LOG: blueprint
LOG: blueprint
I'm looking to put on size and strength, and someday reach 215lbs (short term goal). Last year I went from 175 to 190lbs, I reached 200lbs in December 2009 but ended up at 195 on day 1 of the famine phase.
Jan 12, 2010
height: 6' (not going to change)
weight: 195lbs (8am) - 195lbs (11pm)
neck: 16"
shoulders: 48 4/16"
chest: 42 4/16"
left arm (cold): 14 11/16"
left arm (flexed): 16"
left forearm (cold): 12"
left forearm (flexed): 13 4/16"
right arm (cold): 14 4/16"
right arm (flexed): 15 4/16"
right forearm (cold): 11 10/16"
right forearm (flexed): 13 1/16
waist: 35 8/16"
hips: 39 8/16"
left thigh: 22 11/16"
right thigh: 22 8/16"
left calf: 15 1/16"
right calf: 15 4/16"
resting heart rate: 58bpm (3 day pre: 56bpm 58bpm 61bpm)
>8am: 2x e-bol, 2x t-bo
>830am: 1 large orange, 14 organic baby carrots, 1x113g serving organic apple sauce
>130pm: 1x113g serving organic apple sauce, 1 large orange, 1 medium banana, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1 cup steamed organic spinach, 2 cups organic long grain brown rice.
>230pm: 1x tbol trib, 1x e-bol, 2x bioforge
>430pm: 1 medium organic carrot, 1 cup organic green tea with lemon grass + 1tsp organic sugar
>8pm: 2x bioforge, 2x e-bol
>9pm: PreWO: 1 large glass orange juice, 1 large organic spartan apple
>9:30pm: Workout:
20min cardio (elliptical trainer)
Squats - 295lbs x 4
Seated Cable row - 200lbs x 6
Squats - 295lbs x 4
Seated Cable row - 200lbs x 6
Squats - 225lbs x 6
Seated Cable row - 200lbs x 6
Standing leg curl - 50lbs x 6
Single dumbbell row - 80lbs x 6
Standing leg curl - 50lbs x 6
Single dumbbell row - 80lbs x 6
Standing leg curl - 50lbs x 6
Single dumbbell row - 80lbs x 6
Standing barbell curl - 90lbs x 6
Seated inclined dumbbell curls - 40lbs x 5
Dumbbell preacher curls = 30lbs x 5
Notes: Felt weak, tired during workout. Bad cramp in my right quad during squats. HR reached 185bmp during squats, avg around 130 for rest of workout.
>1030pm: postWO: 2 cups organic long grain brown rice, 1/2 red bell pepper raw, 1x2" piece of cheddar cheese, 1 oatmeal bar.
Wow, I really need to plan out my meals for the day. I calculated about 900 calories for the day... need to add about another 1000 to that. Suggestions?
What do you recommend for protein sources, if any? Legs are a bit stiff
Jan 12, 2010
height: 6' (not going to change)
weight: 195lbs (8am) - 195lbs (11pm)
neck: 16"
shoulders: 48 4/16"
chest: 42 4/16"
left arm (cold): 14 11/16"
left arm (flexed): 16"
left forearm (cold): 12"
left forearm (flexed): 13 4/16"
right arm (cold): 14 4/16"
right arm (flexed): 15 4/16"
right forearm (cold): 11 10/16"
right forearm (flexed): 13 1/16
waist: 35 8/16"
hips: 39 8/16"
left thigh: 22 11/16"
right thigh: 22 8/16"
left calf: 15 1/16"
right calf: 15 4/16"
resting heart rate: 58bpm (3 day pre: 56bpm 58bpm 61bpm)
>8am: 2x e-bol, 2x t-bo
>830am: 1 large orange, 14 organic baby carrots, 1x113g serving organic apple sauce
>130pm: 1x113g serving organic apple sauce, 1 large orange, 1 medium banana, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1 cup steamed organic spinach, 2 cups organic long grain brown rice.
