Hank's 2nd Run

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by Hank! »

dracotdrgn wrote:Too bad about the elbow Hank. Injuries suck, but all the greats have a list of gym injuries. Reading your log again you are kickin some major ass and that BP is down right awesome.
Rob~bounced checks.....really? The BP nation is widley spread if you need someone knee capped in my area you let me know. :twisted:
Thanks Brother. I think is just my biceps tendon acting up, no biggie I will do some GPP and watch it for a bit.

I am going to start my next famine so that my feast is during Thanksgiving, gives me time to heal and get back to homestatsis..(no homo)
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Dang Hank!.. you tore it up brother, Amazing gains you're bench blew up since our first runs!!.. I got some catchn up to do... Uh O!! This log just threw more gas on the fire!!!..I'm comn for ya Hanky!!! ;)
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