Thepaul7's First BP run

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Post by thepaul7 »

I will be happy to post a review over at Lets see if I can continue the pr trend with my squat workout now.
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha thanks!

I see more PR clouds forming yes.. :)
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Post by thepaul7 »

GLP1 Squat workout 6
10 125lbs
5 160lbs
3 190lbs
1 215lbs
1 240lbs
1 265lbs

Leg Sled lbs 315lbs
Deadlift 275lbs

Static Ab 2 sets

Hit my new 1 rep max on the squat as well! I also upped my deadlift weight on the EDT and it was rough, but successful. This whole feast phase has been great and after seeing these results just makes so much sense. Going to transition into cruise now which is perfect because my body feels ready for a change.
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats ThePaul!

Now sing it to please :) Just kidding (sort of). Very, very happy for you. Man that's fantastic.

It's the reason I wrote the book!!
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Post by thepaul7 »



Bench Press

190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
190 x 5
195 x 5

Shoulder press
115 x 5 reps for 5 sets

Close grip bench press

225 hold 10 seconds.

Rob do you do a complete movement on the close grip, touch your chest and back up? According to the blueprint 280 is where I should be and even with a spotter in a power rack I was a little unsure of what I should be attempting.

Other than that a strong workout and I am sore again in the chest. It will be interesting to see how my body adapts to the higher reps.
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Post by RobRegish »

A little unclear on your question.

If you're referring to the static hold, there is no touching of the chest. In fact, you want to set the safety pins up in the rack such that they're just below lockout position or slightly below.

Briefly, unrack the bar with a MAXIMAL weight. Lower an inch or two just below lockout (strongest range) until you feel tension in the muscle (not the joint as you would feel during lockout. Hold this weight as long as possible (motionless) in the fully contracted position. Perform 2 sets of holds for about 5-10 seconds in duration. Rest about 3 min between sets. When your static strength gives out, the safety pins will catch the weight well above you.

You will likely observe BIG jumps from workout to workout in your static strength. Also, for reasons still unclear to me, your second set/hold is stronger than your first. This, I suspect... due to greasing the CNS groove.

Final note: This all assumes some level of warmups prior to your max holds. At this point in the workout though, you should be pretty warmed up. Takes some time and practice but as anyone here can tell you that's used them, they do impart some impressive "hardening" effects to the musculature, tendons, ligaments etc..

Hope that helps!
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks Rob that is exactly what I wanted to know. I may have worded it awkwardly, but thankfully you understood it :D

Anyways I will give it a shot like that. Much easier to reach my maxes if I set the safety pins that high too.

Thanks again for your prompt and detailed answer.
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Post by RobRegish »

My privilege and pleasure.

You may have bought a book, but you get my advice (for whatever that's worth) as long as I'm vertical.. :)
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Still Cruising

Post by thepaul7 »

Sorry for the lack of updates, but my baby girl was born on 11/19!

I have still been hitting my cruise workouts and I just completed workout 4.

I am going to get in another few cruise workouts and then evaluate if I wanna take a week off and then start famine.

Everything is going great both family wise and workout wise!
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Post by DV8 »

Congratulations on your baby girl!!!
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Post by xlb57 »

Congratulations! :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats man on both counts!

Looking forward to your final review!!
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Post by thepaul7 »

Thanks for the congrats guys!

Rob you will be seeing my review shortly after I finish up my cruise which should be within the next week. :D
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Post by RobRegish »

Cool. Looking forward to it 8)
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