>230pm: 1x tbol trib, 1x e-bol, 2x bioforge
>430pm: 1 medium organic carrot, 1 cup organic green tea with lemon grass + 1tsp organic sugar
>8pm: 2x bioforge, 2x e-bol
>9pm: PreWO: 1 large glass orange juice, 1 large organic spartan apple
>9:30pm: Workout:
20min cardio (elliptical trainer)
Squats - 295lbs x 4
Seated Cable row - 200lbs x 6
Squats - 295lbs x 4
Seated Cable row - 200lbs x 6
Squats - 225lbs x 6
Seated Cable row - 200lbs x 6
Standing leg curl - 50lbs x 6
Single dumbbell row - 80lbs x 6
Standing leg curl - 50lbs x 6
Single dumbbell row - 80lbs x 6
Standing leg curl - 50lbs x 6
Single dumbbell row - 80lbs x 6
Standing barbell curl - 90lbs x 6
Seated inclined dumbbell curls - 40lbs x 5
Dumbbell preacher curls = 30lbs x 5
Notes: Felt weak, tired during workout. Bad cramp in my right quad during squats. HR reached 185bmp during squats, avg around 130 for rest of workout.
>1030pm: postWO: 2 cups organic long grain brown rice, 1/2 red bell pepper raw, 1x2" piece of cheddar cheese, 1 oatmeal bar.
Wow, I really need to plan out my meals for the day. I calculated about 900 calories for the day... need to add about another 1000 to that. Suggestions?
What do you recommend for protein sources, if any? Legs are a bit stiff
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:01 pm
Can you clarify, rob? This is what I'm going on:MarcoDeniro wrote:I believe the famine stage is done supplement free.
bp2 says
you mentioned this in regards to bioforge in the thermolife forums:As previously stated, The Blueprint was uncovered during intensive research into how adaptogens were really used to amplify results. The beauty of The Blueprint is that it works with or without adaptogens, it's your choice.
then about the timing of ebol and tbol trib, you wrote:Nevertheless, customer feedback on this product is outstanding thus far. There may well be a place for this in Blueprint. I speculate that using Bioforge in the Famine Phase may make sense, for it is here where the cAMP elevation would be beneficial. I will leave it at that given I like to speak to objective measures when I make recommendations.
Perhaps you could log it? Doing so would help the entire community here and build upon our research findings.
Pro/con of using the BET stack during the famine phase? I'm on day 2.. well, half way through day 2...Ebol is more than adequate at lable recommendations, even for a big man. tbol trib is truly synergistic (now there's an over-used word) and again, per label recommendations.
Protein synthesis is primarily a function of DNA translation after androgens bind to the receptor site, delivering a message to the cell nucleus to "turn on" protein assembly. tbol trib accomplishes this by modulating estrogen lower, increasing testosterone output and going a step further by "freeing up" that additional test resulting in more free testosterone. More T is great but it does you no good floating around as a SBGH mess unable to dock at the receptor.
Once there, it docks and delivers its message. DNA transcription accomplished. Now comes the real rate limiting step: mRNA translation. This is a minimum 4 step process but it's where Ecdy shines. Fair warning; at least 7 known anti-biotics greatly mitigate mRNA translation.
Ecdy amplifies the ribosomal assembly of the end game; accelerated linking of amino acids to make new muscle proteins. NOTE: No amino acids to work with, no new muscle. That's why I recommend it be used in the Feast Phase of my Blueprint program.
Lots of good question here. Let's take it from the top:
With regard to with/without use of Adaptogens in the Blueprint: What I'm saying is the system will work regardless of using Adaptogens. Adaptogens will however, roughly double results when incorporated. That's how we know they work.
Famine Phase: All trial runs were run WITHOUT supps of any kind, with the exception of a multivitamin to prevent short term deficiencies. I SPECULATE that supps like Bioforge along with cAMP elevators, detox formulas may be of benefit. Since I like to speak from experience, these are experiments now guys are running. Brain was at the forefront and for my money, still my best "tinkerer". If you're running BP for the first time, best to start from baseline (i.e. nothing used during the famine).
tbol trib/Ebol. Quality products that some people seeing BP for the first time are logging. Early feedback is very good, as you'd expect for a quality test booster/ecdy product - no surprise there.
