Justin's 2nd BP RUN

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Justin's 2nd BP RUN

Post by Justin »

Hey everyone I'm here to start my second BP run, I loved the results of my first and coming back for more!

Well I'll be starting the famine in a few days! i haven't worked out in 4 Days so i figured it would be the perfect time to start!

I'll be posting all my diet and training in the days to come. My main goal is to be more organized this time along and keep a log just the only problem is finding a spotter I might have to do a lot of the workout on smith machine!

I'll post my before pictures again like last time ans hopefully i make awesome progress again!

My strength has decreased quite a bit from my first run so I plan on getting back to good old 2 plates :D ( my goal)
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Post by Justin »

ok, so for the famine I'm ready it went pretty smoothly the first time!

Now i have a question about the feast, I wanna ti the EDT training with PR zones each workout but I'm confused about the frequency, for example if i work out bench in my PR zone is it okay to workout chest in my EDT block?! and if it is what would be the best split to organize all body parts.

Another thing I plan on doing it a lot of cardio and high intensity sprinting jumping etc, the following months, will this be counter productive to my feast if so I'll decide to stop all cardio. I was planning on doing some in between workout days.

Thanks a lot :D
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Post by scump »

hey man, mind posting up your old BP stats out of curiosity? (how much you/your lifts gained etc)

regarding your first question, im not sure what you mean... but after you do bench Rob actually recconmends a EDT block with incline DB bench press, so definately feel free to hit the chest with some hypertrophy. (hope i answered it lol)

its fine to do cardio on your off days bro, go for it.
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Post by RobRegish »

Good answer. For more on suggested EDT work after your big BB lifts are completed, please see these stickies:


https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=378
https://bodybuildingsupplements.com/phpB ... .php?t=437

Hope that helps!
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Post by Justin »

Thanks Rob! and Stats last run were quite well I didn't follow the BP exactly that's why my strength didn't gain so much but i put on a solid 8 pounds while losing 1-2% bodyfat :)

Also about the feast im interested in the periodic using the German Loading Pattern #1

I was wondering if the first 5 sets were warmup or failure? and if you can incorporate EDT blocks around your main lifts
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Post by Justin »

Hey Guys I was wondering bout the current split and if it would work good for Feast:
Workout 1:monday
Main: BP superset with wide grip dips ( is it okay instead of pull overs because when i do pullovers i feel all the stretch in my back and not chest, maybe my techniques off i'm not sure)

1- Incline DP
2- decline tricep extension

A. You need to pair antagonistic muscles here, suggest the following:

1. Inclind DP (dumbell press?)
2. Seated cable rows

Main 2: ( stiff-legged Dead lift) supper-setted with T-bar rows(for lower back)

A. Same deal here. You'd pair SLDL's with Hack Squats or the leg sled. Also, you want to perform upper body lifts on upper body days, lower body lifts on lower body days. I find it easiest to run this split. Your mileage may vary. Just understand you need to work opposing muscle groups, not the same ones.

Edt 2:
-Cable crossover
-Tricep press-down
A. Suggest the following:

1. Wide grip decline bench
2. 1 arm DB rows

Here we have two compound exercises (much greater loading) working a much greater degree of muscle mass. If you're interested in isolation work, you can pair bi's and tris as follows:

Incline DB curls
Lying tricep extensions on a slight incline with an EZ curl bar

Workout 2: Wednesday
Main: ""

Lat pulldown
BB curls

A. Suggest pairing back and chest:

Lat pulldowns (vertical row)
Steep, close grip inclines

Main 2: ""
EDT 2:
cable rows
Incline DB curls
A. Try thinking antagonistic, chest and back, bi's and tri's, seated shoulder presses and upright rows, etc.

Workout 3: Friday

EDT 1:
side laterals
BB shrugs

A. Consider the following

Reverse peck deck, with your elbows pushing against the pads backwards

Front/top of the shoulder balanced with the back of the shoulder

Overhead press
rear delt pec deck

A. Try this:

1.) Bradford presses


Works the entire shouler, front to back :)

I'm not working out legs within the Blueprint because I'm playing lots of hockey and my hockey team has off-ice once a week which is 1 hour of pure leg training and i thought it might be to much if i added it in?

A. Doable but understand what you're saying. I'd shoot for feast workouts 1-5 and GLP only/no EDT blocks for legs. Other guys have done it!

