Ryan's second run featuring "super squats"

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Post by RyannayR »

Super Squats #5

160x20 PR (Technically speaking each squat day is a PR because I add 5lbs each and every workout)

Light Pullovers

Weighted Dips
BW + 30 x 12, 2 sets PR

Weighted Pullups
BW + 10 x 9, 2 sets PR

I was originally planning on waiting till Friday to lift again but a few things came up so I went in today. If I didn't lift today I would of had to wait till Monday or Tuesday and that would suck. I was on 2 days rest and it proved to be ample as I hit PR's on my main lifts.

I nailed the squats again despite my Ipod earplug falling out of my ear on the 15th rep.

Looks like I'm going to bump my weighted dips up another 5lbs once again. I'm going to bump my weighted pull ups up 5 lbs as well.

I tired XF Ultra Peptide 2.0 Chocolate today mixed with milk. The taste is phenomenal. Highly recommended.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great work here. You're moving along just as planned.

I'll be REAL curious to see where this ends up! :)
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Post by RyannayR »

Super Squats #6

165x20 PR

Light Pullovers

Weighted Dips
BW + 35lbs, x12, 2 sets PR

Weighted Pullups
BW + 15lbs, x7, 2 sets

I'm very happy to have hit all 20 reps on the squats today. I had a LONG weekend and very little sleep. I think waiting until today and getting 10 hours sleep last night saved me. I hit another PR on weighted dips today as well.

I plan on doing two more super squat workouts then maxing out, probably next Friday (my last day of feast). I'm really interested in seeing just how high my new max will be at the end of this. On my last day of super squats my workout should be 175x20. If I hit that it will be a huge accomplishment for me because I only managed 175 for 3 reps a few short weeks ago.
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Post by RobRegish »

WOW. New PR's again and relative to your starting point, astounding.

Awesome job man. This is inspiring...
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Post by RyannayR »

Super Squats #7

Weighted Pull-ups
BW + 15 x 6, 3 sets

Weighted Dips
BW + 40 x 12, 2 sets PR

170x20 PR

Light Pullovers

I went into the gym today and all the squat racks were taken so I had to do my workout in reverse order. I set another PR on weighted dips. I want to try 45lbs on my next and final SS day. Now that I completed 170 for 20 reps it leaves no doubt in my mind that I'll hit my goal of 175x20 on Mondays workout. All that's left after that is to max out on Thursday or Friday then it's cruise time.

In other news, I built my own power rack out of wood. The thing is pretty bad ass and solid as a rock. I also put in a pulley mechanism across the top of the one side so I can do weighted crunches, lat pull-downs, etc. I'll put post a few pics in my next log. If Santa comes through with Olympic plates I will be lifting at home. :)
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Post by RobRegish »

Awesome! Wow, I don't think you've had a bad workout or did I miss it?

Not that I'm looking for it! This is fantastic. Let's get some pics of that power rack!
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Post by RyannayR »

I haven't had a bad workout since June. I need these last two workouts to be big though. I get the pics of the power rack on here soon as my usb cord turns up.
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Post by RyannayR »

Super Squats #8 (Last day of SS)

175x20 PR!

Light Pullovers

Weighted Dips
BW + 45 x 12 PR
BW + 45 x 10

Weighted Pull-ups
BW + 15 x 8, 2 sets

Last day of super squats and it's bitter sweet. HAHA. I banged out every last rep and really buried them. I experimented with doing doubles and even one triple. I should have thought of that sooner because I think it made it a bit easier. I know my strength increased greatly on squats but it's hard to tell exactly how much until I max it out on Friday. 225? 250? 275? Who knows!

I also made considerable progress on weighted dips. My first day I did body weight plus 25lbs for 12 reps and today I did body weight plus 45lbs for 12 reps. That's 20 lbs folks.

My weighted pull-ups stayed pretty much the same. (I added 5lbs) Although they were positioned and the very end of my routine I was looking for a bit more of an increase in weight or reps.

Now I'll rest up for my max day.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good God congratulations man!

This place is exploding with PR's! And PR's straight through on SS's.. Happy man tonight... b/c of you.

Congratulations man... spread the word if you can but whatever the case, I am a happy man right now. You don't even know...:)
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Post by RyannayR »

Thanks for the support Rob! I shudder to think what state my training would be in right now if it wasn't for The Blueprint. And that review over at BB is coming soon. Maybe by the weekend.

Did sled work for the first time in a little over a week. Could barely lift my legs after. Running backwards is no joke man!

Power Rack
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Post by RobRegish »

Ha ha. I appreciate you doing that over on nolinksplease.com. Things are getting um, dicey for me at work!

On the sled, don't run with it. Walk and take purposeful strides forward and back.

Much better and remember, it's a rehab tool first - weight workout second. Fantastic for many things, but don't turn it into a dreaded session. Your expectations of a sled workout should be quite the opposite!
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Post by RyannayR »

Last day of feast. Squat max day.

Warm ups
205x1 matched a PR
225x1 PR
235x1 PR
245x1 (failed, I got down to parallel and tried to fight my way back up but I was just frozen there for about 5 seconds and then I folded like a house of cards and the bar hit the power rack.)

Overall it was a successful feast phase. I was hitting PR's every workout. I don't know of any other period in my training where I can claim that and it's all a result of the Blueprint. I didn't put up TURBO numbers but I have something to build on for future runs.

Squats +30lbs


Weighted Dips +20lbs

Weighted Pull-ups +5lbs

Now begins the cruise phase of the Blueprint. I'll do 6-7 workouts in this period but I don't have an exact schedule mapped out as of yet.

I will say that I am eager to do another run at this. I have been stashing away sups for it the past few weeks. I picked up a bottle of Adaptogen N. I have never run a product like Adaptogen N and I'm curious to see what it will do for my workouts.

Now I just need to straighten out which path I should take after cruise to keep this party rocking. Is it wise to execute another famine and start the Blueprint Periodic from the beginning (GLP I)?
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Post by RobRegish »

First congratulation!

New PR's with that frequency/magnitude are fantastic. Certainly worth reviewing that progress on nolinksplease.com :)

You may set more PR's/gain new LBM in cruise, believe it or not. Frequently reported. Let's just wait until cruise is done before we make the call on Famine.

We'll do that together...
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Post by beefcake66 »

Those are some pretty awesome results, Ryan! Congrats!
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