Having said all of that, everything I say about tbol trib/Ebol below goes for KA/AN. They get you to the same place through similar, yet different formulas.
BP trials and most experience to date was done on Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptogen N. Reliable, consistent and lab and real world tested. Feel VERY confident in running them due to my experience with both. I pay for these and gladly every month. In fact, I just re-upped on a bottle each of Adaptogen N, KA and the new Burn It Up. Feel free to post that and any of my other invoices John. (MASS Pro, etc)
John so wants everyone to get the best results possible with Ecdy he let's us discuss Ebol/tbol trib etc.. freely here.
John provides these forums for a free exchange of info to help you, irrespective of company affiliation. And by the way, he built the website for BP and forums out of the goodness of his heart. Stop and think about that for a minute. Some people don't think that matters. I certainly do. Let's remember too, BP wouldn't have seen the light of day if it wasn't for John.
Truly, were it not for him... BP would still be in my basement. And because of him, the BP universe is growing, Ecdy's reputation is being restored and ALL customers are getting better results.
Dunno man, but that's integrity in my book. And yes, I consider it before I fork over money. Haven't regretted sending it to MASS since 1993 if that tells you anything..
With regard to with/without use of Adaptogens in the Blueprint: What I'm saying is the system will work regardless of using Adaptogens. Adaptogens will however, roughly double results when incorporated. That's how we know they work.
Famine Phase: All trial runs were run WITHOUT supps of any kind, with the exception of a multivitamin to prevent short term deficiencies. I SPECULATE that supps like Bioforge along with cAMP elevators, detox formulas may be of benefit. Since I like to speak from experience, these are experiments now guys are running. Brain was at the forefront and for my money, still my best "tinkerer". If you're running BP for the first time, best to start from baseline (i.e. nothing used during the famine).
tbol trib/Ebol. Quality products that some people seeing BP for the first time are logging. Early feedback is very good, as you'd expect for a quality test booster/ecdy product - no surprise there.
Having said all of that, everything I say about tbol trib/Ebol below goes for KA/AN. They get you to the same place through similar, yet different formulas.
BP trials and most experience to date was done on Kre-Anabolyn and Adaptogen N. Reliable, consistent and lab and real world tested. Feel VERY confident in running them due to my experience with both. I pay for these and gladly every month. In fact, I just re-upped on a bottle each of Adaptogen N, KA and the new Burn It Up. Feel free to post that and any of my other invoices John. (MASS Pro, etc)
John so wants everyone to get the best results possible with Ecdy he let's us discuss Ebol/tbol trib etc.. freely here.
John provides these forums for a free exchange of info to help you, irrespective of company affiliation. And by the way, he built the website for BP and forums out of the goodness of his heart. Stop and think about that for a minute. Some people don't think that matters. I certainly do. Let's remember too, BP wouldn't have seen the light of day if it wasn't for John.
Truly, were it not for him... BP would still be in my basement. And because of him, the BP universe is growing, Ecdy's reputation is being restored and ALL customers are getting better results.
Dunno man, but that's integrity in my book. And yes, I consider it before I fork over money. Haven't regretted sending it to MASS since 1993 if that tells you anything..
Don't sell yourself short, Rob.
The BP regimen is so truly innovative that we felt compelled to help get the word out. It really is THAT good, that unique and flat out worthy of high praise.
All of us who tried it in tandem with Kre-Anabolyn were blown away, and as you know that includes some rather elite pro level athletes who have seen and done it all before.
Taylor made synergy with the proprietary Kre-Anabolyn formula, truly it is. Which brings me to the closing point...
Ebol is not a bad Ecdy product. In fact, it's about the only other one in existence that does in some ways compare to ours.
Having said that, I would strongly encourage anyone using that one for a BP run to compare ours straight up against it for their next go around.
You owe it to yourself to see the extra added benefits Kre-Anabolyn in particular gives to the BP.
The BP regimen is so truly innovative that we felt compelled to help get the word out. It really is THAT good, that unique and flat out worthy of high praise.