Hope that helps..
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Post by Justin »

Thanks a lot helps quite a bit I'm going to try and edit the split and re-post it!

Also about the feast im interested in the periodic using the German Loading Pattern #1

A. You start with GLP1, then a week off into GLP2, another week off and into the Russian program. Another week off and finish with 10% solution. If you check out page 60 of The BP, it sketches it out there for you :)

I was wondering if the first 5 sets were warmup or failure? and if you can incorporate EDT blocks around your main lifts

A. These sets aren't taken to failure. Properly performed though, the heavier ones will really push you. Your goal is to get the exact # of reps specified with the weight specified. No more, no less. Do rest long enough between sets, at least 5 minutes as the CNS recovers slower than the ATP/glycogen pathways (about 3 min for those). This is key so do take care to rest long enough to recoup strength.

EDT blocks can be performed but AFTER the loading pattern big BB work. IF you have the energy. Don't feel bad if you can only do 1-2 and only 3-4 sets. Remember, they serve a purpose but are only part of the equation..

How often should I train a week hitting my main lifts?
A. Suggest starting with a 1 on 1 off and inserting an extra rest day periodically when you feel the need. I find I quickly move to 1on/2off and eventually to a 1on/3off but I'm 41 now. You may recover quicker!

I started my Famine today and I now remember how hard it was :p.. Is their any ways to keep yourself fuller besides drinking ton of water! my friend sais on his diets he uses artificial sweetener 0 calories (twin liquid) or lets say coke zero?

A. Consider adding benefiber or like soluble fiber to your water. It will keep you fuller. Also, those fruit/veggie detox drinks listed in my sig link are WONDERFUL additions to famine and LOADED with fiber. Check them out!
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Post by Justin »

Sounds super interesting! on the week off do you completely stop working out or you just do normal training?!?

Now for my Feast Template:
Monday: Workout 1 ( Chest/Back)
Main Compound movement: Bench Press super set with heavy dips
EDT Block1:
Incline BB or DB press
wide grip chin ups/Pulldowns

Main compound movement 2: Deadlift
EDT Block 2:
DB Flies
Cable rows/T-bar row

Finish lighter weight to stretch back/chest
1set DB pullovers
Tuesday: usually hockey

Wednesday: Cardio
Thursday: Workout 2:(bi/tri)
Main lift: ""
EDT block 1:
Decline tricep extentions
BB curl

Main Lift 2: ""
EDT block 2:
tricep pushdown
incline DB curl
Saturday:Workout 3(shoulders)
Main: ""
Reverse peck deck

Main 2: ""
EDT 2:
Side laterals
good mornings
Sunday: OFF

Quick Update:

2nd day of Famine and things are going pretty smoothly except for one headache during the day, It might have been from not eating because i had a banana right after and it felt better almost instantly :) so far today i've eaten 250 calories and plan on hitting 400 for the day :) which is much better then my last run where I almost always went a little over 500
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Post by RobRegish »

Week off means week off. Just relax and practice recouperative measures.

Did I read correctly you're taking in 400-500K/day? That's not famine man, that's starvation!

Please make sure you don't take things that deep. The idea isn't to starve, just create a mild (certain macro)/caloric deficit and allow the training to deplete muscle substrate, sending the alarm signal to your brain..

HEED this advice: Health first! Otherwise, I appreciate your dedication :)
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Post by Justin »

HAHA true well I'm able to survive so far ! i ate 2 bananas and 2 celeries all day :p now going to have a salad! I feel that drinking water is key, and is it possible from doing this that i can complete famine in shorter time because its my gf's birthday on Saturday and it will be hard not to throw in some junk foods or protein so i was hoping if i cut a little more foods i can get to the lower HR faster. It's really not that bad! celery helps a lot because its basically food with no calories and i do feel a little fuller after some.

does my workout template look okay?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, but do take care like I said.

400-500K day isn't what I recommend but you're in charge so your call. I don't know if I'd have to energy to walk let alone workout...

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Post by Justin »

Haha We'll my body should tell me if ever I'm going to low and I'll just add in a cucumber/apple or some other fruit/veggie. :)

MY goal after this bp is to bench 210 for a solid 6-8 reps!
current weight:177 (before famine)
my max bench now is 210:3-4 reps
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Post by Justin »

Today was pretty good workout went fairly well! only thing is im to anxious to get the famine over with!!
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Post by RobRegish »

Aren't we all... :)
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