Peb5048's first run at BP

Unfiltered Tips & Techniques centered around Blueprint Training
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Post by peb5048 »

Okay, here is my plan for tomorrows lift...First day of cruise

Wake up:
1 Scoop Whey
1 Banana
5g Creatine
5g Glutamne


1 Scoop Whey
1 Large Apple
3 Capsules Burn It Up
2g Beta Alanine
5g Creatine
5g Glutamine

Same as before (Protein, Waxy Maize, BCAAs)

40g Whey
70g Waxy Maize
5g Creatine
5g Glutamine
2g Beta Alanine

Hour Later:
Real Food (Carbs, Protein, Fats)

Bench Press 5x5
Shoulder Press 5x5
Close Grip Bench Press 5x5
Close Grip Bench (Static)
Cable Crunch (Static)

How does my nutrition around my lift and workout look?
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Post by RobRegish »

Very solid all around Peb. VERY solid.

You've done your homework here. Interested to know how you like that Burn It Up. Really noticeable when I DROP it altogether. Funny like that this product is...
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Post by bigpelo »

bigpelo wrote:
peb5048 wrote:
For "Burn It Up" what is the recommended dosage for training and non training days?
I would like to know as well...
Answer for Rob:

max 3 caps of burn it up before workout
and if needed, 2 or 3 caps on non training day if mental alertness is required of physical activity
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Post by JlCh »

Is the 15 g's of creatine necessary? Seems 10 pre/post would be plenty. Always was under the understanding that your body really only utilizes 5 g's a day or so. Would like to hear more on that.
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Post by peb5048 »

for the first 5 days I am loading creatine 20g/day and after that I'm bring it back down to 10g/day
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Post by RobRegish »

There is merit to loading creatine IF your goal is super-saturation in a hurry. If not, as little as 3g/day will get you there... eventually.

All in all given its price point, I can't see a reason not to load other than the hassle/gastrointestinal upset if that bothers you...
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I'm back

Post by peb5048 »

Hey Rob,

It's been sometime since I have last posted. My cruise went well and I have been lifting lately with a lot of compound exercises (Haven't worked biceps, triceps, calves in 3 months). I am thinking about running the blueprint again with everything similar but this time a different peri-workout approach. Oh yeah I am cutting for summer...

Please tell me how this protocol looks. I want to try biotest surge recovery...heard it is a good peri workout.

> Pre-workout (1-2 hours before working out) - Real food combining of pro/carbs (Chicken and Sweet Potato)?

> Foam Rolling, Dynamic Mobility (15 minutes before lifting) - start sipping Surge Recovery + 5g Creatine +20g BCAAs?

> Heavy Lifting - Continue sipping Surge Recovery + 5g Creatine +20g BCAAs?

> Stretching - Finish Surge Recovery + 5g Creatine +20g BCAAs?

> Post-Workout = Another serving of Surge Recovery and then 60-90 minutes later real food? or just wait an 45minutes or so for real food?

I don't know whether after my workout i should have another post workout shake and then a meal about 1-2 hours later or just wait about 45 minutes after finishing up my peri-workout shake and then eating a full meal.

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Re: I'm back

Post by RobRegish »

K man, on with the show...
peb5048 wrote:Hey Rob,

It's been sometime since I have last posted. My cruise went well and I have been lifting lately with a lot of compound exercises (Haven't worked biceps, triceps, calves in 3 months). I am thinking about running the blueprint again with everything similar but this time a different peri-workout approach. Oh yeah I am cutting for summer...

Please tell me how this protocol looks. I want to try biotest surge recovery...heard it is a good peri workout.

A. Before you give the boys at Biojest anymore money, PM me for "The Formula"... :)

In all honesty, this is one of their better products... but I bet The 3 Faces of Fear(tm) can do you better.

> Pre-workout (1-2 hours before working out) - Real food combining of pro/carbs (Chicken and Sweet Potato)?

A. Make sure it's closer to the 1 hour mark. Your insulin sensitivity window closes around the 2 hour mark, in most cases.

> Foam Rolling, Dynamic Mobility (15 minutes before lifting) - start sipping Surge Recovery + 5g Creatine +20g BCAAs?

A. If you have "Surge" in hand the creatine's OK to add. It already has BCAA's so save yourself some $$$ there..

> Heavy Lifting - Continue sipping Surge Recovery + 5g Creatine +20g BCAAs?

A. As above..

> Stretching - Finish Surge Recovery + 5g Creatine +20g BCAAs?

A. As above.

> Post-Workout = Another serving of Surge Recovery and then 60-90 minutes later real food? or just wait an 45minutes or so for real food?

I don't know whether after my workout i should have another post workout shake and then a meal about 1-2 hours later or just wait about 45 minutes after finishing up my peri-workout shake and then eating a full meal.

A. Put the breaks on the intra workout stuff at the end of your workout. Then hit the solid food at the 1 hour mark.

A. Great to be back. And thanks for having my back.... :)
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