SuperCissus RX

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SuperCissus RX

Post by srsilvguy »

I'm about to start my famine phase of BP and was wondering if taking cissus for my joints would have a negative impact during these 5 days. A USPlabs rep said this:

"cissus has many "steroid like compounds" that are not well understood but anabolic in nature.

6-8 caps of Super Cissus Rx can produce a very apparent anabolic feeling."

Should I stop taking this for my famine phase?
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Post by RobRegish »

Yes, unless you're in excrutiating pain.

The "steroid like compounds" stuff is a bit over-done. It is a FANTASTIC product however and I've used the bulk stuff myself. But yes, you want to stop for 5 days and resume during Feast/Cruise.

Hope that helps!
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Post by Hank! »

Maybe BrainSquirt will chime in, but have they ever figured out how this stuff works?

I cycle it as part of my joint health regimen and do feel that it works
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Post by BrainSquirt »

Sorry, I can't chime in anything new. In fact, my questions from the other Cissus topic remain mostly unanswered. So at this point for myself, I have loosely 'classified' the product as medicinal, not food or supplement, and use it sparingly as an analgesic. Am pretty sure it somehow has a good place in adaptogen / anabolic cycles but as of yet haven't gotten a good feel for timing / placement and dosage and which 'grade' to use, etc...
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