Justin's 2nd BP RUN

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Post by RobRegish »

I wouldn't suggest that. That frequecy on all those compounds plus that loading pattern gets intense FAST.

Instead, consider starting with a 1on/1off, inserting extra rest days from there. Be sure to alternate upper body with lower body sessions. You'll need the break!
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Post by Justin »

Hmm k I'm starting to get confused about GLP! ok so I have 6 workouts to complete first in which after each set i perform a stretch movement? I use this scheme lets say for example 2twice a week for upper life (chest) and twice a week for lower body (deadlift). Would it be recommended if i did a split similar to this:

Day1: Upper(BENCH)
Day 4:Rest
Day7: rest

this way the workouts will be quite shorter in length! and I'll get to split them evenly throughout the week. This could be completely wrong so I need some feedback. But with this i train both lifts twice a week and most workouts will be completed within 30 minutes most likely.


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Post by RobRegish »

That;s OK Justin and I'd support it. However, I don't like to think in terms of weeks. Rather, I like starting with a 1on/1off and inserting extra rest days from there.

You're going to be growing stronger quickly, lifting heavier weights for more reps. As you do, the stresses grow on your body. Any "fixed" training schedule will eventually overtrain you.

Just keep that in mind as time marches on :)
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Post by Justin »

HAHA thanks Rob I'll make sure if my muscle are sore i wont train them for that day an extra day rest never hurts!!

for my EDT can i do something for example like this

one edt block of 4 sets

1 stretch movement for 2 sets

and 1 set of static movement

for each bodypart??

and split of something like this
Upper (chest/tri)

or would u prefer

Upper (chest/back)
lower(lower back/legs)
Upper (arms)
Lower (shoulder/trap)


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Post by RobRegish »

Hi Justin,

I much prefer this schedule:

Upper (chest/back)
lower(lower back/legs)
Upper (arms)
Lower (shoulder/trap)

As to your other questions:

"for my EDT can i do something for example like this

one edt block of 4 sets
1 stretch movement for 2 sets
and 1 set of static movement
for each bodypart?? "

Please see these stickies. I'm hoping it'll help clarify things for you!


https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=378
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=437

Let me know if it does. If it doesn't, I'll walk you through it here one step at a time!
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Post by Justin »

workout was pretty sick I was able to hit every rep (barely) but i got it done for my first upper body day fairly pleased! can't wait for lower on saturday!

127 x 10
168 x8
186 x 8
198 x 8
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Post by RobRegish »

Excellent start, very nice.

Are you performing any EDT blocks beyond this? If not, do include at least some supplemental work, inclusive of rows/pulls to ensure shoulder health.

Sample templates here for you:


https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=378
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=437
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... =9137#9137
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=623
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Post by Justin »

yes i am I Performed an EDT shoulder routine yesterday along with my GLP ! Tomorrow I'm doing my first lower GLP, with EDT for legs and lower back :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man.

You will GROW to like them :)
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Post by Justin »

I was just wondering when i should perform my chest EDT during (upper or lower body GLP)
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Post by RobRegish »

Definately upper body day. It's an upper body/lower body split. You may want to re-read the "Sample Feast Phase Workout" stickie.

If it still isn't clear, let me know. Right here for you to assist... :)
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Post by Justin »

HEy today was a good workout i was able to hit all my GLP on deadlift pretty easily!

182 x 10
197 x 8
222 x 8
240 x 8
266 x 8
284 x 8
the EDT went well as well :p
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Post by RobRegish »

Congrats man, looking great!
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Post by Justin »

Rob I was wondering what was the best time to have a meal before a workout and consist of what tell me if I'm rigth because this is what I am currently trying to do:

1 Hour before:
whole wheat pasta/quinoa + 1 chicken breast ( maybey some salad)

Right before: BCAA

After: Protein shake with leucine+waxymaize

an hour after: supper usually chicken/steak/ depends on the day
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