All of us who tried it in tandem with Kre-Anabolyn were blown away, and as you know that includes some rather elite pro level athletes who have seen and done it all before.
Taylor made synergy with the proprietary Kre-Anabolyn formula, truly it is. Which brings me to the closing point...
Ebol is not a bad Ecdy product. In fact, it's about the only other one in existence that does in some ways compare to ours.
Having said that, I would strongly encourage anyone using that one for a BP run to compare ours straight up against it for their next go around.
You owe it to yourself to see the extra added benefits Kre-Anabolyn in particular gives to the BP.
- Posts: 362
- Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:45 pm
re: ‘supplements' during Famine phase
My take on supplements during famine -
Minimize them as much as possible, especially those that support movement performance(muscles and blood, etc) - the system will not get adequately stressd AND starved if you're feeding it 'the good stuff' during the famine. Fine tune CNS supplements ie minimize them also but be at the ready to use them if CNS starts going over the edge too far.
BluePrint 1st edition pg ?The Soviet sports program did not "guess" when using adaptogens. They tested, re-tested and refined to arrive at an optimal use paradigm for athletes. During their testing, a discovery and subsequent distinction was made. Different than drugs, valid adaptogens were found to exert their effects only when activated by coupling two very distinct physiological states.
Significant change in weight training/diet is perceived by the body as an “alarm“. Adaptogens were used to extend the resistance/growth phase subsequent to this stress, allowing the body to reach ever higher and higher performance
2.) They then initiated their "Alarm phase" course of action. During this time, they continued to measure waking heart rate, focusing on getting to a point where it was elevated at least 8 beats per minute over baseline.
3.) Upon achieving this, they immediately switched their training/dieting to enter the growth state. Adaptogen supplements were then introduced to magnify and extend gains realized in this state.
My take on supplements during famine -
Minimize them as much as possible, especially those that support movement performance(muscles and blood, etc) - the system will not get adequately stressd AND starved if you're feeding it 'the good stuff' during the famine. Fine tune CNS supplements ie minimize them also but be at the ready to use them if CNS starts going over the edge too far.
I bought a 6 week cycle of ebol, tbol trib and bioforge (over $300) and was looking for a new program to try and was referred to rob from the folks at thermolife. So that's how I ended up here. I'm definitely interested in trying Kre-Anabolyn next time around.askmass wrote:Don't sell yourself short, Rob.
The BP regimen is so truly innovative that we felt compelled to help get the word out. It really is THAT good, that unique and flat out worthy of high praise.
All of us who tried it in tandem with Kre-Anabolyn were blown away, and as you know that includes some rather elite pro level athletes who have seen and done it all before.
Taylor made synergy with the proprietary Kre-Anabolyn formula, truly it is. Which brings me to the closing point...
Ebol is not a bad Ecdy product. In fact, it's about the only other one in existence that does in some ways compare to ours.
Having said that, I would strongly encourage anyone using that one for a BP run to compare ours straight up against it for their next go around.
You owe it to yourself to see the extra added benefits Kre-Anabolyn in particular gives to the BP.
Jan 13, 2010
weight: 190lbs (830am) - 193lbs (10pm)
resting heart rate: 65bpm
I know I didn't eat enough on day 1, added calories for day 2.
And thanks for the clarification, I've stopped ebol and tbol trib after day 2's morning dose and will restart them on day 6 (correct?).
>830am: 1 large orange, 2 rice crispie squares, 1 black coffee + 1 tsp organic sugar
>12noon: 1/2 red bell pepper, 1 large carrot, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1 cup steamed organic spinach, 2 cups organic long grain brown rice, 2 tbsp organic roasted pepper salad dressing.
>130pm: 30 multigrain crackers
>2pm: 1 granola bar
>3pm: 2x bioforge
>4pm: 2oz chicken, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1 piece of celery
>8pm: 4 cups organic long grain brown rice, 1 cup of steamed broccoli, 1 steamed large carrot, 3 tbsp organic roasted pepper salad dressing.
