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Post by JlCh »

So, if I were to change up the rep #'s from week to week it'd workout? Week 1 x12, week 2x8, week 3 x10, week 4 x5 (just examples).
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Post by RobRegish »

I'd entertain that. Just make sure for those workouts you repeat for like reps, make sure you lift more and make sure to stay out of the 90th percentil as I counsel..
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Post by JlCh »

So what do you mean by 90%? As in don't fail, or stay away from weight that goes into 90+ of your max?
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Post by RobRegish »

90% of your 1RM.

Your CNS will be coming off of a big taxing. So your mind a body will appreciate the break..
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Post by JlCh »

That's what I thought, but the way you said to stay out of it made me think that I had a misunderstanding.

I'm wanting to stay above 8 reps (preferably 10-15), so I'm not even wanting to touch 5, let alone 1-3 reps. Thanks for clarifying though.
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Post by RobRegish »

My pleasure. Roll on into Cruise..
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Post by JlCh »

Would like to dabble with a couple more GLP workouts. I'll back out if I feel it's not worth it.
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Post by RobRegish »

OK you have my blessing :)
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Post by JlCh »

Will be skipping out on today's workout and will see how many days after that. We have a wood stove here for heat, and needless to say it was boiling in my room 2 nights ago and I couldn't fall asleep. I opened up my window and fell asleep with it open. The cold air made my nose run all night and yesterday my throat started hurting. Luckily enough I started taking antibiotics yesterday before the symptoms came full bloom. Just checked out my throat and it's looking pretty gnarly -- more than likely strep throat. I personally feel fine and full of energy, just my throat is sore and my nose is running a bit.
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Post by RobRegish »

If the cold is above your chest, hit it hard.

If not, rest. Old (but very good) advice...
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Post by JlCh »

Yea, I would have gone to the gym anyway typically, but as much as I'd like to go there was potential for me still being contagious. Respect I suppose.
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Post by RobRegish »

A rare quality indeed. Doesn't surprise me :)
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Post by JlCh »

Yea, it's kind of a shame though. I was pretty carbed up and ready to hit the gym (2 PPnJ sandwiches and a HUGE plate of spaghetti with tons of hamburger in it for last 2 meals). Oh well, will go in on Wed and hit it hard.
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Post by JlCh »

Just figured I'd toss an update in here.

Still sick. On top of the stuffy head and strep throat the virus/cold has moved down into the lungs where I'm coughing pretty hard. I'm hoping I feeling better by Friday and I'm wanting to end feast the week after next.
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