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Post by Street-dreams »

lol..ok im not doing the bp yet I am in the middle of a bulk right now.
I was trying to get everything taken care of now...just because I am excited..

I understand the process of famine.. going to do the famine workouts from the BP

the workouts I am trying to come up with are for feast..
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Post by RobRegish »

OK. Best to take it week by week :)

Let's rewind. Please re-state your original question. It may help me figure things out and help you...
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Post by Street-dreams »

well, as I said in the first post I would like to raise Bench and Deadlift.

I figured that switching deadlift for squat should be no problem.. I mean both squat and deadlift are big compound lifts that affect ALOT of muscle groups. I just wanted to know how to do so because I dont think ive seen anyone do that, most of the journals Ive looked at only do Sq and BP.

I will make a new post when I am ready to start BP and will undoubtedly have more questions and such as I go.
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