... tells me it might be time to start inserting an extra rest day. Do consider that as it will only benefit you!

Hope that helps...
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Post by Jacos5 »

Sorry about being gone for so long. School had been crazy. Was still hitting the gym and everything and have already done my upper glp #6. Sadly with no strength gains. Though I do not believe it has anything to do with the BP. I fatigue very easily, I'm not sure why. Anyways, I still have the pain in my leg that I spoke of earlier. I am thinking of skipping my last leg day (which is tomorrow) and just start my cruising. I really feel I'm on the brink of completely healing and think a few more days will do some good. Anything Rob? Unless you feel I"m better off skipping tomorrow and playing it out as if I didn't skip out.
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Post by RobRegish »

Wow, very sorry to hear this. It must be SOMETHING we can zero in on and correct. I'd like to hear more.

Tell you what.. skip the final workout and take 3-5 days off, then transition to Cruise.

I will figure this out. I don't run away from sub-par results; I learn from them to help you!

Consider PM'ing me your phone # if you'd like to discuss. No charge as I want to understand how we correct this going forward!
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Post by Jacos5 »

RobRegish wrote:Wow, very sorry to hear this. It must be SOMETHING we can zero in on and correct. I'd like to hear more.

Tell you what.. skip the final workout and take 3-5 days off, then transition to Cruise.

I will figure this out. I don't run away from sub-par results; I learn from them to help you!

Consider PM'ing me your phone # if you'd like to discuss. No charge as I want to understand how we correct this going forward!
Well the thing is the same thing happened with my previous routine. If I tried to max during the weekend I wasn't even able to belch out 225 which usually is pretty easy for me. Then I took about a weeks worth of rest and khit 245 (first time ever). The same thing would happen in highschool with baseball. If a coach wanted me to pitch one weekend he would have to give me a week of VERY little throwing. I couldn't always run the same drills everyone else was running, and I threw harder than most of them lol. I'm wondering if high blood pressure could have anything to do with this? It runs in my family and I've checked it a few times in one of those machines and it tunrs out mine is pretty high.
I'm thinking what will solidify my above claims would be to finish out this crusing phase then take the one week break and max again. If that makes a difference then I would assume that is the case. On a side note, I get about 5-6 hours of sleep at night which might make my recovery time pretty crappy and thus be my flaw. Thanks for the concern.
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Post by RobRegish »

The sleep is definately a BIG issue.

Look into melatonin and GammaGH here. Ideally, AdaptogenN plus GammaGH.. those two are FANTASTIC for facilitating a good night's rest.

Your real clue though... was the "off" time that benefitted you so much. It tells me you over-train rather easily and the key for you is - managing workout frequency.

Try this: Whenever you suspect over-training is creeping in, immediately insert an extra rest day. The signs to look for are as follows:

- Disinclination to train
- Niggling aches/pains
- Inability to sleep
- Frequent colds you just can't shake

These and other markers (resting heart rate is another) are signs to back off and insert extra rest days. Also, on those rest days consider the following:

1.) GPP such as sled dragging
2.) Push a weighted wheelbarrow up a slight incline
3.) Medicine ball throws
4.) Some HIIT cardio
5.) Treat yourself to a massage
6.) Get a chiropractic adjustment
7.) Daily hot/cold showes. Alternate 1 minute of each for 10 minutes.
8.) Cryotherapy on sore muscles: Take a dixie cup, fill it with water and place in the freezer. Have you GF/wife or mistress (ideally all 3) apply to said muscles, peeling the cup as the ice melts.

You can add Cayenne Pepper to this when you freeze it, but unclear as to if that's legal in your state. Since I'm not up on these things, you can cite cite Rob's recommendation and ignorance of the law. That'll work in every state*

Any of the above is going to GREATLY benefit you and shave days off of recovery between heavy workouts.

Hope this helps!

*Excludes states with vowels in their names

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Post by Jacos5 »

Thanks for the advice. I actually own melatonine. But my problem is largely having to stay up for school related things. I would try and get my work done sooner but I'm in three choral arrangements at my school which typically take up time throughout my day so I'm normally up late at night getting things done. I do take melatonine from time to time. But I try not to rely on it.
Will look into those recomendations. Thanks Rob.
The most frustrating feeling I have right now is my leg pains. I love doing squats so taking that away was probably the worse. But I suppose this rest time will benefit me in the long run.
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Post by Jacos5 »

Did my first cruse phase workout today. It goes as follows:
Bench 5x5: 180lbs
Shoulder press 5x5: started with 55 the first 3 then switched to 60 with no problem.
Static hold 10sec: 240lbs

Today was very easy compared to the past workouts.
Actually read up on the Warrior diet and I'm thinking of doing it sometime soon. It would be very convinient for me and I think it posseses many other qualities that can help me reach some goals.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work!

Don't be surprised to pick up a few lbs of LBM during Cruise. Frequently reported and a nice "side effect" of the training switch. This, in the absence of overfeeding and performance related supps such as adaptogens.

Looking forward to completing your first BP run!!
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