>10pm 1x bioforge
I'm not drinking enough water (re: 5lbs lost), I think I drank 40oz day 1, maybe 60oz day 2. Looking for a better effort with hydration on day 3. I think I need to eat more, but man, energy level/motivation are taking a big hit.
weight: 190lbs (830am) - 193lbs (10pm)
resting heart rate: 65bpm
I know I didn't eat enough on day 1, added calories for day 2.
And thanks for the clarification, I've stopped ebol and tbol trib after day 2's morning dose and will restart them on day 6 (correct?).
>830am: 1 large orange, 2 rice crispie squares, 1 black coffee + 1 tsp organic sugar
>12noon: 1/2 red bell pepper, 1 large carrot, 1 cup steamed broccoli, 1 cup steamed organic spinach, 2 cups organic long grain brown rice, 2 tbsp organic roasted pepper salad dressing.
>130pm: 30 multigrain crackers
>2pm: 1 granola bar
>3pm: 2x bioforge
>4pm: 2oz chicken, 1/2 red bell pepper, 1 piece of celery
>8pm: 4 cups organic long grain brown rice, 1 cup of steamed broccoli, 1 steamed large carrot, 3 tbsp organic roasted pepper salad dressing.
>10pm 1x bioforge
I'm not drinking enough water (re: 5lbs lost), I think I drank 40oz day 1, maybe 60oz day 2. Looking for a better effort with hydration on day 3. I think I need to eat more, but man, energy level/motivation are taking a big hit.
There you go. You're back on track.
5lbs is a LOT to drop this quickly, so take care to hydrate and observe the Famine caloric ideals for the day. Typically, we see BP users drop 1lb/day in the famine and this seems to be the ideal.
Remember, we're looking to generate a strong alarm signal and the body's anti-catabolic response with a minimum (if any) REAL muscle loss.
Day 3 is when it really hits. We've all noticed this here and the pattern is very consistent. You don't need a resting heart rate or Multistix to validate it (but they certainly will), you just feel like dirt.
People questioned me when they first read it "only 5 days"? Nobody questions it again after they go through it
5lbs is a LOT to drop this quickly, so take care to hydrate and observe the Famine caloric ideals for the day. Typically, we see BP users drop 1lb/day in the famine and this seems to be the ideal.
Remember, we're looking to generate a strong alarm signal and the body's anti-catabolic response with a minimum (if any) REAL muscle loss.
Day 3 is when it really hits. We've all noticed this here and the pattern is very consistent. You don't need a resting heart rate or Multistix to validate it (but they certainly will), you just feel like dirt.
People questioned me when they first read it "only 5 days"? Nobody questions it again after they go through it

Been away from the computer for a bit and wasnt going to type all this from my phone. quick catch up:
Jan 14, 2010
weight: 191lbs (8am) - 193lbs (11pm)
resting heart rate: 68bpm
>830am: 1 large orange, 1 organic granola bar
>11am: 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 medium banana, 2 lrg pieces of organic celery
>12pm: 3 cups of organic spinach sauteed with 1/4 organic lemon juice and onions
>230pm: 2x bioforge
>530pm: 3 medium organic carrot, 3 large organic celery, 1 cup organic green tea with lemon grass + 1tsp organic sugar
>7pm: 3 cups of multigrain pasta, 1/4 garlic, 2 cups of brocoli, 1 organic red pepper, 6 lrg organic carrots, 6 med asparagus, 3 tbsp olive oil
>9pm: 1x bioforge
>930pm: PreWO: 1 large glass orange juice, 1 large organic spartan apple
>10pm: Workout:
30min cardio (elliptical trainer)
Bench Press - 135lbs x 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 10
Bench Press - 155lbs x 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 8
Bench Press - 135lbs x 9
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 10
Bench Press - 135lbs x 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 10
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 10
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 10
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 10
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 8
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 10
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 10
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 9
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 10
Standing French Press 55lbs x 10
Standing Tricep push-downs 50lbs x 10
Standing Tricep rope push-downs 50lbs x 10
>11pm: postWO: 2 cups 3 cups of multigrain pasta, 1 cup of brocoli, 1 organic red pepper, 4 lrg organic carrots, 6 med asparagus, 2 tbsp olive oil
Hungry, but man am I ever sleeping good. I wake up an hour earlier than usual.
