Is kre anabolyn for me?

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Is kre anabolyn for me?

Post by jetlirj »

im 16 y/o weigh 150 and have a built look for my weight. i wanna get bigger is kre anabolyn for me?
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Post by RobRegish »

Might very well be if considering an Ecdy product. Here's why:

- Non hormonal so it's free of any endocrine issues such as
hypothalamus, pituitary - testicular axis issues seen with a pro-hormone

- Your test is likely optimal (and then some) so it's a FAR better
investment than a test booster.

- Creatine is another solid investment/won't disturb hormonal balance at
your age. Kre-Anabolyn has you covered with a nice dose of the highly
efficient Kre-Alkalyn.

- Will do a nice job of recovering you quickly from these workouts,
making the most of the food that you eat and maximizing the amount
of productive sessions you can squeeze into Feast.

While I think supps should be the LAST thing addressed during your Blueprint runs, I have no hesitation in saying this would be the ideal pick if I had to choose only one supplement for a gent your age.

Oh to be sixteen again. I'm north of 40 now and just came off an 8 week run of the new Kre-Anabolyn. Recovery time now from exercise? BOY can I tell a difference. Night and day. With KA, I had to try and get sore from exercise. Now, even a run of the mill training session leaves me aching for days. With KA, I felt ready to go within 48 hours.

Check around, I think you'll find commentary to the same here. Hank! for example, is a big fan. He's even older than me :) However, I think you'll find he'll back up what I'm saying here.

I'll never be able to replicate what youth gave me in the form of recovery ability, etc. However, KA comes real close IMO. Other than that, invest in some quality whey like MassPro and lots of BCAA's. Like Kre-Anabolyn, they're SOLID investments and will help you along your BP journey.

Right here to assist so please, any further questions I'm right here for you..
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Yep ditto Rob... on KA I've also been there where I couldn't even imagine what it would take to get sore...

and I've concluded that KA is safe and effective for any athelete / lifter of any age.

(btw, I can't say the same for AdaptogenN
For me
Under 25 imo it's contraindicated
Btwn 25 and 30 - only for recovery from serious extremes
Post 30 - as needed
AskMass may have a different perspective on this...)
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Post by askmass »

I would not say Adaptogen N it is contraindicated for younger users, but the ROI is generally better with Kre-Anabolyn (and MASS PRO) at younger ages given a choice between one or the other.

There is a synergy with KA that can not be denied, no matter the age of the user, but that has more to do with other factors rather than a test boost being needed in most cases for younger athletes.

I do sometimes recommended straight Adaptogen N for guys 25 or under, but it is most often in cases where the athlete has done things which have nixed natural test production or their levels are bottomed out for some reason.

For guys nearing 30 and above... it comes very highly recommended, and increasingly so with age. Adaptogen N is a "Wow!" shot of youth serum for a lot of first timers using it that are 40 and above.
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