Horrible feast workout 2

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Horrible feast workout 2

Post by LHockey »

October 18th:

Important Note: I went to sydney thursday-monday morning, and while there was outside all day probably walking 5-10 miles a day friday-sunday. friday i tried to fit in a lift without having much sleep the few nights earlier due to a hectic school schedule and had a HORRENDOUS lift. only got 1 rep for both DB Bench and Squats when i needed 4-6 reps... didn't do the EDT blocks and called it a day

Fastforward to monday's workout!

Feast Day 10

creatine mono

Feast Workout 2:

DB Bench
only got 2 reps instead of the 4-6 i needed... then dropped the weight to the same as workout 1 and only got 5 reps instead of 7

EDT block went fine

Front Squat
damnit, expected at least 5 here and got stuck on the 4th rep up... disappointing

Dimel Deadlift

GREAT EDT block! workout finally kicked into gear

Thoughts: well my friday workout sucked so i pushed it back to monday... and it still wasn't great. I'm hoping the walking around all day and not sleeping enough was the reason for my subpar workout... i'll weigh myself tomorrow but i think i was eating enough over the weekend and had good sleep the past 2 nights.

my question: does anyone have an idea why workout 2 was so horrible twice in a row? it's been 6 days since workout 1, which went SUPER well (strength equal to before famine)
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Post by LHockey »

i'm thinking maybe i shouldn't do the EDT blocks in addition to the HIT training?

my recovery has never been good and while i love doing the EDT blocks and feel intense doing them, maybe they're holding my strength back?
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Post by Hank! »

EDT (they way we do them) and HIIT arent really strength builders and the will hold your strength back compared to a program not doing those two exercises.

To over simplify

Eat Big / Lift Big /Sleep Big = Big Gains
Eat Big / Lift Big /Sleep Big / EDT & HIIT/ = Moderate Gains but Big Fat Loss

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Post by LHockey »

Hank! wrote:EDT (they way we do them) and HIIT arent really strength builders and the will hold your strength back compared to a program not doing those two exercises.

To over simplify

Eat Big / Lift Big /Sleep Big = Big Gains
Eat Big / Lift Big /Sleep Big / EDT & HIIT/ = Moderate Gains but Big Fat Loss

i appreciate the quick response, but i should clarify:

by HIT i meant the one set to failure of bench and squats... i'm not doing any cardio right now, just lifting.

so again, would the EDT blocks negatively affect my strength gains?

oh and lastly, i've been doing my EDT blocks right after the main lift so bench, then the bench/row EDT block... next time i'll do my bench to failure, then squat to failure, THEN the 2 EDT blocks (if i continue to do them)
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Post by Hank! »

Okay I thought you meant High Intensity Interval Training.

I will wait for one of the other guys to step in here but my opinion is going to failure then doing EDT may be counter productive seeing as by the time you get to the EDT's you will have consumed all the glycogen stores and could be cannibalizing muscle at that point
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Post by LHockey »

Hank! wrote:Okay I thought you meant High Intensity Interval Training.

I will wait for one of the other guys to step in here but my opinion is going to failure then doing EDT may be counter productive seeing as by the time you get to the EDT's you will have consumed all the glycogen stores and could be cannibalizing muscle at that point
alright cool i was thinking something along those lines

that said, i have almost NO soreness after yesterdays lift, which is the complete opposite of feast workout 1 (could barely move the next day). so far feeling better :)
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Post by scump »

your on the first 5 workouts of feast correct?

during this stage you have to consume monsterous amounts of cals for a couple of reasons... sweet gains, but the biggy which we dont mention is recovery, to gain you have to eat, if your not recoverying your not gaining.

your not running an adaptogen right?

which means you will need more rest days than everyone else, its normal for people to have 2-3 rest days between workouts while STILL eating big, because these workouts are intense.

it sounds to me like enough calories weren't consumed or enough rest wasn't happening. some HIT workouts require you to have 6 days rest because they are that intense... just for a guide.
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Post by LHockey »

scump wrote:your on the first 5 workouts of feast correct?

your not running an adaptogen right?
correct, i've done workouts 1 and 2 of feast (workout 1 went GREAT)... i AM running kre-anabolyn and my cals have been high enough, but i don't think i was sleeping enough due to school. i'm on day 11 of feast and i'm up 4.5lbs, so back at my pre famine weight, but travelling over the weekend screwed with my training and sleep.

this week i'm staying put with lots of sleep, cals, and little movement so i expect workout 3 to be much better
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