Jan 14, 2010
weight: 191lbs (8am) - 193lbs (11pm)
resting heart rate: 68bpm
>830am: 1 large orange, 1 organic granola bar
>11am: 1/4 cantaloupe, 1 medium banana, 2 lrg pieces of organic celery
>12pm: 3 cups of organic spinach sauteed with 1/4 organic lemon juice and onions
>230pm: 2x bioforge
>530pm: 3 medium organic carrot, 3 large organic celery, 1 cup organic green tea with lemon grass + 1tsp organic sugar
>7pm: 3 cups of multigrain pasta, 1/4 garlic, 2 cups of brocoli, 1 organic red pepper, 6 lrg organic carrots, 6 med asparagus, 3 tbsp olive oil
>9pm: 1x bioforge
>930pm: PreWO: 1 large glass orange juice, 1 large organic spartan apple
>10pm: Workout:
30min cardio (elliptical trainer)
Bench Press - 135lbs x 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 10
Bench Press - 155lbs x 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 8
Bench Press - 135lbs x 9
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 10
Bench Press - 135lbs x 10
Dumbell Shoulder Press - 40lbs x 10
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 10
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 10
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 10
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 8
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 10
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 10
Incl. Bench Press - 115lbs x 9
Lateral Dumbell Raises- 25lbs x 10
Standing French Press 55lbs x 10
Standing Tricep push-downs 50lbs x 10
Standing Tricep rope push-downs 50lbs x 10
>11pm: postWO: 2 cups 3 cups of multigrain pasta, 1 cup of brocoli, 1 organic red pepper, 4 lrg organic carrots, 6 med asparagus, 2 tbsp olive oil
Hungry, but man am I ever sleeping good. I wake up an hour earlier than usual.
Jan 15, 2010
weight: 190lbs (830am) - 192lbs (10pm)
resting heart rate: 70bpm
>830am: 1 large orange, 1 large banana, 1 glass of veg+fruit juice drink
>12noon: 1 cup of organic long grain brown rice, 3 large organic carrots, 3 large organic celery sticks, 1 can of sliced pineapple
>1230pm: 1 glass of veg+fruit juice drink
>230pm:3 cups of organic spinach sauteed with 1/4 organic lemon juice and onions
>4pm: 2x bioforge
>7pm: 2 cups of multigrain pasta, 1 cups of brocoli, 1 organic red pepper, 6 lrg organic carrots, 6 med asparagus, 3 tbsp olive oil
>10pm 1x bioforge
I've been drinking more water... find it help suppress my appetite.
weight: 190lbs (830am) - 192lbs (10pm)
resting heart rate: 70bpm
>830am: 1 large orange, 1 large banana, 1 glass of veg+fruit juice drink
>12noon: 1 cup of organic long grain brown rice, 3 large organic carrots, 3 large organic celery sticks, 1 can of sliced pineapple
>1230pm: 1 glass of veg+fruit juice drink
>230pm:3 cups of organic spinach sauteed with 1/4 organic lemon juice and onions
>4pm: 2x bioforge
>7pm: 2 cups of multigrain pasta, 1 cups of brocoli, 1 organic red pepper, 6 lrg organic carrots, 6 med asparagus, 3 tbsp olive oil
>10pm 1x bioforge
I've been drinking more water... find it help suppress my appetite.
Day 5 today, I'll be posting my last famine day tomorrow night when I get in..... man am I looking forward to tomorrow. I can't wait to eat some solid protein. I'll be away from the house all day tomorrow and will have to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner out.
I can't wait to have some eggs, bite into a steak, chug some protein mix... should I be concerned about eating too much just after I've fasted for 5 days? I have to write a reminder to chew my food....
I can't wait to have some eggs, bite into a steak, chug some protein mix... should I be concerned about eating too much just after I've fasted for 5 days? I have to write a reminder to chew my food....
- Posts: 44
- Joined: Thu Jan 07, 2010 10:01 pm