Billton's first Blueprint run!

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Post by Billton »

Bench 365lbs. That's down ten pounds from a couple months ago, but I got sick in the middle there. That's 383 at the end of GLP, so we'll shoot for 385lbs. That would be a new PR.

Squat 405lbs. That's right where I was a few months back. I got 405 pretty easy, but missed 435 once and 415 twice. I was kinda surprised. I got 405 a lot easier than I did a while back, but didn't have 415 in me. 415 would have been a PR. Should get 425 at the end of GLP though! I'm pretty confident in meeting or exceeding the 5% increase on squat. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I layed off of squats for a long time but kept doing leg press, so my legs have a lot more in them, but the back and stabilizers are keeping me from taxing them fully. Usually you add weight faster when a lagging muscle group holds back a lift than when all the muscle groups involved are maxed out.

Gonna start GLP1 tomorrow or Wednesday depending on my schedule.
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Post by RobRegish »

Very good. It sounds like you're re-visiting PR's or close to them.

GLP does a fine job of accomplishing NEW PR's. It is only the frequency you'll need to get right and BAM... it does deliver the goods.

When I say frequency, I mean the following: You may start with a 1 on/1off for say, a week. Shortly thereafter though, you'll need to insert an extra rest day and goto a 1on/2off or like pattern. For as you grow stronger (and you will) you'll be lifting heavier weights for more weights/total tonnage. The stresses on your body grow and some additional recovery time is warranted.

Just be mindful of that. Otherwise, GREAT work and looking forward to seeing new PR's soon!
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Post by Billton »

Gonna start tomorrow. Honestly, these set rep schemes for the first two workouts look almost like wishful thinking for me. At the same time, workouts 3,4 and 5 look like I could actually get every rep today, or at least get very close. I'm gonna give em my all and see what happens. I will be VERY impressed if I can pull these off w/o missing a lot of reps. I have one question though. The numbers in the GLP1 calculator do not resemble the number listed in GLP1 in The Blueprint.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes I noticed that. the calculator looks like its flawed in some areas on GLP1.

Do me a favor. I know it's cumbersome but please consult page 62 of the Blueprint. Manually calculate your sets/reps with a calculator to validate.

We're getting there. All is not perfect (yet) but it will be. I can't remember who put that together (I'll find it!). I'll drop him a note.. god bless him. He made a TREMENDOUS contribution with that piece of work.
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Post by Billton »

I definitely manually calculated them. Fixing to go try to get it!
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Post by Billton »

Got em all on bench. That makes me pretty confident for bench the rest of the way. I did 8 6 6 6 6 on Clean and Press cause I really prefer to keep reps down on that lift. Followed it with 3 sets for bis, tris and back.
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Post by RobRegish »


So happy to hear this.. :)
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Post by Billton »

Wrecked my truck today and didn't get to the gym. I'll go tomorrow if I'm up to it. Honestly my chest is a bit sore and my head hurts. If it still feels that way, I won't wanna do squats and deads. We'll see.
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Post by RobRegish »

Aw dammit.

Glad you're OK (sounds like it). Life happens...
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Post by Billton »

Finally got back in there. Was able to complete all the reps on squats and deads. I'm pretty hopeful on squats. I just estimated a max on deads. I'm confident that my legs and back are up to it, but I don't know if I could actually hold it. I was a little worried about holding it today, but I snuck some chalk into the gym in a plastic bag and with chalk the grip wasn't a problem. I gotta say...I'm looking forward to the lower rep workouts, especially on squat!
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Post by RobRegish »

Good man. Sounds like it's there physically, just a mental game now.

Stay positive and every day until max day visualize your 1RM not for a single, but for a triple!

Do this 3x a day prior. Where the mind goes the body will follow...
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Post by Billton »

Yes sir. I believe I'll give that a try. I haven't tried it before, but I read a study where they had one group do curls for fifteen minutes and another group intensely imagine themselves doing curls for fifteen minutes. After some number of weeks the two groups had similar increases in arm size.
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Post by RobRegish »

Amazing, isn't it?

It DOES work!
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Post by Billton »

Got em all on bench and clean and press. I'm really lookin forward to lower rep sets for clean and press too...not just squat!
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