Does this count as my 3rd run?

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Post by MSR9889 »

didnt get much sleep last night. the power went out in my dorm and it was too hot to get comfortable.
took ultima and 2 sample packets of NL octrain preworkout
intra drank 40g bcaas, 6g citrulline malate, and 1 tsp razz lemonade mix
pwo was 1 scoop whey, 1.5 tbsp razz lemonade mix

bench- 110x10, 135x8, 145x6, 160x6, 170x6, 185x5 and 1 rep with help

incline db bench- 60x29/24, right hand did 5 less reps
t-bar rows- +90x42

should have increased the weight on t-bar rows. i went a little low because i was tired. my right hand kept dying early on the incline so that was a limiting factor. my left did an extra rep each time.

skull crushers- 55x29
incline db curls- 25x42

tried 65 on skull crushers first and my arms were shaking so i dropped the weight. should have done more on the curls but again went low because i was tired and someone was using the 30s.

Static hold
power rack bench- +235x2 for as slow of a negative as i could

i could hold the weight fine but once i bent my elbows i started to go down at a controlled speed then gave out once i reached a 90 degree angle in my elbows.

should i count the bar in the weight on the power rack or should i add more weight next time? the power rack at the gym at my house is basically weightless but this one seems a little heavier.
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Post by RobRegish »

Solid work!

I never count the bar on those types of exercises. Just the weight. You may do it differently. Just easier for me to visualize/keep track of.

Way to go Matt. Hope you get some sleep. I'm exhausted myself...
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Post by MSR9889 »

tired today but hit the gym anyways. my back was stiff and didnt hold up well on squats.
took ultima preworkout
intra took 36g bcaas, tsp razz lemonade mix, 4g citrulline malate

squats- 95x5, 150x10, 185x8, 200x6, 220x6, 235x5, 255x1

deadlift- 245x42
leg sled- 410x39

static hold
decline crunch- 2x as long as i could hold it

leg sled my second to last set i stopped at 3 reps because my side was bothering me a little. also the entire time on the leg sled my back didnt feel comfortable. ill up the weight on both next time.
last rep of 235 and on 255 my back broke at the bottom and i decided to stop instead of forcing the weight up since my back was stiff to begin with.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK man, looks good. That's alot of DL tonnage for reps!

Now do experiment with that gift that arrived recently. For it is now that it can be of most value (when the back starts acting up).

Let me know how progress goes with that...
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Post by MSR9889 »

RobRegish wrote:OK man, looks good. That's alot of DL tonnage for reps!

Now do experiment with that gift that arrived recently. For it is now that it can be of most value (when the back starts acting up).

Let me know how progress goes with that...
i havent gotten the belt yet that i know of but ill check the mail room tomorrow.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK do keep me posted. I think I flipped you the tracking #...
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Post by MSR9889 »

3rd bench workout. meant to go yesterday but the past 3 nights i had not slept very well. last night i slept ok and felt good this morning.

bench- 110x10, 145x8, 160x6, 170x4, 185x4, 200x1 and 2 reps with help

incline db bench- 60x34/33
t-bar rows- 105x39

right side was again weaker than the left

skull crushers- 55x36
incline db curl- 30x30

power rack negatives- 270x2 with help on the second to bring it down slower

not a bad day overall. left bicep was burning during the db curls, not sure why it was so severe but it held me back a little.
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Post by RobRegish »

Great workout Matt and as always, solid all around!

Has the Eagle landed yet?
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Post by MSR9889 »

nothing yet, im hoping it comes today so i can have it for tomorrow/sunday
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Post by RobRegish »

OK. Let me know if it doesn't. You have the tracking # correct?

Damn it should have been there by now!
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Post by MSR9889 »

squats later today, no belt though. im pretty sure you gave me the tracking # but i cant find the pm.

actually im skipping squats today because im a little tired and ive got a lot of work to do, so squats tomorrow and hopefully the belt will be here
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Post by RobRegish »

IF it's not, PM or call me. Believe you have my #.

Should have been there by now..
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Post by MSR9889 »

hopefully you see this before wasting time finding the tracking number. turns out the belt is on back order and it will still be another 2-3 weeks until it ships.
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Post by RobRegish »

Yeah that's the good news. Did anybody tell me/you?

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